[Shinobu]'s diary

247509  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-06-07
Written: (7336 days ago)

O môr henion i dhu:
Ely siriar, el síla
Ai! Aníron Undómiel

Tiro! El eria e mor.
I 'lir en el luitha 'uren.
Ai! Aniron...

246628  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-06-06
Written: (7337 days ago)

May it be an evening star
Shines down upon you
May it be when darkness falls
Your heart will be true
You walk a lonely road
Oh! How far you are from home

Mornie utulie
Believe and you will find your way
Mornie alantie
A promise lives within you now

May it be the shadow's call
Will fly away
May it be your journey on
To light the day
When the night is overcome
You may rise to find the sun

Mornie utulie
Believe and you will find your way

Mornie alantie
A promise lives within you now

A promise lives within you now.

238968  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-05-29
Written: (7345 days ago)
Next in thread: 238972

you wanna know what happenend today????

my dad and i where going to the city. just when my dad closed the door he realized that the key's where still inside the house! (DUMB!) the key's also have the car key's on them XD. so we where locked outside...now grandma wass gone and so wass my uncle and they have also key's of the house...
now i left my window open...yeh...you can quess. i had to climp at the roof to my window. when i wass standing on the roof...wich is high! i tried to climb up, but it was not that easy since i had nothing to keep my grib with. one time i almost fell down O.O that wass sorta scary...oh well ^^" after like 3 minutes i finnaly got in my room :D i walked downstairs and openend the door. then dad got the key's and we left ^^"

yup...that happenend...

238768  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-05-29
Written: (7345 days ago)
Next in thread: 238777, 238897

I just made macoroni all by myself ^-^ my dad liked it very much!
i'm so happy ^O^. thee hee ^-^
now what would you do if i cooked homemade macoroni for you?
let me know :D

237988  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-05-28
Written: (7346 days ago)
Next in thread: 238008

Ewwww!!! i just ate summin i usely love to eat, but this time... *sweatdrop*
i have to heat up water and then put some mix in the hot water, but because i wass soo into computering i letted the water cool down for quite some while ^^" i putted the mix in it...then i took a bite..tasted not that bad but it wass almost cold -_-". i putted it in the microwave to heat up...i NEVER schould've done that. first off all...it looked even grooser! that wass just...eww... then i took a bite...tasted the same but when i almost finnished it...there wass sum big bawl at the bottem -__-" believe you me...tht wass soooo groose!
that wass mostly the mix! eww eww eww!!!!
well...if you read this let me know ^^""
i hope i didn't made you fall asleep with this neither ^^"

218273  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-05-10
Written: (7364 days ago)
Next in thread: 219412, 225555

hey you's all ^^
i got some good news *finnaly -_-"*
[Hellcatje89] and i are related to each other.. where family!!
*does her happydance*
oh and i now finnaly found Naruto 3! ^O^
hehe finnaly some news that makes me happy ^^

217786  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-05-09
Written: (7365 days ago)
Next in thread: 235228

if it wasn't bad enough that i wass kicked out of my house last thurseday it now gotten even worser...
my bf... he cheated on me.
he slept with another girl, i haven't slept with him. first of all because i don't want to in the first place. second of all because i haven't got that long with him.
he told me that he wass drunk and blowed... that's no excuse for me.
this is my life... i proberbly deserve it.
i just got to deal with it... i hardly can take it all *cries*.
my mom is mad at me for not giving anything today, cause it;s mothersday... first off all. i don't even have the money for it. second off all, how would i suppose to buy anything alst day's?
she say's that all i can think off is myself... that the only person i care for is myself...
is that true?
what if it is?! *cries even harder*
can anybody help me? please...

216780  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-05-08
Written: (7366 days ago)

and there is the illness again ><. it's not fair!!
oh well just get to get trough it anyhow... let's dance!
nah i'm a weird mood now O.O.
i'm tired, i think i'm gonna sleep now ^^
oh and [outlawstar182] i suggested a update relation ^^ and with you to [T_K]
please visit the Wiki of my 2 best friends *male ^^"*
T_K V/S inuyasha182
^^ thanks!

216456  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-05-08
Written: (7366 days ago)

hey everyone,
i'm back ^^, altough i'm not doing great ><. thanks for all youre help! ^^ i'm glad to know that you guy's are there for me in this hard time ^^. my mom and i are doing a lil better now. but there's some sensation in the house that is just soooo scary ><. i'm soooo glad i still have my friends, specially [Hellcatje89]. i want to thank her to most for being there for me when i had no place to go. *hugs miysis very tight* i hope i don't make you all worried bout me, please don't i'll be okay. a bit scared but okay.
i love you all *hugs everyone tight*
oh btw thanks soo much morgaine! [Merle]
much love Shinobu

216412  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-05-08
Written: (7366 days ago)

[Hellcatje89] talking here.......again -_-''

Shinobu's alright now.....she home with her mom.She wanted to talk to her mom but her mom ignored here again.So she went to her room.She missed some stuff but she found it again under her mothers bed.I called her and she was alright she was the happy happy shinobu again ^^ i was really glad cause i was really stressed out.I'm kinda very very sick cause i worried to much about here that i ignored myself ^^'' so now i'm sick.Well i don't care as long as shinobu's feeling alright.She still is gonna talk to her dad or else i'm gonna kill here.Cause her dad has to know but she promised me she would tell.She was very worried about you people.Yes you people from Elftown^^ but she's really okey now ^^ i hope your all glad to hear this.Shinobu doesn't know i'm writing this now but i think it's okey.If you see a message on my Elftown house that i'm dead or something like that shinobu did it ^^''I think she's coming on elftown today i dunno for sure cause i didn't talk to her today i want to but she doesn't pick up her fone *stressing out* well i gotta wait till she calls me or comes on msn.But i know she's alrigt now cause she promised she would call if something would happen.So people please i beg you stop worrying cause she's alright now and i'm not lying.If you have questions and shinobu's not on ET then mail me i'll answer those for ya.Well gotta go.*hugs and kisses from shinobu to you all*
Greetings from Miysis

PS. shinoby please don't kill me for what this that i put in your diary^^''*begs*

215442  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-05-07
Written: (7367 days ago)

[Hellcatje89] talking here.
shinobu isn't here right now but she asked me to do this so don't be mad at me!

Oke shinobu was trown outta her house case she was there with her boyfriend when her mom came in to check on her.And she told shinobu to get outta the house.AShe tryed to get some stuff but her mom woulnd't allow that.then she tried to get her bike and again her mother took the bike and said to shinobu that she must leave the house.She left the house and went to Valkenberg as i told her too do to sit with her friend sow she wasn't alone.I was at work BTW so i couldn't leave.Then at six o'clock she went to my place and she talked to my mom.My mom knows what shinobu's going trough cause i happened to my mom too.She called some familly to pick her up and they came ^^ now she's with her grandmother and uncle.And everything's alright now.She gonna talk to her dad and then go back to her mom.Maybe she's gonna stay with her dad^^ i kinda hope so cause then she would be more happier ^^

kisses Miysis

205272  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-04-25
Written: (7379 days ago)

Dreams- Gabrielle

they can come true, yeah
they can come true
Move a step closer you know that I want you
I can tell by your eyes that you want me too
Just a question of time I knew we'd be together
And that you'd be mine I want you here forever

Do you hear what I'm saying gotta say how I feel
I can't believe you're here but I know that you're real
I know what I want and baby it's you
I can't deny my feelings because they are true

Dreams can come true
Look at me babe I'm with you
You know you gotta have hope
You know you gotta be strong

Dreams can come true
Look at me babe I'm with you
You know you gotta have hope
You know you gotta be strong

I've seen you sometimes on your own and in crowds
I knew I had to have you my hopes didn't let me down
Now you're by my side and I feel so good
I've nothing to hide don't feel that I ever could

Do you hear what I'm saying gotta say how I feel
I can't believe you're here but I know that you're real
I know what I want, and baby it's you
Can't deny my feelings because they are true

Dreams can come true
Look at me babe I'm with you
You know you gotta have hope
You know you gotta be strong

Dreams can come true
Look at me babe I'm with you
You know you gotta have hope
You know you gotta be strong

I'm not making plans for tomorrow let's live for tonight
I know I want you baby so hold me so tight
Put your arms around me you make me feel so safe
Then you whisper in my ear that you're here to stay

Dreams can come true
Look at me babe I'm with you
You know you gotta have hope
You know you gotta be strong

Dreams can come true
Look at me babe I'm with you
You know you gotta have hope
You know you gotta be strong
Dreams can come true
Look at me babe I'm with you
You know you gotta have hope
You know you gotta be strong

Dreams can come true
Look at me babe I'm with you
You know you gotta have hope
You know you gotta be strong

204552  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-04-24
Written: (7380 days ago)
Next in thread: 204576, 204595

i am sooooo happy! *dances around*
not only did i have 2 more manga's i also mett the writer of my favorite books!
she's soooo awsome!
i got her autograph to! she wass really nice ^^.
she's also going to visit the site of my comic!!! *happydance*
i really couldn't be more happy then this!!!!
I LOVE YOU ALL! *hugs*

 The logged in version 

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