First entry. Yes.
Saramis Kismet~~ Your fading destiny
Things at school seem to be fixing themselves rather nicely... it's taken a while but as of late things are looking up. Right when I decide to stop trying to heal it myself, it goes off and makes itself work. Doesn't that just figure.
Whereas at my mom's house things just keep getting pushed further toward the back of the shelf. It's to the point where I have to scream to say anything important and when I scream my mom automatically tunes me out. *sigh* And because she wants to take a totally random vacation I get shunted over to my dad's house, where I haven't been in 3+ months. I stay quiet here, and avoid eye contact with most of them, and its actually more peaceful than my mom's house.
Not like I'll be staying here for long.
Maurius and I are doing allright. It's different not seeing each other quite as much as when it started, but I can live with it.
Going to Luz's house tomorrow to watch a shitload of movies. That should be fun.
*tunes out hip hop behind her and watches anime*