A child cries a far off cry
A mother asks a mournful why
An alley cat meows for some meat
A farm goat chews his hearty wheat
A mother comes home to an empty house
A child is warm and snug as a mouse
A wolf cries out to the far away moon
a robin sings a sorrowful swoon
A brother is scared of what is to come
A sister is clueless and snapping her gum
A father is yelling
A mother's eye is swelling
A sister is singing
A phone is ringing
An agent comes in
And the bad news begins
They will be apart
it will break their poor hearts
If it weren't for the madness
drugs brought them to sadness
A child cries a far off cry
a mother asks a mournful why
You ask me who I am
Do you really want to know
When I tell you who I am
Why do you say it isn't so
You tell me who you think I am
You tell me I am someone else
I tell you who I am
You say that I am trying to be someone else
When you ask me who I am I stare
I think of what to tell you
If I tell you who I am
I do not want to hurt you
Do you really want to know?
I will tell with my soul
You say that you already know
But you really havn't got a clue
Why do you say I am not me
Why do you say I am someone that you want me to be
Why, I cannot say, but this is me
I am not who you want me to be because I am me
As all of this goes through my head
you look at me with hope
Right now I am filled with dread
And with all of my fear I hope that I can cope
You ask me again and I stare
You ask me if I know
I look around everywhere
And say, do you really want to know?
I am going to write my poetry in here and if any1 steals it I will personally hunt them down and kill them.....