I disadvise to all the program gastroenteriti
Out of this little couple of things that bothers me, almost all is right for me ;)
Who answered to my poll that he does like being tired? I just find it very curious, that's why I'd like understand ^^
I'm in Paris!!!
And I do what I dreamed to do: "psychomotrici
If you want to know what it is, I'll try to explain you that even in French, there is no real words to say simply what it is...
I've got many things to do, so I haven't time enough to come here as often as I used to.
So I hope all of you are well, I hug all of you ;)
For [raza]: I'm not a child, I promise you.
But I understand more easily childs than I understand adults... Perrhaps because I'm not an adult for a long time? Anyway, I need many many time now.
I'm in childhood again
The childs who's around me make me cry on my old haunting demonds
R. is a child who've lost his father when was 4 month. His suffering is too heavy for me.
I'm a child disguised as an adult. But I know it does'nt fools anybody.
For all who didn't know, my entrance exam for Paris did manage! XD
Thanks to all who helped me (particulary [raza]!), supported me or anything else!!!
Now that I don't have to work anymore, I'm bored...
Humans are inevitably dissatisfied..
My entrance exams are now all passed! :)
It wasn't too terrible but I can't know if I really managed...
Hmmmm... Now I've just to wait for the results during two months...
Wednesday is my fisrt entrance exams... I'm OK! I MUST manage... I WILL manage!
Think of me!!!!
My entrance examinations are for very soon... April, the 5th... I'm completely SCARED...
Think of me!!! Please...
Out of that, all is right. Out of that...