[XBrain_DeadX]'s diary

1009349  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-02-03
Written: (5963 days ago)



 They operated in my head, and this is what they found:
A living corpse and a over-rated clown. I thought I was special; I thought I mas enough, but all I turned out to be was a balland chain with a pair of furry cuffs. How'd it get like this? How'd it get this low? I didn't want it to be this way. I wanted u to stay, but I lost you anyways.
All these images are clouding my head. And the everything he ever said. I can't think, I can't stay happy, I can't smile or laugh. I'm sorry I asked 4 this so he can be happy, but look at me I'm a living corpse. There's this storm ahead of me and I walked right in it. Thousand souls screaming inside. Thunder hitting a tree. God this is crap... I can't rhyme I can't think. I'm sry this is so shitty.

980170  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-09-30
Written: (6089 days ago)


My mind is playing unkind tricks on me,and my heart aches with agony as it strongly urges to disagree. It throbs with anguish; it desprately longs for you. For your voice, for your touch, for the sensation of your skin against mine, your kiss, your smell, your gaze, your heart-stopping smile, your laugh. You say you kinda know what it's like, but honestly you really only know maybe about half.
I guess for the next 11 months I live in fantasy. Honestly, I'm starting to doubt my own sanity. My thoughts dance around like pesky flies. I'm not even sure if keeping them to myself is very wise. I want to tell you; to let you know, but I'm scared you'd think me crazy, and everytime I try my mouth gats lazy, my throat gets dried, and my voice gets caught.
I know it's pathetic, but thinking about all this makes me cry at night. Yeah I know, emo kid, right? I want to tell you, but I don't know how to bring it up, or even how to say it. Like a puzzle piece that doesn't fit. You wonder why I can't sleep, it's because at night these things, these thoughts, these horrors, these torment, this beauty start to creep. I'm not to sure about alot of things, but one thing I'm certin of is that I love you, and I always will. Till death do we part. Even when my heart stops beating, and my life is finally through. I'll still love you.

980155  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-09-30
Written: (6089 days ago)


           MAN ON FIRE
He lives in my worst nightmare. He lives in my past and in the people who were never there. He was once a forgotten memory, but now something I'm forced to face alone. I wish he was nothing, or at least something outgrown.
Man on fire burned all my dreams. Man on fire burned all my last goddamn screams. He burns and he scars. I never really got very far.
Man on fire burned everything there is to see, and now ashes are all that's left of me. Pain is his only desire, and there's no end to this life long fire.
Everywhere I look, no matter which way I turn, everything I see he has burned. He burned all the vibrant flowers. He made seconds feel like hours. Everything went up in flames. It all looks the same. All the trees and buildings are black. There's no return; no way back. I only hears tears, screams, and one other sound.......little girls singing "Ashes, ashes, we all fall down."

968983  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-08-20
Written: (6129 days ago)
Next in thread: 968988

I look in my mirrors reflection, and I see nothing; not even my own rejection. I made my decision and I don't take it back, but it feels like I crashed and burned in a deadly car crash.
You finally let go and watched me fall, but your name is everywhere. It's thoughts in my head. It's in the sheets on my bed. It's in the foods that I eat. It's in the places that I go. It's in the people I know. It's in the air I breath. It's in the words I speak. It blows through my hair. It strips me bare. From the floor to the wall. Your name's in it all.
I use to look at you and think "My salvation, My savior", now I look at you and think "My lie, My failure". You use to make me feel special, like I was something, now I guess to you I'm nothing. I tell you I love you and you don't hear me. You tell me you love me and you don't at all sound sincere. And I can't seem to stop this endless stream of tears.
I use to talk of suicide, but why kill myself? You just did that for me. You don't want me. You want that whore, Tiffany. Now I'm brain dead on the floor with only one thought in mind "I guess I'm not good enough; I guess you want more".

968342  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-08-18
Written: (6131 days ago)
Next in thread: 968440

         My Criptic Rose
Roses....Everyone always admires these beautiful creatures; admireing every part of their delicate features. However, I see these things as different people. Some are black and dead, some are alive and red, some are white and pure, some are yellow and have no cure, while others are just mixtures of colors,but none of us is just like the others.
Mine is much more different so to say. I feel apart in every way. I was alive once before, then I turned black, and laid cold and dead in the vibrant flower bed. My pedals began to wither away. Untill a stranger found me one day.
So here I am black and dead (only acouple pedals still clinging on), "I love you", he said (I'm still trying to find out how), and as he said these 3 little words my last dieing pedals slowly turned red.
Now its a battle to keep me alive. For others, breaking us up is their only strive. Becca hated me for it.
Another pedal falls. Haylea keeps trying to call.
Now she claims to be raped by her uncle but uh....you can't rape the willing, now can you? I have family problems.
I don't care anymore (there's nothing I can do), so I shut that door. Shane digs up something from the past that was baried long ago.
I can't get over that one. Then there's Tiffany...there's not much to tell...she's nothing more than a waste of egg and sperm.
It's been a year tomarrow, and we're still together. There's nothing more to weather. But there's only one rose petal left. Only one till I'm deader then black. Only one till I can't be brought back. Only one till I have none. Only one till everyone has won. And he's the only one who can make that one into none at all. If he chooses to do that then I have nothing to do but to fall. Fall into time and space. Fall into a dark and scary place. And there I will proceed to fall untill I'm nothing at all.....

This is a really crappy poem. yes it sucks, but this is all I can think of at the moment so yeah. Sorry bout this it's crap I know.

965090  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-08-08
Written: (6141 days ago)

until that fateful day that I was cast astray......

950833  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-22
Written: (6189 days ago)

What if....
What if I cried...would you be there to wipe away my tears, or just leave me there swallowed whole in my own worst fears?
What if I died....would you care, or leave me there alone and cold as I lie?
What if I dissappered into the night....would you care enough to find me, or would you just go on with out worry or fright?
I try to be all that I can be, but all I could ever be is shitty ass me. Sometimes I think that it'll be better off without me; that everyone would be happier if I'm not there, but I stay here because of you. I mean how much harm could it really be?
What if I was somebody else....would you miss the old me, or would that thought quickly flee?
Is it so bad haveing me around? Is it so bad that I love you more than anything?
What if I was never born....You wouldn't have to deal with me. I wouldn't have to deal with this hate and scorn.
But if I was never born I would've never met you,the love of my life, my world, my savior, my knife. But I am who I am, and I can't change. Even if I could I wouldn't. I love you that's all I can say. And that I love you more each and every day. I can't say the same for you because I'm not you, but I'd like to know where you stand on that subject, and I want things to get better, I'll do anything just tell me what to do. But I'm sleepy now I go to sleep, and know this: that no matter what happends I will ALWAYS love you, and the memories of you I will always happily keep. I promise you that.

948433  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-15
Written: (6196 days ago)
Next in thread: 948437

The Willow Tree
I stand here. Forever planted here. And I fear you'll never return to me, my dear. I gave you my heart in a silver box, and gave you the only key to the godforsaken lock. You took it and hid it away. It's still yours each and every day. I am yours forever more. Untill the day you come back to me, and our souls sour.
The day I watched you walk away, I blew you a kiss, blessed every part of you (for you are every part of me), prayed safe you will always be, and that one day you'll come back to me.
I look for you in the lonely horizon. Wishing and waiting for the day we are togaether again. And bestow a kiss. The kind I truely miss. I waited so long that my hair became that of a weeping willow tree. My age quickly flee. That my arms and legs became roots. Forever planted here; each and every year. And my tears formed a river for little kids to play in, and animals to drink. But my love will never sink.
At night by the weeping willow tree when the sun goes to bed. You'll hear the one thing I said. The wispered words that were quickly forgotten. The words that are forever true. "I'll forever wait for you."

947477  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-06-12
Written: (6199 days ago)

I scream to see if anyone heard. I cry to see if anyone could wipe my tears away. I kill myself to see if anyone would notice me not there the very next day. I laugh to try and believe the pain isn't there. Even if people noticed they wouldn't care.
I run away from things I cannot face. Like the truth that I'm a discrace. I hide away all my fears and my undieing tears. I try and escape my disturbing years.
I try so hard not to show the pain, or the blood running dowm my wrists and dripping off my tightly closed fists. I make up a lie so the truth wont seem to hurt.Swallowed whole by the truth;I look at myself dead on the floor. That I'm unimportant and uncared for.

942971  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-05-27
Written: (6214 days ago)

One with Her
Look at her. She's pathetic, but her heart is cosmetic. I tell her to stop her crying, but the more she's alive the more she's dieing. I scream at her, "We're fine! Everything's okay!" A lie I didn't have to tell because we both know the truth, and we know it very well. We never did escape this living hell.
I live in fanatsy while she lives in the truth. She grows old while I stay in my youth. I keep her hidden while everyone else sees a lie. You can always fool the human eye.
She sits alone and disowned. I don't want to admit the truth, but the truth weighs a ton. That we are the same; we are one. She's the truth that I don't want anyone to see, but she's there; she's apart of me.
She screams out because of all the pain, blood pours down like acid rain, and I try my hardest just to keep saine. I scream, " Leave me alone! Go away! Why don't you die!" She just gives a sorrowful sigh.
The past is always lurking. It's not fair, but she's always there. Why can't I be normal, why can't I be happy. All I am is crappy. She's the truth. She's everything I don't want to see, but she's there and she won't leave. She hurts, and she puts me to shame, but the truth is we are one; we are the same.

935465  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-04-30
Written: (6241 days ago)

A Night Never to Forget
She wanlks into a bar. She has stares from miles afar. She's beautiful as usual. He wants her. All his insides stir. They have a few beers, then he wispers in her ear. She laughs and walks away. Big mistake; that wasn't okay.
Afew minutes later, from a dark place, he watches her. She unlocks her car. His eyes twinkle like a star.
He wrestles her to the ground and holds her down. She screams, and wishes this is all a really bad dream. With him on top, she screams, begs, and pleas "stop". He tries to silence her. 1 hit, 2 hit, this is wrong he'll admit. He wanted her now he's had her. He leaves her in her misery. As she cries, she wishes she could die. He's finally through. Her fear has come true.
Nine months after she has a kid, but she could never tell her daughter who her dad really is. Her daughter grows up with hate, as sge watches other kids withtheir moms and dads; only to remind her of the dad she never had.
Her mom wants to end it all, but she has to stay strong. She'll never forget that night, and that horrifying sight. He was never caught, but life goes on weather we like it or not.

I hear lots of stories bout rape, I even know afew cases. I'm not going to say who, but I will say some run in my family. Rape is a hard thing to deal with, and I just want you to know that your not alone, but don't let it control you like a few ppl I know. If u've been raped anywhere from now through 9 years you should report it, and if it's past that then the most you can do is help others who went through the same as you.

935455  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-04-30
Written: (6241 days ago)

Pretend it's okay!
All i do is stare. Keep looking up to the sky for answers that aren't there. For years, holding on to those who are dear. Uncontrolling fears. Unheard and hopeless tears. Mental thoughts in my head. Wake up in this hopital bed.
Plug up my ears, and close my eyes. Just want it to die. Cover my mouth. Stifle my scream. It's not real! It's only a dream!
He makes me out to be a goddesss, but I'm not. I'm nothing more than a fake. Stab my heart with a silver stake. Never saying what I mean, and meaning what I say. Just wanting to end this day. Never saying what I want, and what's on my mind. Never saying my thoughts of any kind.
Will he hate me for what I'm thinking? I can't control my thoughts. They're choking me, and I keep sinking.
Tell me when I stop breathing. Close my eyes, and let me keep believing. Listen to my heart beat. listen ----------- no sound. BANG! I hit the ground.

935452  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-04-30
Written: (6241 days ago)
Next in thread: 935454

Time control
Wait! Mistake, do it all over again. change it rearrange it, and then. Fastforward to the good parts. Skip the ones that broke my heart.
We watch our lives on a T.V. screen. I hate the ending myself, but it started with an alrigfht scene.
He's lying next to me. The tmpeture rises another degree. I love his brown eyes, but hate it when they cry. I love the sound of his voice; I've made my choice. I love his smell; I'm no longer in hell. Then he looks down at me and smiles. Oh, his beautiful smile. Pause, let's stay here for awhile.
Don't want to hit play, but life has to go on anyways. Sometimes it goes to fast, lets slow it down some. To slow, speed it up to the next scene to come.
Feels as if I'm on a rollercoaster cart. Lifes like art- only makes sense to the creater. Fix this part later. Up and down, round and round, swirling and twirling, fast and slow then we grow old.
Was it what you wanted it to be? Did you find lifes secret key? Did you like who you were? Did you land on top? Blank screen, then you hit stop.

935247  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-04-30
Written: (6242 days ago)

My past is my past. My mind is my mind. A mind which will forever last. What happened then haunts me, so I tried to block it out, but that seems impossible if Shane keeps bringing them up. All of any kind. I didn't want you to know I didn't want them to know. I didn't even want myself to know. I just want them to pack up and go. Lucio hurt us more than everyone else, but he gone now. Gone for 12 more years. After he might come for us again. In his mind we're the evidence, and he wont stop till he puts us at an end. Shane had no right to bring that up. It's something I've been trying to forget (even did for awhile), But since it's brought up it won't leave, and I'm starting to remember it clearly. I hold you so dearly. I love you, and you know I'd tell you most things, but this was to hard so don't get mad at me for this. I don't talk about my past. I'm not like Haliea or becca I don't use these for my advantage. A long time ago I close those doors. Please don't make me talk about this anymore.

929575  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-04-12
Written: (6259 days ago)

Unspoken words
Ask me how it was that day. Ask me how it felt. Ask me what I couldn't say, and why on those subjects I melt. Show me how much you hate me, and how much you want me dead. Ask me why I said those things. How much he wanted to be king. I look at my world around me-my world, my cave, my cell-, and I see how far down I endlessly fell. Show me how much this world despises me, and how much they want me gone. So that I'll slip away into this night; never to show this disturbing face of mine. Never to change in time. I'm sick of this life, the tempting knife, this cage, this rage, this space and time. I'm so sick of it, it even makes me rhyme. Ask me about the faces(the ones that look away), and ask me about my faces(the ones I put on display). Ask me to leave this place; to never show my face, but don't ask me to return again; for no one wants me here to stay. Let my lay and think about this silly girl with a silly dream. A dream I want to be reality (so badly I want to scream). Since no one has the guts to say what they truely feel, and say, "Hey! This is the real deal.", I'm forced to stay here. In this isolation, in this desperation, alone in the cold, an unheard wisper in the wind. And that is the end.

921922  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-03-21
Written: (6282 days ago)

Liveing someone else's dream. Broken self-esteem.Take my life and make me new. I feel as if I'm liveing as two. Stuck between two worlds. Don't say a word. Will he hate me for what I'm thinking? My thoughts won't stop and I keep sinking. I can't control them they say bad things. I say things, but they don't understand what they mean.
He makes me out like I'm god, but I'm not I'm a frod. Never saying what's on my mind. Can't seem to seek the words to find. Stay till I'm gone. I was here all along. I'm still here; Please hold on. Alone and misowned. Forgotten and rotten. Misunderstood and die if I could. I made alot of mistakes, but I'm the biggest one of them all. Feel as if I'm a ragdoll. Holding on to my arm, then you drop me, and let me fall.
It's over. I'm done. It all has won. Close my eyes and let me sleep. Never more wake. In this nightmare too deep. I breath no more. At age 15 I already grown old and sore. I don't have a home, Don't have a family, and I don't have hope. Can't wash what I've done with magical soap.
Liveing with this broken family; there never was one. It's no longer fun. Run away from it all. Blood on the wall. No heartbeat, no pulse, no breath, I'm a piece of shit, Dead, Nothing at all.

916469  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-03-04
Written: (6299 days ago)

Break the day; don't let it stay. Stab my heart; broke from the very start. Cried all I had and more. Dead before I hit this floor. Mind wont stop; wont shut up! make it stop, make it go away. Stop my breath so I have nothing to say.
Is what I'm thinking wrong? It makes me smile,but everyone else sad. Blame my past and my fucking dads. I want to cry. I want to die. But I have to keep going for their sake. I don't want to hurt them, but it's hard for me to keep going. Everyone's changed, and there's nothing I can do; nothing I can say too.
I have to keep going for all of yall, but I'd rather yall let go and watch me fall. I'm sorry for everthing. I know I've been a bitch lately and I feel bad. I'm sorry I'm working on it. Im sorry that's all I can say. can't take this another day. I'm still here. I always will I fear.

913237  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-02-22
Written: (6308 days ago)

Distorded clips of these horror films in my head. The things that were done, and the things that were said. In a single thought; blown away by a lonely gun shot.
Wantng thing the way they used to be, but things changed and so do we. Twisting and turning, swallowed whole in these repeating nightmares. Sweating and screaming, then I breath the night air.
Fallen rose peatles and twisted metal. Broken dreams and unheard screams. Love to hate and hurt, until you become the reason they're baried in the dirt.
These dreams and thoughts won't seem to fade. I feel wrongly built and poorly made. I want to, but can't talk about it. It wants out so badly it won't sit. But when I talk, they laugh in my face. So it stays in my head; in this lonely place.
There's only one person I want to talk to, but my words won't go through. All I can say to him is that I'll stay till he's gone. I'm here; hold on.

912161  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-02-19
Written: (6311 days ago)

Cutting me to tiny pieces. Blessing me with forbidden kisses. Love is what I wanted, and now love is what I got. He doesn't know how much I fought.
They're afraid that I'm going to hurt myself again, but how can you hurt someone who's already dead. I think about this question as I lie awake in bed. Suicide was my way out, but how do you kill someone who's already dead. Loosing him is the worst thing I dread.
How can someone like him love someone like me. It seems to good to be. Like a dream I'm afraid to wake. I've been beaten down to were there's no repair. All that's left is hope and dispair. I look in to the mirror and only see a ghost, a scared little girl, and my fucking screwed up past. I still wonder how long it'll last.
My words don't don't come out right. I've been trying to show him the light. I'm afraid he's not going to love me as long as he says. He's all I got, he's all I want, But if I say he's all I desire; I'd be a lier. He's my world, he's also the sword. I love him till the end. This is real, this is not a fake, It's not pretend.

909482  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-02-13
Written: (6317 days ago)
Next in thread: 909484

Repeating Nightmare
Irresistable charm; no need for alrm. Woman falls in love, they get married, and have kids. Then she finds out the true monster he really is.
Anger and fear, Danger and tears. Daddy's mad again. It's all our fault; he has no sin. Daddy's yelling and hitting. Momma's silently sitting. Children cry. Momma would rather die. New born baby thrown across the room. It's a mess; get out the mop and broom.
Momma's checking her bruises. She hates how she always looses. Daddy's having a beer. Children are still in tears.
Children in foster care. It's not fair. Momma's thinking of suicide. Bible or pills, Bible or pills, and daddy's ill.
Years after there's still no laughter.Daddy's dead. Just like they said. Momma got her kids back. One dresses in mostly black. Baby thrown across the room is now grown and in love. Against her dad, she still holds a deep and hated grudge.
The worst came to an end, but she's still scared to defend. It's now a repeating nightmare. She's to ashamed to care. She's a beautiful daughter, but she'll never forget her abusive father.

909033  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-02-12
Written: (6318 days ago)

Secret Butterfly and the Snake
Searching for answers, as I look up to the dark and empty sky. Broken wings torn straight from the secret butterfly held within. Still hurting because of that secrat sin. Not only me, but others as well. This life IS my heaven and hell.
Pealing off their skin.
Kiss them goodnight and then. Secret butterfly is slowly dieing inside.
Blank stares. Undieing nightmares. To late; Secrat butterfly is no more. In it's place a snake. Time to settle the score. For years; lieing and killing with deep regret, until a stranger I soon did met.
Then the true battle began. Now afraid to stand. He's bringing back to life my secret butterfly. My snake not willing to die. He's cleaning my sin. Close my eyes and count to ten. Butterfly or snake. A choice not so hard to make.
I love you to death. You're more addicting than the drug meth. Snake dieing, and butterfly moves. I didn't think this could happen. I didn't think this could be real. I can finally feel.
Secret butterfly flutters around. Snake still on the ground. For all this I thank you. The war is over and won. It's finally through. All because of you.

 The logged in version 

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