[Shinobu]'s diary

443530  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-12-13
Written: (7229 days ago)
Next in thread: 443595, 443816, 444121, 444178, 445915



Well i needed to sport a lil bit so i decited to practise my handstand against the wall a bit more ^^. Turns out that i can do it in the air too O_O.
I'm sooooo proud!
Though i got a slight headache now and i don't feel too well ^^;
but still! I can do it! ^O^

441191  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-12-11
Written: (7231 days ago)
Next in thread: 443097

Hey everyone!
I'm doing well ^^ Made so many new friends! Yesh! But i'm not feeling to well ^^;. Nyaa, [T_K] i miss ya lots!
Next week i'll be 15! Old ne? X3.
I got a new job! I have to poste folders yahoo >_>. between the 600-700 XD. But it pays well ^^. Let's see how long i can manage it ;). *Drinks some tea* Ahhh ^^;.
Btw i almost fainted last Thurseday O_o;;; If you want to know the story behind that ask me. But i learned my lesson about eating more i think.^^;;
Nyaaa, meanwhile my cat has blattergrind ;.;. Though he's doing fine ^^. I'm at my dads house now ^^ This weekend my sweet lil hamster is moving from daddy to mommy :P. So people will see him next saterday at my bday O_o;;;. Scary ^^;
I hope [Hellcatje89] holiday was good ^^. Thee hee, miss ya sis!
My dad gave a lecture yesterday, bunch of people came ^^ (like 60-70). It was about the lights in the nature, it was cool ^^. Only one thing...He showed a picture of me on the screen with my cat Buffy! I was soooo embarresed! >_< Though everyone liked the picture ^^;. But it still was so embarresing as hell X3 And mean! Nyaaaa XD.
Well this is bout it ^^.
Luf ya! *huggles tightly*
so much love,
Shinobu. ^^

420120  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-11-21
Written: (7251 days ago)

Hey everyone ^_^
I finally have friends to go to here at my dads house. Don't know if that's a good or a bad thing but still. They are nice and they live all 3 like 2 minutes away from me or less^_^. (Chaam is a small REALLY small lil town where my dad lives.)
Anyhow, i know i already had friends over here, but now i know where they live and stuff and i can come over. So there won't be much day's that i sit here behind the pc all day long or in front of the tv ^^;.
Thee hee, yesterday eve i watched the Mummy Returns over at Guido's house. Pretty cool movie, though i like movies from Stephen King much better ^_^.
Well this is about it for now, i have to go to a steelmusium today...someone? Rescue meeeeee ;o;. I don't wanna go >_<.

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