[Tarmira]'s diary

409852  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-11-11
Written: (7424 days ago)

Thoday's theme: Replica by Sonata Artica

Why? Why did I fall for that guy? I don't want to be in love, it hurts....

403201  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-11-06
Written: (7430 days ago)

Another day has passed and in 6 hours I have to get up, but I am not tired. This is weird, I can feel my hart truneing hard and cold, I know it sound like a cliché but it is true. I have no respect for life anymore, I am not afraid for entarnal burning. "I have lost all faith in humanity" (-Ace, but it was in a total diffrent content he said this, yet it fit here too). What is this? Why do I feel that way? I don't even feel selfish, I just feel tired of this world, of the people in it. Yet I have not found the corage to end it all, since I am afraid of pain... I am a predator, a hunter in the dark (another cliché, but who cares..?) a vampire, a parasite, and do I care, NO... Ideed I do not, there is notthing in this world that can make me care...And that scare me. Am I really that cold? I want to ba and at the same time not? Who am I deep inside? Am I really the hunter I belive I am? I wonder....((Today's theme: "Romanticide" and "Higher than hope" by Nightwish))

401372  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-11-04
Written: (7431 days ago)

Well, still break. I am bored.... (trying to escape norwegian homework..)
and I am getting hooked on playing Counter Strike...
And I have dyed my hair, blue/black again...

400385  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-11-03
Written: (7432 days ago)

Time for another diary entry, or what?
Now we have november break, one week of school. Most norwegians are going home but I am staying on campus.
It is quite fun, I have been to Bergen, the biggest city around here. I've started learning about satanism and celebrated Samhain the wiccan way. Very interesting....
I have spent three and a half hours learning how to be a bad DM, (sorry for killing you character, Ace) but I guess everybody has to start somewhere...

387511  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-10-22
Written: (7444 days ago)

Well, well. Now I have been here at RCNUWC for over one month, it doesn't sound like a lot of time, but it is in this place. During that time my hart has been broken at least one time, by the most beautiful guy ever..I have discovered a new band, started learning three new languages, made freinds with people from all over the world. I have had one week where all we did was playing RPG (no classes) and I have been woken up 6 o'clock in the morning by a firealarm, then gone showering only to herded out again because the school was "beeing protected against terrorist atacks" (this was global concerns day, not real).
Latest thing I have done was archery, I smiply love it, two hours in some of the funnest company you can get and on top of it all you are allowed to shoot things (ballons, none of ours teachers volunteered to be the moving target, can't understand why...)..
Well, any questions or comments plase tell me, I am very intrested in tips about how to let go of your arrow with out making bruises on your arm...

360154  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-09-23
Written: (7473 days ago)

In seven minutes I am going to have my first arabic class.. tihi...

298863  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-07-25
Written: (7533 days ago)

Hm, life is not so great anymore. I'm in love..again. And beeing in love means artistic block du lux (for me at least). On top of being slightly depressed I do not find the will to either draw, write or even play 'post by post' roleplays. Thank godness I still read.. I have begun "The redemption of Althalus" again.. I kinda like that book...

293669  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-07-20
Written: (7538 days ago)

Well, well. Life is just great. I've been to my first LARP evver, and I had such a great time... This Larp, named Elencalion Formen, was acctually moved 'till next year, but we were 16 people showing up and having fun either way. There were no plot, and it was really fun, the more expiriensed player said that it acctually happend more on this larp than on many plot based ones and they had more fun because they could play their role in a diffrent way, without having to think about the plot...I don't know, but I know I had a great time..

241537  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-06-01
Written: (7587 days ago)

Today I have been viciting the place where I'll work this summer. It is a museum, and it is not that bad. The main building is from arond 1800 and the smaller one from 1600. Both are filled up with old stuff...

240567  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-05-31
Written: (7588 days ago)

Let me give all of you an advice, do not and I repest do NOT start reading Stoker's Dracula half past one in the night, when you are the last to go to bed in your house and you have the window open. I did, not fun, but at the same time it was.. But it is not that the first pages are very scary, becasue they are not, but you know what is coming and that scare me...

Apart from a nights bad sleep, today I have done notthing, it was one of those day when all you do is reading in the sun.. I love those days...

237598  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-05-28
Written: (7591 days ago)

Well, well. Toady we get to know what subject we will have an exam in. In norway you have two exams, one where you write the answers on a paper and one where you speak.. In writing,which we are having next week, we can get ecomonics, english or math. I do not know what I want to get. Well, I have to go now, I'll write more later...

Weewwee, we have no exam comming up. You see that was the fourth option, no exam... And guess what we got... I have a whole week of. No school, no exams, oh I feel great.

229705  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-05-21
Written: (7598 days ago)

I have dicied to ask this question more often: "Why?" I belive that I can not think for poeple, nobody can, but I can try to kick them in the right derection and one of the way to do that is to make then come up with reasons for things...

Apart from that: I have just been a week to Estiona and Russia. And if I never visit Talinn or St. Petersburg again.. well, let's just say that I really want to see more of both cities. So citizens of Talinn and St. Petersburg be proud of your cities, they are amazing...

214522  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-05-06
Written: (7613 days ago)

Well, my homepage is finally comming together. The only problem is that I only have time to work on it here at school and all the things I want up is at home... If you want to take a look at it here's the address http://www.geocities.com/queenfuil/index.html?1083840472324

213099  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-05-04
Written: (7615 days ago)

Well, well, well, rugby is fun people. At least the way em and my freinds play. 6 girls, one ball, no rules. Itis very good for getting anger out, the only problem is that we should have been more that 3 on each team. And the should have been boys to, it is more fun to play with boys because they aren't afraid of hurting you, at least they arn't afraid of hurting me. And that makes the game much rougher, which is fun...
Apart from that: on friday i am going to Estonia and Russia for a week, looking forward to that, but not to the bus ride from Shoutheren Norway to Stockholm... Too many hours in a bus with a lot people I don't like. Fortunally a lot of my freinds are going too...

212167  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-05-03
Written: (7616 days ago)

Back again at school after the weekend from hell. First Friday, Dugnad (as far as I know there are no english word for this, but it means working for free because you are a member), and stable when I got home around 21.00.. And it wasn't even my day (me and my brother have weekdays when we clean out the stable and feed the horses (and before anyone say, oh so lucky you are having horses, let me just tell you that cleaning out the stable is quite litturaly a, and I am going to a nother nowegian word, møkka jobb (a lttle bit worse that drit job)). Saturday Dugnad again and now it meant standing strait for nine hours selling stuff...
Sunday up at 05.00 for my aunt's konfirmasjon(comming of age is the english word I belive. Back home again at 23.00
And today I jhad a five hour norwegian end of year test about norwegian littrature history.. ehe... fun...

206081  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-04-26
Written: (7623 days ago)

Ahhh, English end of year test over, 12 a4 pages written,my arm hurts. I wrote 4 pages about the choice between public and state school in England and Wales. Fun...

195366  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-04-15
Written: (7634 days ago)

Well, people. Here I am again, at school after it is over... This time it is because of some leadership work... Rule the world is no longer at the top of my jobs-I-want-to-have-list. That could be fun having a poll about that (I want to create a poll, but not something that have been done many times before), any ideas on other dream jobs?

195299  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-04-15
Written: (7634 days ago)

"Happy Birthday Tonje" From Snow and Tiger.

Well, as you see I have birthday today. I honestly don't have time to say much more, school starts soon. Just wanted to remind you all, I am indeeed helpless..*grins*

194562  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-04-14
Written: (7635 days ago)

Ok, I'm in love again. i'm helpless. A year ago I met this guy on a vacation I was on and fell in love with him, and then during the summer I forgot him, or at least I got him out of my head. I had a wonderful time with him and a lot of other people I got to know. Then today,when it has been well over a year since I last saw him, I found a picture... And I fell. Again. Well, apart from the fact that I probaly won't be meeting him again, beeing in love is great.
Well, apart from beeing in love, I don't feel so good. School started again and we are having a project about Estiona. And my group isn't that good, I hate being on this groups with people who won't work.

193610  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-04-13
Written: (7636 days ago)

Well, a lot have happend since I last wrote in my diary. I've been to a school interveiw in Oslo, and spent a weekend with my familiy in Asker (a place close to Oslo(Oslo is the capitol of Norway for those of you who did not know)). I came home. I got the letter saying thet I got a place at one of the UWCs, not the one I wanted, but a UWC is a UWC. I accepted the place today. 
I just got home from getting my sister bach to Harstad where she lived, acctually we drove her to the airport. i miss her already. yet it is weird having her here, I am not used to having a sister...
Apart from thet not much have happed, I've had vacation, as have the rest of the world I think. But I have done a new selfprotrait, it is at my member house, please take a look and tell me what you think. I need a massage or a guest book notice, I feel lonely...

178138  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-03-26
Written: (7654 days ago)

Ah, new day, new beginning and even better it is friday. The only bad thing is an two hour french test later today. I may seem a bit overfocused on french, but the thing is that is a new lanuage to me, I started with is this year. And the other laguages I have, english, norwegian and german, well I use english just as much as I use norwegian, my motherlaguange, sometimes I catch myself thinking in english. I have given up German, after having it in 3 and a half year, I haev finally understood that I never gonna understand it. A bit of thet problem I gonna dedicate to my teachers 2 of 4 have been terrible, one(the best of them all) tried to learn us 2 years of german grammer in one year and we were not that interested.

Spring has fiannly come to southern norway, at last. The snow is melting, life could not be more perfect....  

 The logged in version 

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