[Shinobu]'s diary

345168  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-09-07
Written: (7238 days ago)

My First School Day:

............................................It was good^^. Saw my friends again ^_____^. We got 6 new girls in the class!! 6!!! O.O That's a lot >3. Oh well ^^. I'm glad that i saw my friends again ^^. School started at half past 12 and ended around 15:45 ^^" Tomorrow it's 12:30 again and ends it 15:30 ^^. ^____^ We start and end together with the 10th graders OO;;;. today they took pics but not the class pic, that comes tomorrow ^^. I really don't want to see my own pic that mr Scherff *pukes* took. I really DIDN'T wanted to look at his face -.- He's just soo grosse!! And the whole school agrees XD he even washed his hair in class OO well not really washing but he made his hair wet...really wet and then shaked his head around...poor kids who sat all the way in front ;_; i sat second line -.-. oh well that's not what happend today but 2 years ago or so XD
Anyway today was good ^^. That's it for all ^^
Bye bye!

314116  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-08-08
Written: (7268 days ago)
Next in thread: 314118, 314261, 314543, 315083, 341000, 345317

What just happend...I've been hit in my face on purpose by my own dad...
yup, let me tell you what happend:
I had to go from him to this yearmarket, i didn't wanted to go. so we got a discussion about it. I HAD to go. but lately i can't breeve well because of the crowd and the heat. but anyway, my dad called me spoiled brat, bitch, stupid whining bitch, and so on. so i didn't take that from him so i said: gee how would it come that i'm so spoiled? then we went out of the door. i walked to the car cause i asumed we would go with the car. so he said: NO! Get away from the car you! we're going by foot!!!
Me: okay, but it's sooo hot. i don't want to please can i just stay home?
Dad: NO!!!! Just come with me you fucking bitch!
Me: hey! even mom never yells at me and calls me by names!
*we where like 5 meter further*
Dad: *has turned around and wanted to slap me on my left cheek but i ducked in time tho... his other hand slapped me on my right cheek very hard!*
Me: *confused, sad and feeling really weird* I'm calling mom! *grabbed my phone and searching for her number* Dad: *gives the sign to me to hand over my mobile*
Me: *steps backwards shaking my head then running away while the phone is calling* *my mom answers*
Mom: yes hello mieke here
Me: *crying* Mom! dad just hit me in my face!
Mom: WHAT?! come home! come home now!
Me: yes i'll see you soon *hangs up and turns around to go back in the house...door is closed.* Damn! I'm going to grandma! *then i ran away but i had to go trough the yearmarket! i went behind the things they sold stuff but then...then i jumped but when i landed on my feet. my weak enkle got down again, twice!! (it still is thick after 3 hours and it hurts ;-;) auch! *stands up and continu's to walk tho the pain is killing me and i shouldn't even stand on it* *then i started crying while walking i called a friend (who was VERY pissed btw) while still walking to my grandma's house* *hanged up and started running!* (that was so foolish!! it hurted soooo bad! i had the feeling i could fall down and cry my guts out any minute) *then i was almost there i was walking again but when i was almost there i started running again* *i ran into the door crying really hard*'
Grandma: What's the matter sweetie?!
Me: Dad...Dad hit me in my face!
Grandma: *hugs me* aww there there
*then i told her what happend, not long after my uncle came in i told him to. tho i felt so much better ^^ my uncle so rocks! he cheered me up and i made fun with him ^^. Then i called me dad if he could pick me up cause i have no chance walking home again without hurting myself more. he said yes and picked me up then i had dinner (didnt ate much) oh yeh mom also called me back, i told her what happend. mom kept repeating : hands off: i think she hates my dad even more now ><. Even tho my mom can be mean sometimes...at least she doesn't hit me! so she asked if i would eat at home (moms house ^^") and come back earlier. i said okay. then i left with my dad and now i am sitting here writing it down.
Okay...tell me what you think ^^
I'm okay btw ^^ just bit shocked by what happend. i need someone now ;-;
love cha!

313212  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-08-07
Written: (7269 days ago)

sorry that i haven't been on ><, but y'know..vacation ^^".
anyway, everythings ok here...tho i miss my sis ;_; she's on vacation for a whole week ><. Miss cha [Hellcatje89]! ghehehe ^^ but i'm good ^_^. my pc on my room is finnaly installed! oh yes people, want to know about my daily life? i've got a journalwebsite ^^ wanna know the adres? just ask me ^^. well cha bye bye ^^

303962  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-07-29
Written: (7278 days ago)
Next in thread: 351819

I've Got nothing to say...Just to all let you know why i cry...someone died okay.
And i...i...
i just need some time alone

303642  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-07-29
Written: (7278 days ago)

I want food...Mom come back ><
I'm hungry ;_;
i bet that if i eat she comes back ><

303601  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-07-29
Written: (7278 days ago)

Am i outside...didn't took me long to get back inside...>> oh well. i'll just draw behind the pc...Ugh >< Turns out that i don;t like the sun that much at the moment ^^ + the dog kept bugging me >< oh well whatcha gonna do about it?
I'll just go draw here...yup.
Talk to me!

303533  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-07-29
Written: (7278 days ago)

I'm soo tired *sigh* *coughes and nearly chokes again*
i think i'm going to lay down outside cause i'm to tired to talk i think...i'm sorry to be sooo lazy XD
Well cya all soon. 

303495  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-07-29
Written: (7278 days ago)
Next in thread: 303498

Miysis called me this morning *while i was sleeping >>* and asked me if i wanted to join her and paul to go swimming! i said yes ^^ they picked up me then we picked up Joris and then we went to Galder...wich was like 25 minutes away XD in the heat on the bike ><
Oh well ^^ I had a lot of fun ^^ i toughed the bottem somewhere in the lake! YAAY!!! Tho it has the effect on me now that if i breeve in to hard i can hardly breeve out XD then i cough. I saw someone from the class 4K1 !!!!EEp XD He saw me in me bikini!!! ACK!! >< Oh well >> Miysis said that he didn't was from our school so i went over to him and asked him XD he smiled and said yes ^_^. See i was right after all! when we left he waved at me!! XD Oh well i'll see him proberbly when school begins again >>. ^^"
That's all for now ^^ I think my shoulders are burned XD and my face a bit to >> oh well ^^". At least i had fun :D
Cya all soon!

296896  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-07-23
Written: (7284 days ago)

whaaa! my uncle is on holiday so i can't borrow his webcam ><. the stupid thing wich i use to see pictures from my camera doesn't work -_- and! my dad insits i go to this fancy party tomorrow...in a dress! and i have to go to the hair salon to make my hair look really fancy >>
wow....yeh...i hope i can buy some manga from my allowence and from my money for my gradelist tomorrow -_-"
oh...and my computer (my own at my room) still isn't installed yet! DAD PLEASE DO THAT FOR ONCE!~IT'S BEEN MORE THEN A MONTH!!

294939  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-07-21
Written: (7286 days ago)

I waited XD tho i am sooo tired and i know i got to pick up [Hellcatje89] really early...but now my mom is nagging my head of telling me i should go to bed!
mom calm down! it's only 6 more minutes till it's 1 o 'clock in the middle of the night!
and i know that i've only slept like 7 hours last night -_-"
*her mom keeps yapping*
Me "yeh yeh yeh"
Mom: "it's getting to late for you! who is the one who has to work tomorrow?!"
Me: " you"
Mom: "then why don't you go to bed?!"
Me: "cause i don't have to work?"
Mom: *mad now* "GO TO BED!"
Me : "yeh yeh, i'll go -_-""
Me again: *mubling very soft " you're the one who is working on something right now while you have to get up early. I don't have to get up that early + i can sleep in tha park ^^" so why don't you go to bed"
Mom: " go now!"
Me: "YEH! just a minute!"

~~ A lil bit later...10 minutes ~~

Me: *is still here*
Me: *not moving*
Mom: *twitch* "WAKE UP! And go to bed!!!"
Me: "w-wha?" *see's her mom's evil face and flames around her* *sweatdrop* "Yeh i'll go"

293148  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-07-20
Written: (7287 days ago)

gheheheh ^-^"
and..i love pie!
and i love you!!!!
i bought Mint today ^^ don't worry i didn't steal the pic i just scanned her.

289909  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-07-17
Written: (7290 days ago)

It's My Moms Birthday!!
Even tho how much i want to be on ET i can't ^^"
there are a LOT of quests and i need to help ^^"
sooo my appoligy by this one ^^"
*looks around*
Anyone pie?

289129  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-07-16
Written: (7291 days ago)

i had fun today ^^ ....and AGAIN i was in the parc XD. oh well >>. i shall be there tomorrow for s sec XD cause tomorrow it's my moms Birthday!!!
i got her presents wich i think she will like a lot :D.
i have to get the cake tomorrow so when i have it i shall visit the parc people for a very lil while ^^"
tho i have to be carefull when Menno will be around >> i think he would like the pie XD....now i think of it...who of them doesn't?!
meh i'll figure that problem out tomorrow ^^".
anyway i drew Naruto above my bed on my wall! he looks sooooo awsome!! i'm going to draw Sasuke next to him i think ^^...Naruto say's "Ne! Onegai let me SLEEP!" it's for to let people know i LIKE my naps ^^"and sleep...mostly cause i just love my dreams XD
anyway i'm off to bed now ^^ goodnight everyone :D
much love and care,

286526  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-07-14
Written: (7293 days ago)
Next in thread: 288780

*she is watching Stephen Kings Kingdom Hospital*
who wants to protect me?!

286274  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-07-14
Written: (7293 days ago)

oh yeh...


meh i forgot to put that on >>

286271  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-07-14
Written: (7293 days ago)

everyone at the parc who takes my pic say's that i'm kawaii!!!
...just to let y'guy's know ^^"
oh and don't you dare to put my pic on! yeh i mean you [punk-ass]

284956  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-07-13
Written: (7294 days ago)

yeh ^^
as you can see my mood, it was okay ^^. they pulled out the tooth...it wasn't that bad cause they gave me something to not feel the most pain ^^. and that was true ^__^ but then a part of my tooth stayed in my mouth! *twitch* and he had to get it out with violence >> *sob* i did felt a part of that. but it came out ^^. mostly i am afraid and i start shaking...but i didn't this time. miysis was with me tho she was in the other room, that made me feel so much safer ^^ and i thought of you guy's helping me not shaking or fearing ^^.
the rest of the day was i in the parc ^__^
i had fun ^_^ i really did ^__^

284695  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-07-13
Written: (7295 days ago)

yeh never mind yesterday XD
i'm happy again ^O^
i just was a bit worried bout my best friend >>"
but everythings OK now ^^
i don't wanna!!!
to tell you the truth...i'm really scared of the machines...i really am*shivers* last time (3 times in fact) i started shaking in the chair -_-"
whaaaa i don't wanna gooo!!! *hides*
damn g2g ^^
noooo not to the dentist...yet >>
it's 11:04 now. i promised miysis i would come in time XD
and i will!
you'll see ^^
plus i still have to get payed from my newbours for babysitting last friday >>
cha-bye bye ^^

283941  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-07-12
Written: (7295 days ago)
Next in thread: 284051, 284399

i need a friend right now...
that's all i'm saying and asking...

283654  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-07-12
Written: (7295 days ago)
Next in thread: 283768

it's so cold...
i stayed in the windowshelf *or what ever* for like half hour...even when it started to rain *you must know that the window it self was open*
the rain came down on my hand and knees and arms...i just sat there..not even moving...
it was soo cold...
i'm really cold right now...

 The logged in version 

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