[Shinobu]'s diary

121147  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-01-04
Written: (7581 days ago)
Next in thread: 121218, 124083

This is just SICK!!
my mom is SICK!!
if i get a number on school below 5.5 it's bye bye 2 all of you *sob sob*
i doesn't matter if it's a class what i'm weak in is
let's make a list from classes where i'm not that good in at:
BIOLOGY: *cry cry*
ECONOMICS: lucky if i get a 6
MATH: that hangs if i get it or if i dun get it

10= highest
9=very good
7=it's ok
6=could be better
5=failed but you can put youre grade up easely
4=oky don't fail next time
3= did you learned or what?
2= yeesh
1= yeah this is the lowest you can get -_-

if i become under the 5.5 then i have a failure if i get a failure then internet is gone
so i'm not gonna be here as much as first cause i'm gonna study hard 2 keep all my friends
i'll see some at school but the most of you live far away and that's why i dun want 2 lose you all or see you very lil
well let's just hope that the studieng will work and internet can stay on the com ^^
fingers crossed people!!
much love Shinobu

 The logged in version 

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