[Shinobu]'s diary

420120  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-11-21
Written: (7162 days ago)

Hey everyone ^_^
I finally have friends to go to here at my dads house. Don't know if that's a good or a bad thing but still. They are nice and they live all 3 like 2 minutes away from me or less^_^. (Chaam is a small REALLY small lil town where my dad lives.)
Anyhow, i know i already had friends over here, but now i know where they live and stuff and i can come over. So there won't be much day's that i sit here behind the pc all day long or in front of the tv ^^;.
Thee hee, yesterday eve i watched the Mummy Returns over at Guido's house. Pretty cool movie, though i like movies from Stephen King much better ^_^.
Well this is about it for now, i have to go to a steelmusium today...someone? Rescue meeeeee ;o;. I don't wanna go >_<.

345168  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-09-07
Written: (7236 days ago)

My First School Day:

............................................It was good^^. Saw my friends again ^_____^. We got 6 new girls in the class!! 6!!! O.O That's a lot >3. Oh well ^^. I'm glad that i saw my friends again ^^. School started at half past 12 and ended around 15:45 ^^" Tomorrow it's 12:30 again and ends it 15:30 ^^. ^____^ We start and end together with the 10th graders OO;;;. today they took pics but not the class pic, that comes tomorrow ^^. I really don't want to see my own pic that mr Scherff *pukes* took. I really DIDN'T wanted to look at his face -.- He's just soo grosse!! And the whole school agrees XD he even washed his hair in class OO well not really washing but he made his hair wet...really wet and then shaked his head around...poor kids who sat all the way in front ;_; i sat second line -.-. oh well that's not what happend today but 2 years ago or so XD
Anyway today was good ^^. That's it for all ^^
Bye bye!

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