i lied to my friend. i feel sucky now
this hot guy is talking to me! yea!
every one sucks in my life. except my friend and me. mabey some new people on here r nice too, who knows?
i had to go work at my mom's, i don't even get paid. how laim is that?! i worked for 41/2 hours! not a penny. life sucks when u don't get paid for it!
pissed off.... if u want an example just ask me...i have plenty of examples!
u no tha tjerk that i was talking about yesterday? we're all good. yay meeee!
kk. heres how it goes down. my friend was being a major b...so i said she could leave... she did. didn't expect that coming! lol! well...now shes pissed at me!
what a b!
i found a stray cat and i can't keep him! he needs a home and no one will take him! this flippin pisses me off!
my life sucks...my friends hate me and eachother... what more could a girl want?
if anyone wants to talk... god know i'm willing. but please...if u affend me in any way, shape, or form, i'll block u!
my name means dawn...i'm 15. i live in wyoming and i have lots of friends. but im looking forward to talk to new people