[Shinobu]'s diary

558567  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-22
Written: (6980 days ago)

Ne ne,
eto ne,,,,
Nah seriously ¬¬
Aishiteru [Misuteriasu]!
And now, i'm gone, great weather outside XD

558046  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-04-21
Written: (6981 days ago)

This is for Max

Arigatou gozaimasu!!! *HUGS TIGHTLY*

Please go visit him ^_____^

[Khover] <33333

554703  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-18
Written: (6984 days ago)

AISHITERU [Misuteriasu]!
He's mine *evil laugh*
And i'm feeling sickis =_= perhaps i've overdone it this weekend ¬¬ *hears [Super Big] sing downstairs* =_@
Ah well this afternoon i'll be back home (at my dads house that is ^^') Cause my mom... eto ne... she completly rejected me ._. she doesn't even want to know of my existance anymore ^^' If someone asks her how i am or if i'm okay she says 'who?' or 'i dont know who you're talking about'
Ah well i'll survive ^_^
I got the sweetest boyfriend in the world XD He always makes me smile ^_^ And then you got my bested friend [Super Big] too! Muhahaha
My special thanks goes to [Miko Miko Chan] i love her so much! ;o; AISHITERU!!! I really mean it! She means the world to me, so if you hurt her, or [Misuteriasu] or [Super Big] i swear that i'll hunt you down! This also counts for Peri, but she doesn't has Elftown XD
she's doing my hair right now XD, were going to leave soon. I'll be on around 8th period. (computer class XD)
Also, i'll be getting a new computer =D well new... my dads old pc XD but it's way better then mine! Cause well mine takes about 20 minutes before i can acctually 'play' on it ._. *sneezes*
Eto... i'll answer my 50 messages (+_+ btw 50 is lots) soon ¬¬ when i find time XD.
Well i've gotta go now XD
Please be sure to check out the new picture at my house, it's me and [Super Big] (i'm the one with the ugly head and the blue thing on ¬¬)
Sayuki ik hou van jou!!
Sayuki i love you!
Sayuki aishiteru!!!
Je 'taime mon amour Sayuki XD (i speak poorly french)
Ich liebe dich Sayuki!
ma cherie!!!!!
XD What ya mean i love him? XD XD XD
Gotta go!
TTYL sweeties!
Me lufs you all very much!

[Super Big]
[Miko Miko Chan]

I love them most ^_^

538142  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-01
Written: (7001 days ago)
Next in thread: 542598

I'll be back asap

534090  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-03-28
Written: (7005 days ago)

From yesterday on, my mom doesn't wants me back. When i called her she said to me that she didn't want me back. Today i'll be picking my stuff up, woa i never knew it would go like this T_T. It's so weird ><. It's like a part of my world has fallen apart. And i'm so selfish right now >< i'm asking everyone to support me Y_Y. that's so selfish of me><.
Ermm, this means i'll be on less, and study way more. And i have to go much further to school ><. Ah well, i wanna go to [Misuteriasu] ;o; and peri and meriyem ;.;. I WAS going today, with or without dads permission, but noooo because i have to pick up my stuff ><. *sighes sadly* Still i am going to them really soon. Thank god @_@
Ermm this is about it,
thanks for reading ._.

532650  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-03-26
Written: (7007 days ago)
Next in thread: 532753, 533568

Hey, remember how i talked about how bad my mom is? Well yesterday eve the big bang came. I ran out of the house crying and went to my neighbours.
What happend?
Well it started with that i wanted to go to my dad and mom disagreed and such and yelled at me. I got so sick of it, she said i should go live at my dads house. So i thought 'well if you don't want me here you can have it your way' so i went upstairs and packed my stuff. But it was a lot. I had my schoolbag full and another bag and a little one. I could impossible carry all at once, they were way to heavy so i put one downstairs and went upstairs to get another one. When i cam down momy started pulling at my stuff. She told me that i had to leave my stuff and go away, i refused to leave my stuff behind so i said calmly no. Yes i stayed the whole time calm. Untilll... She started pulling and yelling more and more. I got sick of it, i dropped all and screamed 'i'm sick of it!' I ran out of the door slammed it and ran to the neighbours. I screamed on the street 'screw it all!!!' When the neighbours opend the door i started crying and ran into Marks arms. They comforted me and all.
This is not really everything into the details because i';m to lazy.

531130  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-03-24
Written: (7009 days ago)
Next in thread: 531393

Heya all
I'm going to Meriyem if this keeps going on XD Meriyem is supersweet <3 i can go to her if i want to :D This also counts for my other friends. But i've never mett someone i know from the net irl so i think i would be going to her XD Besides, then i would also meet my idol Peri! <33333
You'll proberbly wondering why i hate my mom now...
Well remember how i told you that thanks to her i almost had to stay in detention? Well she asked me about it:
Mom: 'did you went to school today?'
me 'of course i did O.o'
Mom 'yeh okay, did you had first class free?'
Me 'yeh Science fell out'
Mom 'okay, well did you had to stay in detention today?'
Me 'nope :D'
Mom 'Why O.o'
Me 'the teacher felt really sorry for me'
Mom 'what a stupid school! Pffft!'*walks away yelling and all pissed off*
Me 'eh O_________O?'

I think she can't take it that i didn't had to stay in detention. Well i think it's fair! I WASS sick after all! Stupid bitch ¬¬
Also, i got my gradeslist today ._. i'm not proud of it, last week we had a HELL LOT of tests. And that week i was unbelievebly stressed, forgotfull, too many problems and worries, and a stupid mom ticking me off and yelling at me all the time. So my grades slipped ;_;. And i didn't had the time to bring them up again ;_;. But anyway, it's not really such a big deal. i can bring them up again :D
Also! Even so that it wasn't so good, my math went up!!!! That's my worst subject!!! From 36% to 53%!!! That's good for me <3.
Anyway, i'm scared of showing it to my mom ._. i'll do it tomorrow. If i don't go to my daddy XD. I'm planning on going to him since i haven't seen a friend of mine over there for quite a while. I'm planning to visit XD
Ah well
I love my kawaita!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Zutto!!!!
I dream of you every night <3
And i want to hold you tight <3
Come fly with me
To eternal skies high up
Where we can be together <3
*kissu* For my Sayu <333333

530057  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-23
Written: (7010 days ago)


she's making my life miserable!!! >o<
Luckly i got sweet friends <333333333

530055  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-23
Written: (7010 days ago)

*long story, i had to stay in detention first because they said i was skipping school! While i wasn't, i was sick ;_;. But mom never signed me off *grrrr* And she claimed that i wasn't sick! HOW CAN YOU TELL YOU FUCKING BITCH YOU COME HOME LATE EVERYDAY!! So it's her fault that i almost had to stay in detention!*
But my teach felt sorry for me ToT
I won't be on as often anymore, cause i need to work hard at school! So i am going to do that! No computer for me before i'm done with my homework ^.^. And studies ofcourse >_>;;;
Anyway i'm going to hit the shower now!
Love you all!!!
[Misuteriasu] Specially luf yous!
check out my cu2 all yous dutch people out here!

513188  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-03-04
Written: (7029 days ago)
Next in thread: 513191, 513236, 513241, 518479, 520414

Here is my fotoshoot V.V

Ahww Shinobu hurt her finger >< There's a cut in it ;.;
Female Docter Evilish me <3
Bored as hell XD
Aha... UGLY
I watched too much Naruto ~~
Me's with Buffy-Cat, cute isn't he?
My sweet kitty cat i adore! He's so adorable! <3 Sayuki me made that movie for yous <3
Eww ugly me.
I'm copyrighted by [Misuteriasu]
Same story ^-^
My sign say's:
I'm Sayuki Copyrighted ^-^
[Misuteriasu] *houyou!*
So Don't Steal Me, Domo ^O^
Earlier at the 3th <3 i think..
It's so magical @_@

Enjoy ~~
All these pictures where taken yesterday accept the ones with my arm and the snow Those ones are about a week old, at least the arm. The snow ones where taken ermm 2th?

513016  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-03-04
Written: (7029 days ago)

Ah remember how i talked about that teacher last night? Well turns out he really holds a grudge against me. I HATE him! When class started i got yelled at right away for my behaviour yesterday -.-. He grabbed my arm really hard and he looked seriously pissed off. He got mad at my friend Linda too! Cause when he pushed us inside saying 'C'mon hurry up all!!!' And she said 'Calm down' on a normal tone he freaked out! He said she was rude -.-
As if! She wasn't rude at all.
Then he took me under hands.
Teach: about your behaviour last day, i don't accept it! You're really rude and non caring! I don't want that behaviour in my class anymore.
Me: *has a big smile on her face cause she's proud on how she annoyed him* Yesh sure... w/e baka XD
Teach: Listen to me young lady! *grabs my arm hard*
Me: auch...
Teach: You're going to pay attention now or you can leave! I was too soft on you yesterday! If you're like that today you can go out!'
Me: *nods and walks away*
As if he was soft on me yesterday! Yelling at me pulling my hair and all that shit! What a jerk! I put on my test paper above 'Omae o korosu baka -_-'
If he reads that and asks me 'What does that mean?' I will say 'Why don't you go look it up'.
though i will tell you guys what it means, it means 'I'm going to kill you idiot.'
Ah well that's his problem. He made Linda cry too O.o In all the years that i know her i've never seen her cry! (accept for the time when someone dearly died) I told the teacher to leave her alone. What did he do? Well he still stood there and stuff! He said that he was soft on her cause he knew (not true) that stuff was going on at home -.-. I HATE that guy! Ugh i could just kill him -.-.
ah well enough about that.

Tonight new pictures will be there from me XD. Not that you would want to see that. On one of them you can see me acctually smile *She thought of all her friends on that one and her special person*
I hope you all will enjoy ^-^.
Much love,

Go visit [Super Big] and [Misuteriasu] <3

512119  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-03-03
Written: (7030 days ago)
Next in thread: 512135, 512367

Heya all, you must be wondering why my mood is like that XD.
Well let me tell you ^^;.

As you all know i'm in a school where i work with plants/flowers and animals. Now today i had flowerarringing. That's making like pieces with flowers in it. Ermm the kind ones in like cups? ._. Eermmm anyway stuff you find in a flowershop XD.
But to get to the point. I put a flower in my hair, a Tulp. (Yes that's one of Hollands traditional flowers wich you all think are big part of our country together with that we all wear clugs -.-) But i just put it in my braid (picture of that tomorrow) And i found it look pretty <3. Now my damn fucked up teacher wasn't agreeing with me that i did that. i don't know why O.o. Now the class was... ermm not so sweet and neither was i. I was send out together with Rowena and Tess. I was send out because i said 'But sir' cause ermm Tess asked Kees to move a bit aside so she could see wat the teacher was doing during his explaining. Well that's a normal question i believe, and because she said that she was sended out, and because i thought it was unfair and i said 'But sir..' (Never got further then saying that) i was sended out after her. And i don't really know what rowena did XD.
But later at the end of the class i had a flower in my hair as i said before. The teacher asked me madly looking to pull it out, so i did -.-. But then when like class was almost over i put it back in. Then when he saw that, he grabbed my braid (my braid is only at one side -> the left) and like pulled out the flower with much violence. It hurted how he pulled my hair ;.;. He 'crumbeld' the flower and said 'THAT'S THE FUCKING LAST TIME MISSIE!' and i was like O.O dude chill out there... Though i was not such a good girl during class. I was like ermm more in the move more busier then useall. So he said to me 'What's going on with you? why are you so annoying?'
Me: 'I don't know just one of those days i guess'
Him 'Yeh but not in my class! You're disturbing class! And that annoys the others'
Me 'So?'
Him 'Not so! Listen here! Stop being so annoying and disturbing to the others!'
Me 'why me? The other ones are just as disturbing as i am, but only they don't disturb me nor the others. They disturb you sir.'
Then when i saw that look in his eyes of fury i just walked away saying ' You baka...'
Good thing he doesn't know what baka means XD.
Heh that's all ^^;l

511431  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-02
Written: (7031 days ago)

Heya all, time for an update XD.
Since i do write but it's only like ermm shout outs XD. Anyhow. I got to walk to school everyday now >< And it's freezing cold ._. that's so mean ><. But i guess it's my own fault. Both bicycles have a flat tyre somewhere XD (my fav one has the forwheel and the other one the backone XD.) So that means i can't go to school by bike anymore ^^;;;. Though it's about 7/10 minutes walk. So you can make up out of this that my school is near ^^; Wich is XD.
Ermm further more, has everyone seen my new drawing? Cause it's for my sweet Sayuki <3 He's so cute! Kyaaaa! *Huggles Sayuki tightly* Squeeshy <3
I'm really into making photo's XD (as always but i was to laze to recharge the batteries XD) Though you all will see new photo's friday the 4th. Remember, i'm a sucky photographer XD. And if i make photo's of me in the snow with Buffy, be sure to only look at Buffy XD. My face will traumatize you for life XD.
Well this is about it again >.>. And again for Yvonne. Happy Birthday! <3 ->[Super Big]<- and the link to Sayuki's House <3 [Misuteriasu].
I catched Sayuki's cold :D Yatta! *Huggies*
Muchos lovo's XD *tries to be intelligent*

511268  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-03-02
Written: (7031 days ago)
Next in thread: 511921

[Super Big] She's 16 years old now!!! YAAAAAAAAY!!! She can buy alcohol now hahaha XD.
No seriously happy birthday sweetie!<3

504928  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-02-24
Written: (7037 days ago)
Next in thread: 505807

My Sweet friend [Misuteriasu] joined today!!!

501155  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-02-20
Written: (7041 days ago)

I'm doing better i guess >.>. Still got some problems wich are hard but i think i can make it. Thoug... i got the feeling a guy who sexual intimidated me in 2003 has come back... It worries me. Since... i don't know it was scary >_<. But i can be wrong though ^^; I shouldn't worry to much about it. i mean, how high is the chance that he would come back? Really low >_>. Perhaps i'm just being paranoid or something like that. ^^;
Heh, i think i watched to many horror movies yesterday and today XD. though i only saw the end of scream 1 :'(. *sniff* Now that's mean! Cause i never watched 1, but i did saw 2 and 3 >_>. Tee hee <3 I'm not easily scared ^^. Thank god for that. I think it's because my dad made me.. ermm have a better resistance against it. Since when i was little he used to scare me a lot -.-. Like he went with me to something about bats (i was about 7) And i just love bats so there's nothing wrong with that.. exept for the fake vampire robot in the coffin!! It looked like he was breathing O_O I knew that he was a robot.. But it scared me anyway. I didn't dare to sleep much the days after ^^. I remember i watched the sun go down in my room and fear the darkness more and more XD.
but then again, i was 7 XD. Ah well i got over it. >_> And now this is the result ^^ And i'm happy wappy with it ^^. Watching scary movies without having nightmares <3. ...Though if i would watch a scary spider movie, i doubt if i will sleep okay XD.
Much love,

498361  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-02-17
Written: (7044 days ago)

We had a class field trip today >_>. To some garden stuff ^^; It was pretty cool, i had a lot of fun with [Super Big] XD. I want to thank her for feeding me ^O^
Thank you!!! <3

For the rest... ermm i'm pretty much saddish. I'm like between happy and sad. I got a huge headache =.= *le sigh* Oki i'm gettin depressed. I think i just need a good cry then i'll be all better.
Heh don't worry about me ^^ I'll be fine.

 The logged in version 

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