I don't know what's wrong with me. Josh is pissed at me and says I've changed. I have, but not in the way that he thinks. I don't know who I am anymore. If I am somebody. Am I? I mean I leave church and go sit outside and no one looks for me. No one questions where I am. Except Sarah. Sarah I love you and I thank you so much for being my friend. I really don't deserve to have you...Really. I'm sorry to all the people I hurt and don't hurt. I wish I wasn't in existence sometimes, a lot of times lately it seems. A lot of people wouldn't have to handle the grief and problems I put them through. Josh wouldn't have to feel like he's wasting his time. Maybe he is. Who knows? Not me. Do you? I doubt it. Renee and Sarah wouldn't have to sit there and try to make me feel better. Branden wouldn't have to waste his time asking what's wrong. The question that even I don't know the answer to anymore. I've been thinking more and more about suicide and I can't really say why. Nothing is really wrong in my life, but everything feels wrong. I don't feel like I belong anywhere anymore. When I got home yesterday I planned on running away. Going somewhere that no one knew or cared about me. Going somewhere that the people here wouldn't have to waste time on me. They don't think of it as wasting time...At least most of them don't. Apparently Josh does. See I'm ranting. I do that. But it doesn't matter. The group doesn't exist anymore. At least the group with me in it. I'll never know until I love myself. I thought I did. I don't know. I just don't know. Does anyone know what my problem is? Does it matter? Probably not. No one knows. Maybe I'll see why when I stop escaping my pain. What pain though? Do I really feel anything? Is there really any pain? I can't believe this is goodbye everyone...but it is.
Hey everyone...it'
poor Mealy-Chan..T.