Questions Chapitre 5
1-Le verbe vouloir est associé à Marie. On le retrouve plusieurs fois dans
ses propos. Relève 4 occurrences du verbe.
2- Quelle est la position de Marie sur le mariage?
3- Relève l'attitude de Meursault envers Marie: la bizarrerie de ses
propos, sa logique et les mots qu'il emplois.
4- Salamano est un personnage pathétique et timide. Dressez son portrait à travers son comportement.
5- Lorsque Salamano fait part du jugement négatif du quartier à propos de sa mère, Meursault réagit. Comment réagit-il?
6- Fait un parallélisme (comparaison) entre Meursault et sa mère et entre Salamano envers son chien.
Questions Chapitre 6
1- Relevez les images reliées au soleil (6).
2- Le soleil est pour Meursault source de souffrance. Relevez les termes
qui le démontre (4).
3- À partir du pas qu'il fait pour se protéger du soleil, Meursault est pris dans un engrenage. Mentionnez les 4 étapes qui suivent.
4- On assiste à un véritable embrasement de l'univers, qui fait penser à l'apocalypse. Relevez la phrase qui appuie cette image.
Questions Chapitre 3
1- Un an s'est écoulé depuis le meurtre de l'arabe. L'extrait se situe à l'instant où Meursault vient d'entrer pour la 1ère fois dans la salle d'audience. Quel impression l'univers du tribunal produit-elle sur Meursault?
2- Meursault se retrouve au centre des regards d'une foule. Relevez les 3 formules qui le mentionne.
3- On assiste ici à un phénomène du déplacement de sa personnalité. Lequel?
4- Comment Camus dénonce-t-il le système judiciaire ? (type de questions par rapport mort de sa mère et le meurtre)
5- Comment dénonce-t-il la Presse?
Questions Chapitre 1
1- Le narrateur se trouve confronté à quelle situation?
2- Quelle attitude a-t-il?
3- Quelle est sa préoccupation principale?
4- Nommez 3 expressions qui manifestent l'indifférence de Meursault.
5- Relevez la seule émotion à laquelle il fait allusion.
6- Quelle est notre première impression de Meursault?
7- Meursault se conforme-t-il aux habitudes vestimentaires de deuil?
8- Comment ses amis manifestent-il
9- Quel sens donnez-vous à l'expression «une affaire classée»?
10-Faites un compte rendu des actions posées après qu'il ait reçu le télégramme (6) dans la même journée.
11-Mentionner les précisions spatio-tempore
12- Nommez les 3 conditions du voyage de Meursault.
Questions Chapitre 2
1- Quand Versault se lève dimanche matin, Marie est déjà partie et il se retrouve seul pour affronter une journée qu'il n'aime pas. Qu'est-ce que le verbe «errer» paraît témoigner dans l'extrait?
2- Comment l'évocation du décor de sa chambre se manifeste dans son rapport étrange avec les lieux
3- Qu'est-ce que la phrase «Je me suis aussi lavé les mains et pour finir je me suis mis au balcon» confère à l'atmosphère de paragraphe?
4- Meursault se trouve en position de spectateur sur son balcon. Dites comment.
Questions Chapitre 3
1-Décrivez la relation entre Salamano et son chien
2-Faites la description physique et psychologique de Rémond Sintèse.
3-Quelle est la relation entre Sintèse et sa maitresse?
4-Qu'est-ce que Camus veut dénoncer à travers cette relation?
Argh...this coming week sure is gonna be a pain in the ass... All thanks to the fact i couldn't freaking pass my science exams D8
I'm taking classes from 8am to 12:30pm just to make sure I don't fail this time(hopefully, the teacher will be a GOOD ONE THIS TIME).
I guess I can say bye to my time on the computer...and welcome to studying time during S-U-M-M-E-R V-A-C-A-T-I-O-
I decided to post it here instead of my front page
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn’t make sense. NO CHEATING!
4. Tag 5 people.
5. Bold the questions and with the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the questions.
This seems simple enough
I shall ignore #4 though
Found this on DeviantArt,and I had time to lose instead of studing...>_< im so failing my math exam now..and maybe science too.
Feel free to comment on my stuff :D
----->>>How are you feeling today?
Scars--Papa Roach
Mhm..I don't want to do my exam today (1st march)
------>>>Will you get far in life?
Spanish train --Chris de burgh
Mhm..This song is about God and Satan fighting for souls.. Which side shall I take?
------>>>How do your friends see you?
So far away-- Crossfade
:s well, i doubt they see me like that, but that somewhat how I feel toward them...
------>>>Will you get married?
I guess it depends on how i'll be thinking when i'll have the choice...
----->>>What is your best friend's theme song?
New beggining--Tra
I guess thats what I'd like with most of my most important friends. Everything seems to go wrong at a certain point.
----->>>What is the story of your life?
The game--Trapt
Heh. I guess in some way. I sometime feel like my life is a game, but one that no mater what you do, you'll lose.
------>>>What was(is) high school like?
I guess in some way. Right now, i'm having a real hard time with math and science..I feel somewhat indefferent about all that concerns it tho...
----->>>How can you get ahead in life?
Let it die --3 days grace
How ironic
------->>>What is the best thing about your friends?
Sugar free--Hedley
Well, from the tittle, it would mean that I like to eat them... but from the lyrics of the songs, it would mean that they are the one killing me. True.
----->>>What is in store for this weekend?
When all is said and done -- Trapt
I guess I'll be doing nothin' interresting for march break XD
------->>>To describe your grandparents?
Starless-- Crossfade
Omg...thats all i have to say...
------>>>How is your life going?
Animal I have become-- 3 days grace
I feel like I'm becoming (or already am) something I am not.
----->>>What song will they play at your funeral?
Broken Home-- Papa roach
I guess their right. My family life is just such a mess.
---->>>How does the world see you?
Stop looking--Papa roach
---->>Will you have a happy life?
Infest-- Papa Roach life is infested with problems. like everyone :D
------>>>What do your friends really think of you?
Le train -- Villain Penguin
I guess they'd like me to go as far from them as I could. Or just that I'm far from them..Weird, seems like its like another answer o_O
----->>>Do people secretly lust after you?
Time and time again --Papa Roach
Apparently. wow, they have bad taste LOL
----->>>How can I make myself happy?
Colors-- Crossfade
...this makes sence with the lyrics. I should ''change'' . Or just show another side of me
---->>>What should you do with your life?
Nothing to lose-- Billy Talent
o_O how..positive =_=
---->>>Will you ever have children?
These walls--Trapt
Mhm.. I should start by knowing who I really am?? I dont know what the heck this mean lol
Stolen from [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]
2. YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (first three letters of your name plus izzle)
Sarizzle (thats..just weird LOL )
3. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (fav. color & fav. animal)
Orange Cat
4. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name & current street)
I don't have a middle name. so I'd be.. Montmartre? o_O;
5. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name & first 3 letters of dad's name)
Cansaden (wow.. first name that came to mind after seeing that, was Casanova...)
6. SUPERHERO NAME: (2nd favorite color & favorite drink)
Black limonade (rofl, Fear the almighty BLACK LIMONADE!! If you don't respect her, she shall make your limonade flavorless for the rest of your pityful life xD )
7. IRAQI NAME: (2nd letter of your first name, 3rd letter of your last name, any letter of your middle name, 2nd letter of your moms maiden name, 3rd letter of your dads middle name, 1st letter of a siblings first name & last letter of your moms middle name)
Anra (i don't have a middle name, and don't think my parents have either...if i ever know, i'll change this)
8. WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mothers middle name)
Would that mean that theyd call me ''None'' or ''Blank'' ...
9. GOTH NAME: (3rd favorite color, and the name of one your pets)
Green Ruby (ain't a ruby usually red?)
How are we supose to tell someone
that even with all these memories
From your life, you want them to be gone
Otherwise, never will the pain ease
The very one they gave me
The one given so blindly
The very one they were of aware
I wonder If I'll one day dare
To Tell them how much I've hate
everything that came from them
And its only this late
That I realise I want them out of this ''game''