[wiccan commander 2525]'s diary

807536  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-06-13
Written: (6845 days ago)
Next in thread: 808142


I'm the girl who will put her head on your shoulder, not because she's sleepy, but because she wants to be closer to you...

I'm the girl who likes to be kissed under the stars, more than inside your bedroom or in a expensive resturant...

I'm the girl who holds your hand....

I'm the girl who doesn't mind you playing with her hair....

I'm the girl who makes jokes with your mom...

I'm the girl who stares into your eyes looking for a reason what you see in me.......

I'm the girl who loves to end a hug with a kiss...

I'm the girl who will take care of you when you are sick...

I'm the girl who you can talk to about anything...

I'm the girl who laughs at your jokes...

I'm the girl who will listen to you talk...

I'm the girl who loves when you hug me for no apparent reason...

I'm the girl who loves it when you hug me from behind or kiss me on the forehead....

I'm the girl who loves you for you ; and doesn't care what other people say about us...

I'm the girl who will love you unconditionally for the rest of your life...

SWEET HEARTED GIRLS : If you are this girl repost this saying "I'm this girl"

DUDES: If you want this girl repost "I want this Girl"

LUCKY BASTARDS: "I have this girl" if you already have her

801558  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-06-01
Written: (6857 days ago)

Girl: "Forgive me father for I have sinned."

Priest: "What have you done my child?"

Girl: "I called a man a son of a bit**."

Priest: "Why did you call him a son of a bit**?"

Girl: "Because he touched my hand."

Priest: "Like this?" (as he touches her hand)

Girl: "Yes father."

Priest: "That's no reason to call a man a son of a bit**."

Girl: "Then he touched my breast."

Priest: "Like this?" (as he touched her breast)

Girl: "Yes father."

Priest: "That's no reason to call him a son of a bit**."

Girl: "Then he took off my clothes, father."

Priest: "Like this?" (as he takes off her clothes)

Girl: "Yes father."

Priest: "That's no reason to call him a son of a bit**."

Girl: "Then he stuck his you know what into my you know where."

Priest: "Like this?" (as he stuck his you know what into her you know where)


Priest: (after a few minutes): "That's no reason to call him a son of a bit**."

Girl: "But father he had AIDS!"

Priest: "THAT SON OF A BIT**!!!"

Repost if you laughed

800233  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-05-30
Written: (6859 days ago)

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Yay percentages!!!!!!
Current mood: busy

[x] You own more than 4 bandannas.
[ ] You wear your jeans tighter than tight.
[ ] You wear flats and converse.
[ ] You wear long beaded necklaces and fake pearls.
[x] You wear studded belts.
[x] You shop at thrift stores.
[x] You make your own clothes.
[ ] You wear shirts of bands you've never heard of.
[ ] You buy shirts from the little boys section.
[ ] You wear more clothing layers than an eskimo.
[ ] You love to wear bright colors.
[x] You borrow your boyfriend or girlfriend's clothes.
[ ] You wear skinny jeans that go in at your ankle.
Total: 5

[ ] You cut you own hair.
[ ] You have 2 or more different colors in your hair.
[ ] You have a mullet.
[ ] You spend more than 15 minutes straightening and/or styling your hair every day.
[ ] You own more than 20 hair products.
[x] You dont' wash your hair everyday. ( ur not suppose to ppl .. unless u wanna loose all ur hair )
Total: 1

[ ] You're sXe, but just because you're a minor.
[ ] You love God.
[ ] You're a vegetarian.
[x] You love going to shows and beating up invisible people.
[ ] You're in love with yourself.
[ ] You think you're a gangsta.
[x] Your music is better than everyone else's.
Total: 2

[ ] You have x's in your screename.
[ ] Your myspace pictures show less than half of your face.
[ ] Your comments and/or friends are hidden on your profile.
[x] You check your myspace at least every day.
[ ] You bought a sidekick just so you could check your myspace.
Total: 1

[x] Robots
[ ] Dinosaurs
[ ] Hello Kitty
[ ] Makeup
[ ] Little kid jewelry and hair stuff
[ ] Animal Prints
[x] Piercings
[x] Tattoos
[x] Stars
[ ] Stripes
[ ] Polkadots
[ ] Huge sunglasses
[x] Camo
Total: 5

[ ] Goth kids
[ ] Nu-metal
[x] annoying people
[x] Stuck up people
[x] Curly Hair
[x] Mean Kids
Total: 4

Total score: 18
double your score and thats ur scene percentage =]
percentage: 36%

Currently listening:
Karma and Effect
By Seether
Release date: By 24 May, 2005 

789686  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-05-09
Written: (6880 days ago)


788454  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-05-06
Written: (6883 days ago)

I am...: Me...
I fight...: For the hell of it.
I want...: Nothing cept to live.
I have...: Wronged people and gotten it back at me.
I learn...: Constantly.(unfortunetly)
I am happy...: When I'm with him.
I know...: That people dislike me.
I wish...: I was with him right now.
I hate....: Lycans.
I think...: About when my next assignment is due.
I miss...: My True Home.
I fear...: Failing the one I love.
I hear...: Pain in the other room.
I wonder...: What I will do with my life..
I regret...: Not always doing what I like.
I love...: [nightgoth].
I ache...: After my school day.
I always...: Am here.
I am not...: What everyone is looking for.
I don't...: Like the human race or Lycans.
I sing...: Around my friends.
I cry...: When I haven't seen him in a while.
I write...: Stuff go to Wiccan Commander's Writings to find out what.
I win...: Nothing.
I lose...: Almost everything.
I can...: Be who I want to be.
I can't...: Let my life pass me by.
I listen...: To the wind.
I need...: To be out of school.
I hope...: To rule once more.
I search...: For death.
I should...: Work harder.
I realize...: That people are annoying.

785951  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-04-30
Written: (6889 days ago)

I am so tired... I have been sick for a good couple days. I had to miss school so now i am gonna have so much god dam work to make up my head might explode. My wonderful guy came over to take care of me and so I'm very happy. He even sat by my side and let me take a nap when I hadn't slept for two days. He cares so much and I love him more than life. Even when I'm sick and feeling icky he can always make me smile. What a wonderful guy I have.

777291  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-04-13
Written: (6906 days ago)

I swim in the sea of death. I live in a hell so painful that no one can understand. I see your blood and I long to let it seep into the ground. I don't understand your pain but maybe when your blood coats my skin you will understand why I hurt...

769642  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-03-28
Written: (6923 days ago)
Next in thread: 770629

A poem I wrote:


Darkened souls follow you….

They tell me…what will happen…

When the land stops growing…

When our eyes loose they're glow….

Darkened souls see you…

They know me… when will it happen?

When the heart stops?

When your eyes watch me fall?

Who let you in?

When will the souls let go and no longer watch

As we lie together… alone…

Needy and asleep?

Oh such painful Darkened souls….
Why not let me go?

(Another one)
How am I supposed to explain how I feel to him?
He won't understand if I tell him straight on...
He will tell me I'm ridiculous.
I don't want him to think that!
This sux....
What am I gonna say?
How? Why? This is horrible...
I told him it was cause......
But it's not.....
It just gives me the heeby jeebies!
Dam that lie!
How much I care.... How much I love...
How much won't happen if he...
and I don't... I refuse to say it...

(Some of my favoritist quotes from my friends!)
"like a bottle of cheap vodka"-The Gretzanator
"BVB, Brathwa vs. Bearcat"-Brathwa
"I can suck my toe, wanna see?"-Yar
"The pink sweater and cackies is the real me..."-Zra
"Herold is an evil obnoxious little man with no brain, no sense of time, and no sensibility"-McPhers.
"My nose looks like a flattened mushroom"-Brit.
"I love frisbee even though we are throwing flying discs that could decapitate us if we are not looking...*giggle*"-CC

and then...../

I had a conversation with myself today. And Get this. It was with myself! I totally rock don't I.....

766619  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-03-22
Written: (6928 days ago)

Check out my wikis! Wiccan Commander's Pics Is always a good place to start Pls and thank you!

765748  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-03-20
Written: (6930 days ago)

I took the quizzy testy thingy at What Kind of Elftowner are you? so I am....

More than likely, you are an average adult Elftowner!

How you came across the site is unimportant, but you've stayed here anyway. You check Elftown as often as you can, maybe more often than you should. You even check it at work, or did before your boss blocked it. You have participated in a few contest and you might even have a few badges to show for it. You have a good-sized relations list and you pretty much know your way around. You help other people when you can, and you have met some people you would call friends here.

764054  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-03-16
Written: (6934 days ago)

 The tragic end to the squirrely castle..

"Creation is the work of a lifetime, Destruction is the work of an afternoon"

764052  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-03-16
Written: (6934 days ago)

Doggy vs Johnny

764041  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-03-16
Written: (6934 days ago)

Freak in Bed.
High sex appeal.
Rare to find.
Great when found.
Loves being in long relationships.

764037  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-03-16
Written: (6934 days ago)

Johnny though he had Stewie Griffin pinned....
But when Johnny turned his back... Stewie was already to pounce..

763677  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-03-15
Written: (6935 days ago)

Me I was bored and I wanted a wacked out hippie pic....
Believe it or not my room is clean in this pic....
I'm such a happy person....
One of my friends took this... I was depressed and looking out a window...
<img:http://elftown.lysator.liu.se/img/drawing/164182_1142355401.jpg> another picture of me.<img:http://elftown.lysator.liu.se/img/photo/164182_1142355203.jpg> Just another pic that I was messing around with... I like how this one turned out as well... even though i'm purple!!!!!!!!!!

763666  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-03-15
Written: (6935 days ago)

Title: *for girls eyes ONLY*
Rating: Everyone | Avg Vote: 4.5 | Type: unspecified
Add Quiz to My Picks List | Quiz Info | Report This Quiz

Girls only.......................................................................................



Did you know kissing is healthy

It's good to cry

Chicken soup actually makes you feel better

94% of boys would love it if you sent them flowers

Lying is actually unhealthy

Only apply mascara to your top lashes

It's actually true, boys DO insult you when they like you!

89% of guys want YOU to make the 1st move
Ya but 99.99% of girls want guys to make the first move

Chocolate will make you feel better!

Most boys think it's cute when you say the wrong thing.

A good friend never judges.

A good foundation will hide hickeys!..not that you have any

Boys aren't worth your tears

We ALL love surprises!!

Now.... make a wish!

Wish REALLLLLLY hard!!!


























































Your wish has just been received

repost this with the title *for girls eyes ONLY* in the next 15mins and...Your wish WILL BE GRANTED

763660  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-03-15
Written: (6935 days ago)

""I'll kill any fucker who does this to my girl or any girl"

Guy"Can we have sex right now?"
Girl: "Can we do what?"
Guy: "You know, can I be your first, finally?"
Girl: "Um.....no."
Guy: "Why?"
Girl: "Because, 1. you have a girlfriend, who happens to be my friend......."
Guy: "So, if you don't tell, I won' tell."
Girl: "Besides that, I'm waiting for someone special. Someone that I want to be with for the rest of my life to be my first."
Guy: "I'm not special to you?"
Girl: "You're my friend. That's all."
Guy: looks forward and keeps driving.

5 minutes pass.......

Guy: starts to run his hand up the girl's thigh.
Girl: moves his hand, "Don't touch me?"
Guy: tries to kiss her.
Girl: screams, "Would you stop."
Guy: continues trying.
Girl: moves to the back seat

Guy: parks on an abandoned street and gets in the backseat with the girl. Starts to kiss her.
Girl: pushes him off and scoots over, "Please, don't do this."
Guy: "Don't do what, I know you want it, I can see it in your eyes." Moves over to her and starts to unbutton her pants.
Girl: pushes him harder and says, "No, don't."
Guy: getting aggravated, punches her and tells her to stop "playing hard to get".
Girl: crying, continues to fight.
Guy: punches her harder, pulls her pants off, and holds her down.
Girl: screams as he penetrates her, "NO, please don't do this to me!"
Guy: puts his hand over her mouth.

An hour passes.........

Guy: pulls back and wipes himself off.
Girl: sits on the corner of the seat, sobbing.
Guy: looks at her and says, "You better not tell anybody about this. If you're really my friend, you won't tell anybody about this. You know I love you." He reaches out his hand to touch her cheek.
Girl: pulls back, "Just take me home, now."
Guy: says, "Alright." Gets in the front seat and drives her home.

2 months later.........

Girl: "Doctor, what's wrong with me. I haven't had my time of the month in 2 months."
Doctor: looks at her, "You haven't been having your "time" for a reason."
Girl: looks at him and says, "Why?" dreading the answer that she was sure to receive.
Doctor: "You are pregnant."
Girl: faints.

The story gets out that she is pregnant, and people start looking to the Guy. He claims that it isn't his because she was sleeping with every guy in the school(which was a lie). He goes to her and tells her, "I'm telling you, if you lie to people and say that I raped you, I'll kill you."

The Girl is completely devastated. First, he took her virginity and got her pregnant....then he lied about it. So completely depressed......the girl commits suicide by drug overdose.......

Girls, if this story touched you, repost it as "That's Fucked up"
Guys, if this story touched you, repost it as "I'll kill any fucker who does this to my girl or any girl"

761925  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-03-11
Written: (6939 days ago)

If this doesn't make you sad, you have problems. Oh..and I'd suggest you get the tissues ready..:'(


hey, hun
 girl- hey

boy- i missed u at school 2day, y weren't u there?

girl- yeah, i had to go to the doctor.

boy- oh rele? y?

girl- oh nothin, annual shots, thats all.

boy- oh

girl- so wht did we do in math 2day?

boy- u didnt miss ne thing that great.......just lots of notes

girl- ok good

boy- yeah

girl- hey i have a question......

boy- ok, ask away

girl-........how much do u love me?

boy- u kno i love u more than anything

girl- yeah.....

boy- y did u ask?


boy- is something wrong?

girl- no nothing at all

boy- good.

girl- ..............how much do u care about me?

boy- i would give u the world in a heartbeat if i could.

girl- u would?

boy- yeah.........of course i would sounding worried< is there something wrong??

girl- no, everythings fine......

boy- are u sure?

girl- yeah.

boy- ok.......i hope so.

girl- ..............would u die for me?

boy- i would take a bullet for u anyday, hun

girl- rele?

boy- anyday. now seriously, is there something wrong???

girl- no im fine, ur fine, we're fine, everyones fine.

boy- ............ok

girl-......................well i have to go ill c u 2morrow at school. boy- alright, bye. I LOVE YOU.

girl- yeah, i love u 2, bye.


boy- hey, have u seen my g/f 2day?

friend- no

boy- oh.

- she wasnt here yesterday either.

boy- i know, she was acting all wierd on the phone last nite.

friend- well dude u kno how gurls are sumtimes

boy- yeah........but not her.

friend- idk wht else 2 say, man.

boy- k well i gotta get 2 english, ill c ya after school.

friend- yeah i gotta get to science, ttyl.


-ring- -ring- -ring- -ring-

girl- hello?

boy- hey

girl- oh, hi.

boy- y weren't u at school 2day?

girl- uh.......i had another doctor appointment.

boy- are u sick?

girl- ..................um i have 2 go, my mom's callin on my other line. boy- ill wait. girl- it may take a while, ill call u later.

boy-........alright, i love u hun. very long pause<

girl- (with tear in her eye) look, i think we should break up.

boy- wht???

girl- its the best thing for us right now.

boy- y????

girl- i love u.


boy- hey dude

friend- hey

boy- whts up

friend- nothin, hey have u talked 2 ur ex lately?

boy- no

friend- so u didnt hear?

boy- hear wht? friend- um idk if i should be the one to tell u......

boy- dude, wtf tell me

friend- uh....call this number....433-555-3468

boy- ok............


-ring- -ring- -ring-

 voice- hello, suppam county hospital, this is nurse beckam.

boy- uh.......i must have the wrong number, im looking for my friend.

voice- what is her name, sir?

(boy gives info)

voice- yes, this is the right number, she is one of our patients here. boy- rele? y? wht happened??? how is she???

voice- her room number is ..666, in building A, suite 3.

boy- WHT HAPPENED??!!!!

voice- plz come by sir and you can see her, goodbye.

boy- WAIT! NO! *dial tone*


boy- omg are u ok??

girl- ..................

boy- sweetie!! talk to me!!

girl- i..........

boy- u wht?? U WHT???

girl- i have cancer and im on life support

boy- .....................>breaks into tears<......................

girl- they're taking me off 2night

boy- y??

girl- i wanted 2 tell u but i couldnt

boy- y didnt u tell me????

girl- i didnt want 2 hurt u.

boy- u could never hurt me

girl- i just wanted 2 c if u felt bout me as the same i felt bout u.

boy- ?

girl- i love u more than anything, i would give u the world in a heartbeat. i would die for you and take a bullet for you.

boy- ...........

girl- dont be sad, i love u n ill always be here w/u

boy- then y'd u break up w/me?

nurse- young man, visiting hours are over.


but wht the boy didn't kno is that the girl only asked him those questions so

 she could hear him say it one last time, and she only broke up w/him because she knew she only had 3 more weeks to live, and thought it would cause him less pain and give him time to get over her before she died.


the boy is found dead with a gun in his hand..with a note in the

 other... THE NOTE SAID:

i told her i would take a bullet for her.... just like she said she would die for me...

Repost this. If you dont, you have no heart, your emotionless ........... Dont be a dumbass. Repost it.

759137  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-03-06
Written: (6944 days ago)


go to it, worship it.... love it for eternaty....

758250  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-03-04
Written: (6946 days ago)

92% percent of the teen population would be dead if Abercrombie and Fitch said it wasn't cool to breathe anymore. Repost this if you are one of the 8% who would be laughing your ass off.

757824  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-03-03
Written: (6947 days ago)

This has been such a long day... It started with my boring ass art class, but I'm getting better I suppose. Alas.. I am tired from that and procede to Physics where people like to put batteries on their tongues!!!!!!!!!!!!! AaaaH! Oh well. Next was English... what can i say.... English is so BORING!!!!!!!!! Then last but not least lets make the day better and go to math were the teacher asks obnoxious questions and you either know the answer or you don't.... School = death

 The logged in version 

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