[Madame Black]'s diary

105741  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2003-11-28
Written: (7492 days ago)
Next in thread: 120041, 148860

been a while since I've written.. but I need to blab to SOMEONE about this... though I seriously doubt anyone reads this stupid thing
My "wittle crushie" has been messing with my head, seriously. He's been flirting with me, but I found out today that he doesnt even like me! In fact, he has a "special friend" even -.- am really frickin pissed. I really really liked him... and I could've sworn he liked me too, and yet... not, supposedly. I mean, how frickin wrong is that?! You just dont mess with someone's head like that. I mean, I'm glad he can find someone on the spot like that, but for ppl like me, who've never had a boyfriend at the age of 17... its pathetic. I'm emmotional and rather clingish at times, and if someone is flirting with me, that I just so happen to like, THEY BETTER FRICKIN BE SERIOUS -.- *grumbles*
Now I gotta act as if I dont know for.. however long it takes... and I'll be seeing him again soon
Am SO about to cry right now.... its really making me depressed
Here I thought I had my perfect guy (rushing things a bit, wasnt I?) and he doesnt even like me! Yet was flirting!
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I want to mutilate something reaaally bad -growls-

ok, am done now... though I could go on forever

96026  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2003-11-06
Written: (7513 days ago)

whoa buddy... and a long time later, I'm really FLIPPIN happy! My crushie... likes me, I think.. and... THAT'S WONDERFUL, considering twould be the first time I'd have happened! yay! this is what happened
I told him about this song right, it goes...
Goodnight, sleep tight, no more tears, in the morning I'll be here. When we say goodnight, dry your eyes, because we said goodnight and not goodbye

so this is the conversation that followed...

basebal******: are you saying you must leave
ElvenRinger: lol, no, but when I do.. whenever that is... you can think of that song, lol ^^
baseb******: ok
ElvenRinger: cause I know.. it would just break your heart... -sniff- :P
baseballf****: it will
basebal****: (kissy symbol)
ElvenRinger: awwww, lol.. I feel appreciated
baseba*****: you should

he's never said anything like that before! totally took me by surprise! -SWOONS- my heart... is... POUNDING, I tell yas!

85145  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2003-10-17
Written: (7534 days ago)

Just got back not long ago from my friend's visitation. Worst thing I've ever been to; having never been to one before. She looked so sad and more like a wax figure than anything. I kept expecting to see her stomach slowly rise as she breathed peacefully as if asleep, but she no longer breaths. Her family was taking it very well, and I was surprised. I learned that her husband was with her as she died and he told her of all the characteristics he loved about her, and she clasped his hand and left this world. It made me feel better to know that she left like that. I couldnt approach the casket though I looked from afar. Everyone there was wearing toe-socks, because she would always wear them. I've got a poem to write tomorrow for English and I'm going to write about that... wearing toe-socks.
And still I did not cry, though I nearly did several times. I came in the room shaking like a leaf and left with somewhat of a smile. I wont be able to make it to the funeral tomorrow, though my heart goes out. Today was all I could handle.

84713  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2003-10-15
Written: (7535 days ago)

even more depressed than before. My lady friend died today from cancer in her leg, kidney and back. She had four children the youngest of which was 7 I believe, and the oldest was 15. She was Christian and so I know where she is right now and I'm glad that she isnt in anymore pain, though it will be hard to know that her children will grow up without a mother. We loved her dearly and was not expecting her sudden death.
She was a strong woman, quick to smile and with a witty humour. She was always encouraging and giving wisdom to all who asked for it. We will miss her always.
As soon as possible, I'm setting up a memorial on either my wiki page or my house.

83103  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2003-10-12
Written: (7539 days ago)

not so terribly depressed today.... got to talk to my crushie and such...woo... made me happy... then depressed cause I wanted to talk longer and jenk. Yeah
Tis all for now

81420  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2003-10-08
Written: (7542 days ago)

well, my laptop goes bye bye today... twas my step mom's. So my postings here will get more random until my computer gets fixed. Yeah, so just thought I'd let you know.
"How did it come to this?"

80804  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2003-10-07
Written: (7544 days ago)

Well, my dad came over tonight to tell me that he and my step mom.. married just 2 months, are splitting up. He was crying and about throwing a fit saying how if it werent for me he would commit suicide... and I've never even seen my dad cry but once. I about lost it as well. You see, my real mom and I dont get along very well, though we have to live together, and my step mom was like, my escape... my friend, the mom I should've had. Even my best friend loved her...having hated and being hated my real mom. I've already been through one divorce, and that's enough for me. I cant deal with another one. I'm way too emotional and I get really schitzo-like when I get depressed... schitzoprenia runs in my family so there's a good chance I could have a bit of it somewhere in me.
So yeah, this isnt good and I'm depressed.
Listening to Evanescence Last Breath, and Imaginary a lot... Imaginary being my theme song for my life
-sigh- so difficult

79455  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2003-10-05
Written: (7546 days ago)

mkay, I just saw Signs right? well.... I'm a terribly, and I mean TERRIBLY paranoid person, okies? I got freaked out, yesh I did. And.... I'm paranoid now. I have this odd desire to board up my windows, grab a bat and some tinfoil and a flash light... and.... stay the night at a friend's... Yeah, so.. what did you do? Bet it wasnt as fun as trapsing throgh a corn feild.... I did that before the movie... mind you... that was interesting.
Did I mention I'm not normal? Yeah, I think you already know by now.... anyway

78510  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2003-10-02
Written: (7548 days ago)

yesh, well, mkay... am sitting on my couch listening to Evanescence again, with my best friend beside me... she wants to say something, yesh...
Jen: ummm.....hi
yay, anyway... not much to say, just wanted to do something stupid like that... toodles

76382  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2003-09-27
Written: (7553 days ago)
Next in thread: 76425

dood... why on earth have I all of a sudden wanted to be a goth?! I dont get it! One day I start listening to Evanescence... the next, I'm wearing all black with heavy black makeup! Not like I do the whole wiccan, terribly depressed, usually thought of as a low life sort of Goth... not saying they all are... I just like the clothes, hair and makeup! I think it'd be cool to be one of those Goth Christians that all the other freaks think is cool because she's like them, but different. I dunno...rawr

73067  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2003-09-20
Written: (7560 days ago)

Got attacked by bees last weekend o.o twasnt good!

Someone else asked me to illustrate a few things for her story, and I've got about 3 ppl to draw! Yay! cant wait to begin on them.

Just made myself a wire diadem and slave bracelet and they look lurvly. Might make another website and try to sell them. Ah well.

Never got to take my pictures from last weekend and so I'm going to try again very soon. Should be lurvly, yesh.

Well, toodles

69736  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2003-09-14
Written: (7566 days ago)

Recently did two pictures for two different people... think they turned out lurvly! So far, the one who's written back as of now, seemed to have liked it as well! Quite happy, yesh.
Am about to go out in the woods next to my dad's house and take some pictures with chairs! How fun! lol. Should prove very interesting...
And I've been working on some logos and such for my online store (http://www.cafeshops.com/tincanshop) which sells merchandise based on my website, TinCan Productions (http://elfqueentindomiel.tripod.com/tincanproductions) a parody based on LOTR. Its a "company" that sells Elvish home care products.
Am listening to Enya's, The Celts, cd... lurvly. Just love Gaelic.. must learn more! Tis all for now

 The logged in version 

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