This weekend, Midwinter Fair.
'What will you wear?'
"Hmm, a dress I suppose..Don't really know yet."
'What?! You're a woman and don't know what to wear? That I am living to see this day.'
"Is it that strange then?"
'Quite, but not to worry my lady, for I shall assist you in your quest of finding the perfect outfit.'
"For some reason I am not sure about this.."
But I was wrong. He chose a bordeaux red dress, middle age model, perfect and beautifull.
Tomorrow, you and me, black pietjes.. Hilarious love scene or troumatic goodbye?
Hearing you this evening, I am certain it is the first choice.
'And if we say jump, will they ask how high?'
"Yeah, suppose they will."
'.. World dominatiooooon
We've just been introduced,
I do not know you well,
But when the music started
Something drew me to your side.
So many men and girls,
Are in each others arms.
It made me think we might be
Similarly occupied.
Shall we dance?
On a bright cloud of music shall we fly?
Shall we dance?
Shall we then say "Goodnight and mean "Goodbye"?
Or perchance,
When the last little star has left the sky,
Shall we still be together
With are arms around each other
And shall you be my new romance?
On the clear understanding
That this kind of thing can happen,
Shall we dance?
Shall we dance?
Shall we Dance?
*King and I, Shall we dance*
Cursing the rain for being wet, for ruining her hair, for being cold, she continued her path through the city. A new city, fresh and exiting, though not as much fun as she hoped it would be.
She walked faster as she saw a perfect place to hide from the rain. A little cover above a shop's window. Before she reached it, she went down quite hard. Muttering nasty things under her breath, she waved her hands in order to get the sand and mud of.
'Are you alright?'
She turned her head and looked up to see where the question came from. A pair of blue eyes met hers.
And like in all fairytales, the earth seemed to stop.
Yes, another cliché.
Two eyes staring at eachother, for just a few seconds, but seemingly for eternity.
"Yes. I- I'm fine, thank you."
A smile.
And aubern hair.
A little mustache.
Eyes that were blue and sparkling.
Her heart skipped a beat.
Luckly his did not.
'Here, let me help you.'
Within an hour, they were laughing, drinking tea, talking about little nothings and more.
They swopped numbers and their msn adresses and went their own ways again.
Though things were not the same.
He escorted her to the train and before she stepped in, they said goodbye.
He did the most wonderful thing.
He took her hand and kissed it, looking up for a reaction of any sort, eyes sparkling in amusement.
And she blushed.
And the rain? The rain was beautifull. It calmed her down, made her hair curl and cling to her face in a funny way, and it was refreshing as well.
Dressed in red, everything, everyone, red. A concert, dresscode red. Red, red, red.
And he smiled and waved, throwing me a handkiss. I know it is what he is supposed to do, but still.. I felt beautifull. I felt red.
Concert Marco Borsato, 25 okt 2006
One stared with dancing and one stoped.
One started again in difficult times.
One stopped again when going to a new school.
One's started once again, learning to live her own life...
Ballet was my first love, and it will be my last, as it seems to be now. Yes, back to ballet and loving every second!
The man held out his hand to a woman. She took it and he accompanied her to the middle of the Great hall. Music started to play and the man placed his hand on her waist. He smiled inviting and the woman smiled back at him. Their hands met as they started to dance.
The woman smiled, noticing his ring shining in the magical lights surrounding them.
The man smiled, noticing her ring shining as well.
Blue eyes met as they danced upon the melodie of love.
As the night came to an end, they left the party, knowing they wouldn't be missed. Outside, they sat down near the lake, watching the millions of stars in the sky.
'I love you Minette, more than there are stars in the universe.' "And I love you Albus, more than anything. More than life itself.'
That starry night, love could be found sleeping underneath an old willow tree, in each others arms sharing an everlasting dream...
This will be the week. I will give feedback and try to be kind. But she has crossed the line to many times now...
I know you
I danced with you
once upon a dream
I know you
The gleam in your eyes
so familliar with me
*no secrets-once upon a dream*
He was cursed. As cold as ice. His heart frozen like the world outside was freezing. The castle had been taken as his new “home”. Students and teachers were hold captive in order to serve him. Some were loyal. Those are the ones that had lured him into that trap.
Others are planning his fall.
‘One of us must win his trust.’ “But who?” ‘Everyone freezes around him!’ “He’s to cold!”
‘WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!’ The Ice king stood in the open doorway. They froze.
“Offering you a Queen, Milord…” The professors turned around. There stood the librarian of Hogwarts, Minette Morningstar. She looked as white as snow and wore a dress in an icy blue color. The Ice King smiled. ‘Quite right. Every King needs his Queen.. You shall be mine.’
He closed the door and was gone. The professors stared at the young woman in shock. ‘Have you gone out of you mi-‘ “Fantastic!” They stared at the current Headmaster, Armando Dippet. His grey eyes were focused on the librarian. “I think it’s fantastic. You will gain his trust and than you shall release him from his curse.. “ He gave her one of his rings. “Be careful. It contains a very strong poison.” She nodded and left.
‘Where is my queen?’
She bowed her head. “I am here, Milord..”
‘Good.’ He looked at his new Queen. She was white as snow, with lips red as an ruby. Her dress tight and her hair in a bun. Like him, she didn’t smile. She just obeyed. He loved it.
It stayed like that for one whole week.
Walking through the castle, he heard sining. Strange.. he thought to himself. Curious, he decided to check up on it.
Through the keyhole, he saw her. His queen. Only- she wasn’t as white as snow. She had a normal flesh color. Her ruby red lips were fare more softer and not nearly as red. And she smiled as she sang along with an old muggle-radio.
He felt something inside.. It made him curious. What was this familiar, but lost feeling?
Minette sank down on her knees. She sat at the balcony, bare feet, cold stones. She let her tears flood freely, trying to concentrate on her feelings instead.
'Pain.' She whispered to the wind.
The wind blew around her. Surrounded her.
She saw an old lake before her eyes. And mysts. White pure mysts. They encircled her, took away her breath and lifted her to where she belonged.
She had screamed at Albus, hurt him badly, lashed at him violently. There was only one thing he could do now and that was hate her. Hate her for what she had done.
If only he knew. If only he saw.
It was another part of her, trying to survive without taking much damage. She had been hurt so many times before, that she now rather hurt him than let him hurt her again, even with words and things she didn't mean, she doesn't mean and never will mean.
I say things, I do things, to get away without another scar.
Don't you know that feeling?
Don't you understand?
Minette's do cry.
Every night.
They do cry.