[Shinobu]'s diary

150486  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-02-23
Written: (7531 days ago)
Next in thread: 150586, 151323

as i watch the sun going down, i feel sad
knowing you aren't here...
knowing youre somewhere else.
my dear friend, you have no idea what you mean to me...
how much i care for you.
and that's okay, cause we still can talk...
still make fun with each other, still lauch together...
still help eachother in hard times.
as i listing to this music, as i see the first stars at the sky...
i'm wishing that that one day will come...
that we will meet.
i'm holding that wish in my heart...
and hoping you'll do the same.
my dear sweet friend...

121147  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-01-04
Written: (7581 days ago)
Next in thread: 121218, 124083

This is just SICK!!
my mom is SICK!!
if i get a number on school below 5.5 it's bye bye 2 all of you *sob sob*
i doesn't matter if it's a class what i'm weak in is
let's make a list from classes where i'm not that good in at:
BIOLOGY: *cry cry*
ECONOMICS: lucky if i get a 6
MATH: that hangs if i get it or if i dun get it

10= highest
9=very good
7=it's ok
6=could be better
5=failed but you can put youre grade up easely
4=oky don't fail next time
3= did you learned or what?
2= yeesh
1= yeah this is the lowest you can get -_-

if i become under the 5.5 then i have a failure if i get a failure then internet is gone
so i'm not gonna be here as much as first cause i'm gonna study hard 2 keep all my friends
i'll see some at school but the most of you live far away and that's why i dun want 2 lose you all or see you very lil
well let's just hope that the studieng will work and internet can stay on the com ^^
fingers crossed people!!
much love Shinobu

 The logged in version 

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