[Lexi. Short and Sweet!]'s diary

1024091  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-04-14
Written: (5897 days ago)

oh yeah and peach girl made me cry just now!!! I'm such a sap!!!

1024090  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-04-14
Written: (5897 days ago)

ahh i went to keep fit today and i'm glad! I like exercise!! I've even decided to start running as training for next years london marathon which i want to enter.
Ah my tying is crap right now so i'm going to make this short... i owned my hand and i can't use the finger and thumb on my left hand without it hurting so yeah... slooow typing! XD If it's still bad tomorrow i might go to mold hospital and have it checked out in my free... bleh i hate hospitals >.<

1023908  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-04-13
Written: (5898 days ago)

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! bits of paper are driving me crazy...

My mother has told me not to burn the oil *salutes* which is code for don't stay up too late... like "pogged" is a code verb for everything... aye but i shall be ignoring my mother as i have an art exam on wednesday and i have two studies that must be finished tonight AND i must watch more Peach Girl and read more Alice on Deadlines.. Amz got me addicted to anime and manga again!! Which is why i was up till 4am last night and probably why punctuation has ceased to exist in this entry. Ah well life goes on aye!
Went to hobbycraft today to get art supplies.. I LOVE THAT SHOP!! got some cool stuff, feathers for my cosplay costume and i've found some PVC trousers which i will get when i have money again.. and contact lenses which i shall be getting when me and Amz's wigs arrive!! OMG I AM ACTUALLY GOING TO GET TO COSPLAY THIS TIME!! And i have decided to make myself a dress over summer *nods* coz i feel like it.

1023704  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-04-12
Written: (5899 days ago)

waaaa!! I got my second daily poet feature today!! ^_^ one more and i get another colourful badge!! yayz!! *dances* hmm i'm thinking of making a staff application after my AS exams, what do you think? Would i make a good staff member?
Anywho yes working on art still =___= gotta go get some supplies tomorrow! :o lol and i have to see if i have any mounting paper.. just cutting out at the moment *yawn* lol

1023618  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-04-12
Written: (5900 days ago)

It's been a tough old week but then i guess i always knew getting back to school would be. Not only has it really hit home that the most important exams i may ever take are in six weeks but i have my art exam on wednesday, which i'm not really prepared for. English coursework has to be completed and handed in, there are revision sessions pretty much everday and some people i'm pretty close to will be taking their A levels and leaving school next year ;_;. Then there's the whole family and friends thing, i don't know where i stand with any of them. Because i've been an idiot my parents don't trust me and tbh i need them to trust me. I don't like having them looking at me and thinking that what i say is never the truth, that i don't keep my word. I made the biggest mistake of my life. But i'm not going to let it happen again, it cost me far far too much.
Friends... well lets see.. i have lots of good friends but i'm not really close to any of them, the only person i was close to it feels like i'm at war with them. Between us we've fucked things up pretty bad and i'm not sure i want to go back.. but i can't tell what's worse.. how i feel now or how i felt back then when things were "good". *shrugs* there's always shit to be dealt with i guess. Things change, people change. I'm prepared to admit these sorta things now, prepared to talk about it. I've been putting on the tough devil can't harm me act all week and that's partly becuase there ARE things i can't talk about with alot of people, for various reasons but i CAN admit my mistakes and the fact that the situation i am in right now is mainly my fault. And i've got to sort it, and myself out. So if i'm not online much it's because i'm working my ass off for 4 A grades that i really really want.
Yesterday was a pretty great day, the reason behind most of this "self confession" bit at the start. I speant first period with [Atayemi] as we both had frees. We used to spend quite a bit of time together as we had 3 hours of drama together a week but now we don't have any lessons together we've drifted apart. But it was alot of fun! ^_^ when we spend time together we still get on amazingly well and we have so many plans for the manga con!! I'm excited as hell about it now!! *dances* i have most of my costume too!! (Going as shuichi from gravi!) Anyways yeah. I got Atay her hat for her costume too! ^_^
Most of my lessons were boooring.. played poker at lunch though, that was good and Viper phoned me o_o which was surprising!! He said i sounded depressed when i answered the phone but it was more that i was really surprised!! XD
Yeah then at the end of school i got on the bus with Tanz, Mark, Dan and Gem and went to Amz's house. She wasn't in school so she made me pick up her paper for her art work (which weighed a ton) and i ended up looking like a bag lady!! XD Anyways Amz's was GREAT!
We both stayed sober but meh.. we were hyper as hell instead! We watched Saiyuke Reloded.. pissed myself laughing at their gay english dub voices and the cat episode!! Then we decided to make frozen yougart and surprisingly it worked AND was really nice!!! (anyone whho knows us knows our cooking fails mostly!!) We had pizza and chips for dinner and then amz made my arm into a cast using some plaster of paris we stole from art!! <_< It was hilarious coz i looked like i had a stump!! Yeah getting it off was just as funny.. Amz had a pair of sissors and a knife and was hacking at it to get it off while i was laughing and trying to move my arm a bit so she didn't gauge me!! We realised at that point that we are a dangerous pair when we're sober.. last time i was sober at hers she dropped a knife on my hand and i stabbed myself in the foot and this time she nearly gouged a chunk out my arm with the sissors!! XD Yeah and then we were just on the pc looking on cosplay.com and searching google for pictures of the twins and ouran quizes to do.. i kept having spaz attacks over pitures!! Then randomly i decided to dub the CD we were listening to but i wasn't paying attention so i was getting all the lyrics wrong while Amz just sat their laughing her ass off at me! XD Ahh we were meant to have done art.. but we failed and my dad came to pick me up at 10:30 but he followed my mum's directions and went to the wrong house and woke an old woman up! XD Which Amz's parents found hilarious. Got home and sat in my bed with the hoosiers on watching saiyuki till about 2am!! XD so yeah!! now i need to go get on with some of my own art work!! tarrah!! xxx

1023312  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-04-10
Written: (5901 days ago)

o_o i noticed i've sanified alot... i still have my mad moments but i'm definately less off the wall than i used to be o_O *has been looking through my notes* <_< That is all coz i'm lazy and i cba writing much really.

1022445  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-04-05
Written: (5906 days ago)

o_o all the entries have goooooone ;_; that's not fair... =( ahh well... messages are probably gone too.. >.<

1021096  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-03-29
Written: (5913 days ago)

Bleh advert break in most haunted live!! (yes i AM that sad but meh deal with it! =P)

so yeah today's been good got up at 9:30 and spent all day doing maths revision. It's been going pretty well and my mum went to manchester so i played parent.. cooked dinner and everything! Curry *nods* with my own home made curry sauce! :o lol yeah *dances* i'm pretty proud of myself.. anywho g2g programme's back on!

1020940  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-03-28
Written: (5914 days ago)

Oh god Amz's screen name just reminded me...
last night i went to Pentre to support Zebedee Sez in the first round of battle of the bands! (they won) anyways Amz, Josh, Matt, Elissa, Katrina, Gem, Holly.. basically the whole crew were there and i had 3 bottles of Pepsi and got really hyper.. zomg the zebedee pit was so funny i lost my shoe within 2 seconds of jumping in! XD
Me: "Ah laura i've lost my shoe" *points to foot with only sock on*
Laura: *bends down and takes my other shoe and starts waving it in the air*
Me: LOL *finds other shoe and joins in*
It was so random.. Laura is Vena Cava's guitarist, she's really good and i'm going to support her in Vena Cava's heat next week! <3
Anyways it finished at 10:30 and my mum was picking me Amz and josh up at 11 so we were sitting outside.. both me and Amz sober but hyper as hell and Gem was really hyper too.. XD
Amz: Fwapfwapfwap (can't remember why she was doing that)
Me: That sounds like the sound that an orange would make *puts arms around head to make a vague orange shape* FWAPFWAPFWAPFWAP!!!
Amz: What kind of orange makes that sort of sound?
Me: *shrugs*
Amz, me and Gem piss ourselves laughing!
Then me and Amz did the orange army thing everytime someone came out the door.
Gem: (later on after about 10 minutes of fwapping) I could just see an army of Alex's taking over the world like that! XD (that's now my plan!)

Me: (messing with my hair...) Hay Amz i have bed hair... no wait.. I have Bed hair *winks*
Amz: lol
Me: yeah it's like when you've been in a tent and you come out in the morning and go: I woke up this morning and i had Sleeping bag hair!
Amz: Or PUBIC HAIR!!!!
Me: yeah lol "mum i woke up this morning and i have Pubic hair and then i went to bed this afternoon and it was gone!! :o"
Me and Amz piss ourselves laughing and started yelling it at everyone.. then my mum phoned to tell me she was parked round the corner and i answered by accident and yelled it at her! XD

oh yeah and me and Gem had been talking earlier about funerals and we decided that when i died i was going to have a wake 7 days before my funeral and at the wake half way through my body was going to be catapulted out of the coffin and a freaky voice was going to say "seven days"!! XD
Oh and when Josh dies we're selotaping a light saber to his hand and making his corpse sit up at the funeral while we play the starwars theme. He has no say in it because he'll be dead.

lol and my dad has said he leaves the arrangements of his funeral to me and the boys when he dies... oh dear!!! XD 

1020934  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-03-28
Written: (5914 days ago)

AHHH just over a week left of the holidays and i'm beginning to stress out ALOT! I have to revise english, Chemistry and Maths and complete AO1, 2 and 3 for my art exam and i have a coursework essay and commentary to write for english too.. plus past papers in chem and maths to complete for the first day back!!! *pulls out hair* the reason i'm stressing so much is because i have my exam time table and my exams start in under 2 months ;_; i want to get straight A's so much that i'm going to be impossible to live with till the exams are over! XD XD
I'm staying up all night to get some work done i think (might grab a few hours sleep) and there's other stuff too but i said i wasn't going to bring my personal life into this anymore so i'm not! =P Anywho i believe in fate and what will be will be. That goes for exams and everything else too... i'm into super swot mode now!! watch out!! 

1020645  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-03-27
Written: (5915 days ago)

BACK!!! hahahahahaha! yeah France was sooo awesome i had the best time ever and i want to go back just me and a friend or two.. i'm going to save up so i can go next year! X3 yeah!!! CBA saying much here really.. hopefully i'll get some photos up here from me and Amz's photo shoot and from Paris.. got school work to do.. and revision.. bleh bring on the summer hols! At least i'm happy at the moment! ^_^ LOVING LIFE!!!! XD

1019341  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-03-21
Written: (5921 days ago)

Bah i am a lazy cow! XD it is official!! got addicted to B&W last night and spent an hour trying to find sheep when i should have been sleeping <_< LOL! Also addicted to SSX on tour again.. which i restarted on my Brother's mem card coz we lost the other one somewhere in the XBox 360, Game Cube, PS2 and TV wiring.. yeah they are ALL plugged in to something.. the TV and the sockets for teh electricity supply i think... but o_o Anyways i made Amature in like 2 hours *ish proud* and that is where my morning this morning went and is also the reason i have a blister on my thumb.. LOL! Yeah i got too addicted to 10 minute trick of sessions.. i don't like the races.. they annoy me but i love the trick competitions and challenges! x3
Anyways enough abaout video games.. i also did some maths revision.. although i'm going to do a heck of a lot more this evening after dinner coz i need to have all my C1 notes written up to do some revision in Paris.. and i need to look at my art and make an action plan annnnd oh yeah.. pack.. which takes AGES as i have to co-ordinate outfits and make up and washing stuff and decide what will explode if it goes in the hold and find out what we're allowed in hand luggage becuase the security might decide we're terrorists! XD
We had the most random conversation last night at dinner.. me and my family because my parents had been writting their will just before we ate! Then my mum and lewis and dad and me had some wine. I had about 2 glasses which was fine.. my mum had far too much and started slurring and muddling her letters and my brother (who is 12) went crazy hyper on us and found everything hysterical. So we were talking about death and wills while my mum was slurring everything and my brother was laughing at everything... funniest conversation EVER!! I just pissed myself laughing for an hour and a half! XD XD
Oh yeah and we've got rid of my 15 year old brother as he's gone to austria skiing *jealous* it's so quiet i can hardly believe it!! Bless him he's so big.. so he's also loud and takes up lots of space.. but we love him! XD So yeah weeird..
I also need to plan my easter hols a bit more.. becuase i have Matt's birthday thing, 2 pentre trips to support bands who's members i know, Paris and a poker night. I also have to do a LARGE amount of revision and finish my art and anything else that comes my way =___= BLEH!! So i might do that tonight. Along with the revision! JOY! XD
Ah well i'm having a pretty good holiday at the moment. Enjoying being lazy but i'll get my act together from here on in. yeah.. anyways dinner soon and i'm starving so turrah!!!

1019084  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-03-20
Written: (5922 days ago)

rawr rawr rawr rawr.. yeah there was no point to that! =D anywho.. so far today has been lazy but the afternoon is going to be a bit more busy.
I want to start my maths revision as i got my exam timetable yesterday... =___= bleh.. and i have to tidy my room and organise (and find) all this years subject notes.
My mother is bombarding me with Paris stuff.. apparently we need an itinery (however you spell that) My dad's with us Sunday, Monday and Wednesday but has to go to do a work presentation on Tuesday. Him having a pretty high profile job is good and all but it's times like these it bugs me.. the first time we're getting to spend more than 2 days as a family (ish) he gets called away on business. He refused about 4 times but in the end he was told he HAD to be there. On the plus side his work have said they'll pay for a nice day out for us.. which pretty much means we can do whatever we want no matter how much it costs and they'll pay! yay! ^^ And my dad's boss's boss sent my mum a really pretty flower boquet.. a proper expensive one! :o With a card apologising and telling us that my dad is a vitally important to the meeting blah blah blah... lol
So yeah... still it's paris and i've never been before and i'm mega excited!!
I'm also going to try and finish some of my writing this holiday.. i may not but.. *shrugs* i'll try!

1018936  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-03-19
Written: (5923 days ago)

HAHAHAHA! And you thought i was a diary whore.. first entry for a week! Yeah =P And guess what? I cba so i'm not going to tell you anything much!! Isn't that good? I'm fed up of writing everything online anyways.. anything important i will write on word or in pen!! So HA to you all! XP Okay so a quick run down of my week:
Thursday: PENTRE was so much fun!! Haven't been out chilling without drink for a while. Josh came back for food and we had a beer each and yeah!! =D It was fuuuun!!! Bands were good! Lots of people i know there and yeah!!! ^_^
Friday: SHOPPING!! got myself some new vans and a pair of high tops with Deer on them X3 So cute!! X3 X3 lol and a new bag from Tog 24 so i don't have to carry my school bag and 2 plastic bags full of stuff with me.
Saturday: Got my hair cut!! Mullet/70's rock sorta style and met Amz in town. We had a bit to drink, played on the PS2, did a photo shoot of me as a bloody corpse and yeah had a good time!! It was amazing fun except that she woke up at 7am and wouldn't leave me alone till i got up too! XD It was hilarious!!
Sunday: we just lazed around then Amz went home and i went back to bed! SUPERNATURAL CHRISTMAS SPECIAL!! it was hilarious!! <3 that episode.
Monday: Lol school.. normal.. not many lessons and Dan and Mark both thought i looked Japanese with my new hair! XD Dan said i looked like Myv which is a great compliment in my books!
Tuesday: Parents evening!!! Pretty good all the teachers said what i expected them to... hard worker, should get A's needs to revise more.. that's my half term sorted.
Today: Miss Batten decided me and Beki had to sort things out.. so we talked.. and it went okay.. no yelling or throwing of objects.. but meh.. just see how it goes i guess. It's not going to be the same as before.. but *shrugs* it's kinda a friendship on probation! XD Ahh english was AMAZING i was so glad i went and didn't come home early. I had nothing to do so i went to sit next to Sam.. Izzy was actually Civil to me and she seems to be alright now we're in 6th form. We had to fill out this questionnaire about crime and the media and me and sam both had to circle "yes" to the criminal conviction question! XD Which led to half an hour of talking about how/why and when we got arrested! XD lol and Liam kept turning around and giving us wide-eyed ZOMG! looks! XD Yeah and then we decided i was going to come support Sam's band at pentre during battle of the bands. I'm going to support Cross (with Zebedee) A week tomorrow and matt's thing a week on friday so yeah!! Paris in 3 days!! i can't wait!!! =D Good couple of weeks ahead! I'm enjoying school alot at the moment! I'm just generally very happy and i hope to stay very happy!!! =D wooooo 

1017414  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-03-12
Written: (5930 days ago)

LOL the plans for Amz's have got more complex! XD but it sounds like it's going to be awesome fun!! I'm really excited about it!! XD Yeah i feel very mellow at the moment.. i haven't drunk anything think it's more sleep deprivation than anything else!!! XD Ah well i should go do some work... meh later! 

1017207  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-03-11
Written: (5931 days ago)

Going to be windy again tonight... if i get woken up... i am going to be impossible to live with tomorrow! I still have a horrible cold... >.< But meh... looks like Amz's on saturday is going ahead! yay!! ^_^ we don't have much plans.. casual drink (actually casual this time), poker and chester on sunday =3 we want to get jobs! *nods* aye we do!
So yeah i got a ton of work though and today has been a very strange day.. everyone has been asking me why me and beki aren't speaking.. it's almost been 3 weeks since we were last on talking terms so why is everyone bothered by it today. Anyways i'm not going in to details i just wish ruth would leave it alone.
Bleh school work =___= i have a chemistry practical tomorrow! Which is pretty much a skive for 2 hours! XD so yeah.. still can't wait for the easter holidays i'm so tired and ill feeling and just ready to get on sorting out my notes and revise for exams and then just get on with having fun over the summer!! *dances* yay!!!

1016982  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-03-10
Written: (5932 days ago)

RAWR!! I be suffering from teenage mood swings... or just moody teenager syndrome.. >.< I BE GRUMPY!!! And if i get woken up tonight at ANY point there will be killings tomorrow.. unplanned and random killing of whoever annoys me first! lol.. that's my public service announcement for today! XD
Anywho yeah.. the grumpyness comes from being woken up at about 3am and kept awake for an hour and a half by the wind and rain >.< Then i slept through my alarm.. school was alright but i was shattered by the time i got home and just as i was falling asleep on the sofa my mother decides dinner is ready >.< lol yeah...
School was good today! Played poker =3 which i luff! <3 And yeah.. good lessons.. only english lit.. we have our exam on 16th May and we've only covered 1 out of 3 exam texts.. anyone want to say fail?? yeah and i'm pissed off because all of our english department are ill or pregnant or something which means we have no teachers and i want my 4 As at AS level otherwise all dreams of Cambridge are gone and how on earth can i get an A in an exam when we haven't even studied all the material!!! So yeah.. i'm slightly stressed out. Starting my revision soon too and my Art exam has begun... it's that time of year again! :o

1015792  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-03-04
Written: (5938 days ago)

Today was fun! lol speant my free and lunch doing art with Amz which was goood! I got all my work handed in.. i'll still have some stuff to do after the exam but for now i'm just concentrating on my exam question! Yeah.. i need to sort out some revision notes for stuff too... hmm oh.. i need to go clean out the pets so i'll talk later!! brb!

1015498  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-03-03
Written: (5940 days ago)

Im due for a miracle... Im waiting for a sign says:
and dont let this shit get to you, listen to me when i say this,
Im due for a miracle... Im waiting for a sign says:
your doing fine kiddo, and there is nothing you can be doing right now that is half as bad as the fact you are doubting yourself :)
Im due for a miracle... Im waiting for a sign says:
your a winner and a strong one at that, now sleep tight x

Jim you are my angel <3 I would be long gone by now if not for you.. thanks darling! For saying all the right things at the right time!!

1015469  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-03-02
Written: (5940 days ago)

Not much to say really.. good weekend mostly.. makes me realise how much i love my family <3 and spoke to Amz.. which made me lol! XD I ran out of texts this weekend (friday actually) so i've had to phone everyone that's texted me a question >.< which is annoying because i don't like phones all that much.. although i like them better that i used to! XD Anyways Chester was good i'll talk more about it tomorrow, it was nice chatting to Josh and just hanging out with him. He's got his head screwed on right and he's sorted himself out which is good! ^_^ So yeah.. weekend was gooood and now i am going to finish my art coursework for tomorrow! *dances* 

1015175  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-02-29
Written: (5942 days ago)

I'm watching some crap on TV... which i'm only watching coz i'd promise Amy i'd log on and see if beki had posted anything else on here.. and it's background noise. I'm glad She's alright (beki i mean) and that she got Amy's text, she needs someone there and seeming as i've failed at all my attempts to be a good friend i made sure Amz knew so Beki had someone there. It's about all i CAN do anymore.
Anyways Holly's having a tough time too.. ;_; seems like this year all my friends lives are falling appart.. everywhere i turn i see my friends destroying their lives, disappearing.. dying.. committing suicide. People wonder why i trust no one.. well maybe it's not becuase i'm paranoid. Maybe it's the same reason i can't hold down a relationship.. becuase i'm afraid of getting hurt. Ugh... I think i'm going to bed soon.. i have some things to do this weekend. I think i'm going to go to chester on my own. That way i can get what i need look around and not worry about being that flawless perfect person everyone seems to want me to be. I know they never say it.. but i also know that's what my friends and family need of me. They need someone to talk to who can deal with everything, someone without issues. So i'll be that person. Because in the end my life has never been lived for me.. my life has always been in the hands of my friends and family. If they're not happy i'm not happy and now i've figured out what i want to do with my life.. figured out short term how i'm going to cope i think that finally i can be the person everyone needs. I'm strong, I'm not going to break, I'm not going to give in. That's it really just wanted people to know i'm around and i want to help them in any way i can. And i will help them even if it's only in small ways like making sure there is someone there for them, or giving them a hug.

 The logged in version 

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