[Lord Sporkinator]'s diary

811994  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-06-21
Written: (6672 days ago)
Next in thread: 812247

Everyone's being bossy at the moment! Beki just informed me of her and alex's yelling match with a bunch of midgets, and i had a rather bossy episode today, which is


unlike me...anyway, i was helping out at the school that jose's little brother goes too (yep, thats my job now!) They were all a bunch of annoying 11 year olds, and the teacher pissed off and left me with them for a minute, and they were being really rowdy BEFORE she left. The minute she walked out of the room, all hell broke loose. Here is pretty much how it worked:

Kids: *rowdy behavior, throwing stuff, screaming, fighting etc.*
Kids: *look scared, but don't stop being rowdy*
Liam: RIGHT, I WARNED YOU!! *grabs too kids nearest to him, drags them down the corridor with the rest of the class following and throws them into the girls toilets (they were both guys)*
Kids: *Run back to class and sit down*
Liam: *walks in* Anyone else want to ignore me?
Kids: *silence*
Liam: Good.

Now, i really dont know what came over me, but when the teacher came back she was amazed at how quiet the class were. AND as the kids were leaving, i heard one of them say "Hey, that english guy's awesome, isn't he?"
Wow, i feel loved!! Oh, and thanks [Atayemi], for the word FECK...if it wasnt for you, i'd prolly have sworn violently at them all and got chucked out of the school XD
805476  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-06-09
Written: (6685 days ago)

Yeshm, im prolly not gonna be online much for the next week coz im moving to California and we've got a hell of a lot of stuff to do...i'll prolly be on for a few minutes each day, just to check my messages, but if im not, then it's not my fault if i dont reply to you until this time next week! When everything is normalised again, i'll come on and make up for any un-replied to messages ^_^ bye bye all who know me, i'll talk to y'all soon xxxxxx

803957  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-06-06
Written: (6688 days ago)
Next in thread: 804178

Wheee, it's my biiiirthday!!!!!! w00t! 19 already...dear god im getting old :( oh well, thankies to all those people who've wished me happy birthday today, it means alot <333 luff you all! xxxxxx

 The logged in version 

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