[The sun keeps fading away.]'s diary

899051  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-01-16
Written: (6464 days ago)

And when I shall die take him and cut him up in little stars\\**¤•, and he will make the face of heaven so fine that all the world will fall in ♥//love with night and pay no worship to the garish sun.

897909  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-01-13
Written: (6467 days ago)

>>//XI have no thought at all about my own reward.
I really didn't come here of my own accord.
Just don't say I'm ... damned for all time.|x\\

boo, burbur, ashleah, leah, sleah, brat, hey you, pumpkin, pumpkinhead, ashy...see >.< these are just the names cheeswiz is called by her mother >.< 

896501  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-01-09
Written: (6471 days ago)

No matter what a stripper tells you
There's no sex in the Champagne Room.. NONE!
Oh there's CHAMPAGNE in the Champagne Room
But you don't want champagne.. you want sex
And there's NO sex.. in the Champagne Room

889269  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-12-20
Written: (6491 days ago)

so today i saw nick and i jumped him while he tackle hugged me... then jillian licked my cheek and irvine is sooo emo now... im gonna go hang out with them this weekend *dances then wipes off cheek* so yeah^^ i had fun i guess.. oo we found these crushes but they were to tall for me so nick had to lift me up so i could jump onto the crushes lol.. anyways hes taller then me now :'( and has surfer hair *falls over laughing* 

882962  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-12-05
Written: (6506 days ago)

i burned a heart into my wrist because.... there it can never break and i dont wear it on my sleeve...

882428  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-12-04
Written: (6507 days ago)

Your soul to mine

our powers combine.

The third fullfills,

our strength divine.

A harmony of spirit,

that will never erase,

three as one...

things fall into place.

877602  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-11-22
Written: (6519 days ago)

two random poems a friend wrote ....

I love you easily, forever too,
When I'm happy, the cause is you.
When true love comes, do not delay,
Take hold before it goes away.
Because to me love is a prize,
And I can see it in your eyes,
I love you dear, I love you true,
And all my love, I give to you.

As time comes
As time goes
My love for you
Still seems to grow
With each new day
I love and care more
Thank you for letting me in
For opening that door
My love for you
Isn't easy to measure
But with my heart
It's you that I treasure
With you at my side
Life seems so right
Wishing as days go by
I was holding you every night
Our relationship is special
It's very important to me
By my actions and words
That I hope you see
I know Im not perfect
I have never claimed to be
But I hope that is okay
I do try hard for you and me
As the seasons come and go
And all this time goes by
I wish for one thing only
That it will always be you and I

873873  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-11-12
Written: (6529 days ago)

from the book The Last Templar by Raymond Khoury pg 291

"That to know oneself, at the deepest level, was also to know God--that is, by looking within oneself to find the sources of joy, sorrow, love, and hate, one would find God."

(sorry i just liked it so :P)

868468  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-10-28
Written: (6544 days ago)

damn fucking andrea >.< im goin to kick her ass, ok so heres how it goes... she brakes up with sheanna (the scamp..) cause sheanna had cheated again (for the like billionth time) asks me out i say no, so she goes out with she (a gurl who yes that is her actual name).. brakes up with her goes out with another gurl named ashley for like 3 days then brakes up with her to ask shake out, which i thought was kewl cause shake had been crushing on her for like 3 years.. then she finds out that sheanna is having some problems so she starts ignoring shake... then she finds out the sheanna is preggers so she brakes up with shake then goes straight so that maybe god will forgive her for being a lezy and a meth head... so now shake is sad and worried cause we all know that andrea cant quit (she has tried before, many times it didnt work) and we find out that sheanna miscarried and still andrea says it is her fault ... and shake is saying its her fault for letting andrea go... and now its a ball of uber fucked up ness and shake is popping pills (yay! -_-)

860917  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-10-07
Written: (6565 days ago)
Next in thread: 861375
857099  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-09-27
Written: (6575 days ago)

for me for me for me awwww i feel so special X) *giggles* my shakeness wrote it for me ..it made me feel better >.> damn cold

I dont know what I would have done If I had never met you.
If I had never met you I might have not been here.
You have made such a difference in my life and have showed me truely how much Im needed here.
Even though we have had our troubles as friends, they all have mostly been patched up.

When I met you, I knew we were gonna be friends forever.
Friends that told each other stories and talked about personal stuff.
I have known you now since 3rd grade and I couldnt belive I had met such a wonderful person as you!
You have made me smile, smile larger than ever.
And the words and advice you have told me, has made me soo much better.
If not for you, I wouldnt know what I would have done.
Thank You for all your words and advice.
Your like a sister to me, a sister I never had,
Even though at the same time your the one I have loved.

You mean so much to me,
And I kno I say it all the time,
But that just means how much I love you,
and how much of an impact you have made in my life.
I talk about you all the time,
And I think my family and friends have gotten tired of hearing me brag. lol.

You are one of the many great friends I have.
Manuel, Andrea, and You are my Best Friends!
I tell you guys everything, or almost everything. lol
And you just listen to me ramble and try to help me.
If I have a problem, I always know who to talk to.

Thank You....

~Danielle Ash
9/23/2006-11:08:41 PM

857085  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-09-27
Written: (6575 days ago)

aww lookit i was one of the 6 ppl shake thought off

I never realized.... how much everyone i know means to me.
I realized today, that actions do speak louder than words.
I can prove that because you can tell someone you love them,
But if you include a huge hug, or even a kiss,
That means that the words that came out of your mouth are loud.
And that you mean them.

Today, was an emotional day.
Not just for me,
But for everyone.
I just wanted to say how much I love all my friends.
All my friends who have been there to lend their time to hear my story
And help me with my problems.
Today I told 2 people I loved them, and in a meaningful way
Not just the normal... luv ya... like some of us do
This was the true.....I...Love...You...

Today I felt more of myself than I have felt in so long,
And my friends and a girl named Rachel helped me with that.
I've been through my ups and down, gone thru alot of smiles and frowns,
But It's my friends who have been here for me and then same for them.
They mean so much to me and if anything ever happend to them,
I dont kno what I would do.
The only thing that I could wish is that they knew exactly how much I loved them.
And for me to know that they loved me as well.

So I dedicate this to all my friends who have been there for me and put up with me for all these years,
And even if you havent known me for long, this goes for you too.
Cause I know I can keep friends, and I love them too.
So please let make this cause a chain reaction of love.
A love that can only be shown by you and you alone.
Your love for another person, can spread to love alot of others.

The girl named Rachel, that I mentioned earlier,
This is what she would have wanted to say,
"That it doesnt matter who you are or what you look like,
or how you dress, or how you act,
Everyone is special in their own way,
and all we have to do is look for the best in Everyone."

So this.....my friends.... I Love You.
I love you with all my heart and all my soul.
And I hope you love me in return.
My job as a friend on this Earth is to show my love and compassion to one another,
whether I get along with them or not, or Im simply not able to speak to some....
I have just wanted to get out that I Love You all and that you all mean more to me...Way more than you know.

So Thank You.... Thank you for loving me and showing me kindness.
You mean so much to me.... THANK YOU!!

I....Love... You.!

~Dani Ash
9/23/2006-12:25:39 AM

857066  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-09-27
Written: (6575 days ago)

I see you standing over there,
With no expression on your face and your alone.
I walk over to see whats wrong, only to find,
That you did something you werent supposed to.
When I ask what was wrong,
you told me life wasnt worth living, cause everyone cheats.
I told you life IS worth living cause there IS someone who wont.
When you explained to me that love wasnt true,
I replied " Not if I was with you."
What do you mean she asked.
I said I would never cheat, I would never lie,
Because then I would cry.
You mean so much to me, more than you kno,
And when you would chose someone over me,
I would constantly hope that I'd be next to be with you.
But that never happend. Everytime you seem to find someone,
That person cheats. It's like they dont fully appreciate your love,
And that I would gladly accept.
Love is a tricky game, one which needs both of the same for one another,
If one doesnt accept, then the game is over.
I have never played that game, wishing I could some day.

Love is what I yearn for,
And that love I could get from you.
Only if ever one day you'd let me into your life.
I dont care how you do things,
Or how you may act,
Its you I want, only you.
Your the one for a long time I've wanted.
Each and everyday hoping that something would change,
Only to find out that nothing ever did.
Everyday I'd see a smile on your face when you were with her,
But later that day, I would see a smile on her face as well,
Instead with some one elses arm around her.
I hate every person that did that to you,
Cause that shows that they didn't fully appreciate your love.
And that someone else could have gladly takin that and been with you.
Except that person only took your love and ran away with it.
Before that, they stabbbed you in the back.

I would never do that,
Because I make promises that I keep,
So Im gonna make this promise..
That if I am ever with you,
I promise to never Cheat, Lie, Decieve, stab you in the back, etc...
You will see some day that my love was meant for you.

I can open up and be free,
But you have the key,
And untill then,
I cant be let free.
So I can only hope that one day you'll fully see,
That there is clearly more in me that you havent seen.
And I could easily show you,
But Im affraid to cause you havent fully shown me you.
Thats what Im waiting for, along with you,
To see how you are out of school, and see what you are.
Thats the day when you'll use the key, to finally set me free.
My hearts with you always, always and forever.
One day I hope yours can be mine.
Mine to show the love I can give,
And the promises I can keep.
So untill then I'll just hope, and continue to see you get hurt.
Untill you realize that there are better out there, and Im one of them.
Give me a chance some day please????
And I promise to never decieve.

Untill Then.......

by the lovely shakeness
~Danielle Ash

856947  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-09-26
Written: (6576 days ago)

uber pissed uber uber uber uber uber pissed
>.< soooo i have to wait till tomorrow to get emm the doc changed the app ahhhhhhhhh >.< why? *drops to knees* wwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyy?

i found this in someones house and i wuvvers it

855606  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-09-22
Written: (6580 days ago)

"If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? 

And why are you waiting?" ~Stephen Levine

855604  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-09-22
Written: (6580 days ago)

"There's one sad truth in life I've found
While journeying east and west -
The only folks we really wound
Are those we love the best.
We flatter those we scarcely know,
We please the fleeting guest,
And deal full many a thoughtless blow
To those who love us best."
  ~Ella Wheeler Wilcox

"The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and for deeds left undone." ~Harriet Beecher Stowe

854943  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-09-20
Written: (6582 days ago)

omg this is so sad...so right now my mom called me into her room and was alll

"sooooo not trying to be mean or anything but didnt nicole look like a slut"

i was stunned and started laughing

she goes "no really didnt you see the cake of makeup she was wearing ..i mean yes the dress was rather suave and nice but the face and the whole ass sticking out hahahaaa"

i was like "omg mom what is the matter with you?"

shes all "what? *shrugs* i mean it was like *cough*slut*cough cough*"

854667  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-09-20
Written: (6582 days ago)

The truth is:
We only walk away
to see who will follow
We only hide
to see who will find us
We only cry
to see who will wipe away our tears and
We only let our
hearts break
or break our hearts

to see who will try to fix them

 The logged in version 

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