(So many sneaky snipits to be snuck in petween patrons) I work at a library, by the way, and am writing in the empty moments when there are no patrons needing my help or supervisors giving me projects. I've decided, screw people. I will write it like it is and if it scares them away, good ridance, and if they like me more for it, all the better. It was fun chatting with Briar, haven't been able to just play around for some time. I would be fun to meet again, though I am sure there are other fun people here in elftown also. (Three entries in one day, thus far! Should I be afraid, very afraid?)
Met cool Briar today. I don't know how personal I should get with this whole online diary thing. I've always kind of thought they should be private, not that I mind people knowing about me. I just never know if what I say will offend people. And I don't know if I should write it for me or for Elftown. Have to get back to work.
Oh, my diary is sad and empty. Well, I just set up an elfwood account, so that is a little bit of an interesting fun thing. It will be interesting exploring this area becasue I really know nothing about it. at all. Sorry, I know that I now have an online diary! Hum hum. It would be nice to be able to post some pictures, I'll need to ask Angie how, and then I should be able to do it from home. I really don't have anything terribly interesting to say just now, and am interested in exploring more of elftown, but could not leave my diray sad and empty. So now I will go. buy.