[Katie_and_GG]'s diary

872535  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-11-08
Written: (6428 days ago)
Next in thread: 872911

ok.. new tail to tell... my life has been very active latly...???...
       The Mini-Fridge Debate 1.
ok.... there I was, at school... like normal... thinking away about cake and crispies and story plots and wondering if GGk and GG should actually fight and if Julia would let me inclued more peaple in DeMovieThing... now away my head went... busy buzzing at problems and not listening to our lesson (I think it was phisiks? or Chemestry?) when our teacher realisesed I wasnt listening so he threw a pen at me... I didnt notice coz he was a crap throw and I didnt move... then he said "Katie?" I didnt listen... busy in my mind... busy busy busy.... so he threw a book at me... that one hit me and I screamed very loadly and while flailing my limbs pointlessly in the air, fell of my chair.... then he told me to sit outside... so outside I went... which was dim of him because how can I listen when im outside? what a tit... now he let me back in later and i sat down and BUSY BUSY BUSY in my mind again... then he yelled out "KATIE! WHERE YOU PAYING ATTENTION? or might I just as well talk to a wall" ... me being anoyed with my trail of thought said " the wall was busy so he told me to take his place..." ... and outside i went... after a long time he let me back in... and then BUSY BUSY BUSY in my head... and then he said " katie? what was the last thing I said?" I wasnt paying attention so i said " you said 'said' and then stoped..." he wasnt amoused by this so asked that no good bitch Mazie who sat there smirking and sniggering at me... raised her hand , looking ever so proud of herself and said " Sir, you where saying that ' all the backs of Mini-Fridges are paited a certain coler to keep the heat away..." thats what you said Sir" then she looked at me and smiled... after that i was angery... so i raised my hand and said very loadly " Sir! I think Mazie has sat in something... or had an axeident..." that made everyone giggle at her so I felt better... then my mind got stuck on Mini-Fidges... why the hell do you have them? o_0? they serve no porpose... I have emailed Julia about this... she will proberble email me back soon and I will tell you the anser to this... meh...

872370  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-11-08
Written: (6428 days ago)

ok.. me bored again... indeed... at school... REALLY BORED... and anoyed at coms... i stuck lods of stickers on the back of the moniter sayin "this sucks" and now Im happyer... writing the story of mini fridges tonight unless my com dont work which is really anoying... BLAH

872015  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-11-07
Written: (6429 days ago)
Next in thread: 872021

Ok...Im back, and now for the well unknown dreaded and sometimes thorught apon as a extract from the Bible.... he he he ....
This tail... yes tail.. not tale but TAIL! as in I WANT TAIL so I can wag it... no not wank... WAG... as in a Dog wags its tail when it sees a a lady dog.. he he he... where was I? oh yes, This tail is a most ... err... ?...*ponder*... emm... its a tail... thats all.. now this tail took place in my town, village, home place thing... lets jaut say it took place in a bin coz dats easy... now this hapened on... a day... not once apon a time coz that SUCKS as a begining, and most of the time the writers of it are dimshits who cant think of how to start a story... LOTRs didnt start with it.... there for it is gay... now, as a young PRETTY and most BETTER then all the other basterdated fuck minions... I just want to rip of their ugly faces and use them as a mop then feed it to a Do... sorry... as I was saying.... this BETTER then all the other peaple in her school girl was walking to school... when ITCHY!!!!!! ha ha ha... she had an evil itchy sweater on.... dam sweater... now it was VERY itchy.. but it was cold too... with frost and ice.... so she iter was Itchy or COLD... brrr... now when she got to school... the peaple there where itchy... very itchy... ITCH... now she did all her lessons like a good ITCHY girl... but when PE came... (if you havent read the diary below this... dont read anymore till you do... READ THE DIARY BIT BELOW THIS ONE NOW).... she was most unhappy... the hedgehog was gone, the Hookie... ha ha ha... hokey sticks where gone and it was still cold... so ITCH....now this girl who we will call... erh.. HER from now on.... was told to wear her shinpads... now HER didnt want to wear them as they are ITCHY... so where her football shoes... itch... but when she went to find them some tosser had nicked them... HER was so angery that she screamed out side these egzact words..." HOLY SHIT!WHAT FUCKING ICTY BASTERD HAS TAKEON MY ICTY STUFF??? I MEAN COME ON... I DONT WANT TO WEAR THEM COZ THERE ITCHY, SO ARE MY ITCHY FOOTBALL SHOES BUT SOME ONE HAS PIKED THEM AND NOW IM STUCK HERE WITH THIS ITCHY FUCKIN SWEATER ON WITH NO ITCHY SHOES, NO ITCHY SHINPADS AS SOME CRAP POT HAS TAKEN THEM AND THEY ARE NOW ITCHY TOO!!!!! SO GIVE THEM BACK YOU ITCHY ONE BEFORE I BRAKE YOUR ITCHY LEGS OFF... WITCH ARE ALSO ITCHY!!!!!!!!!" and with that she was put in detention and iselation for the next 2 days... no prize to who realises who HER is... itchy... please reply to my itchy story with some itchy comments... you itchy peaple of itchy elftown... IRCHY!><!

871952  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-11-07
Written: (6429 days ago)

OK.. at school again...+sorry I forgot to write out the tail of ITCH...ha ha ha... its funny kinda... will write it out when I get home...+ got PE today... which SUCKS... I hate PE due to the fact that Im always gigglin or screamin or running in a circle with a hoola hoop or trying to balence a Hookie stick on your head with only one leg...(its easy) thus I get told off badly... and I found a dead hedgehog on the field so I stabbed it with a stick then went to put it in a bush but I *acidenty^<* threw it at Maisie... ha ha ha... take that you bitch...^^... ha ha ha ha...HEDGEHOG ATTACK! ha ha ha... ^^... c ya at home or if anything exciting happens...

871613  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-11-06
Written: (6430 days ago)

Ok.... Im still at school... fuckin school... I want to BE FREE!><!! ok... the coms just wont let me print my HW... and now Im angery! I spent like a year trying to do this math HW... and the bloody tosser of a com wont let me print it or even look at it??? I hate you com... yes you computer.. I want to feed your ugly face moniter to a large african rhino with stomach problems... Also ... I will tell you the tail of ICTCH when I get home in about i dont know... 20 mins? maybe less? what ev... eatin a CRISPIE at the mo... mmmmm... its really chewy...yum yumm yum yum yum... oh... I LOVE crispies... tasty tasty crispies..^^... there stuck to the foil... dam foil... ruining my time with crispies...

871564  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-11-06
Written: (6430 days ago)


871283  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-11-05
Written: (6431 days ago)

OK... today... I made CRISPIES!^^! I love crispies.... yum... beatuiful!^^! + I read the new skript for 9G4c last night... and OMG! Dorog dies earler in it...and GG, Kiki and two other (yet to be named*if you like send in ideas for good names... names like Nivity, Shadnarrow, Platinum, Gerrath, Gere, Meke... stuff like that... but not those names... there already been used*) Gotor's are taking a experlatintry trip to Ferlendi when a random unotherised ship crashes into them... taking a crash landing on a unexplored planet named Selki, they meet the inhabitates of the other vessal... they turn out to be Yautjas (thats Preditors for you non-spacey fans) . strait away ,GG and the other Gotor's get into a fight with them(talking fight , not a proper battle) over who fault it is and also over Kiki as she is human and the Yautjas think that because of there hunting rights they are aloud to kill her. This doesnt go down well with GG so he decides to draw a line down the ground so that they stay on one side and the Yautjas stay on th other...but if some one crosses that line then its fair game. Over a 6 day period Kiki starts running out of water and needs to look for some on the planet. She travels far into the 'alien' tree like jungle and accidently crosses the line without knowing it. The Yautja notice this and go of to look for her... GG notices them and decides to look for Kiki too. He finds her first and is then confronted by the Yautja. They have a big 'fight' ( needs to be coragraphed as faith doesnt write out the fight scenes...I do) ... now Im waiting for 9G4d to see the out come... while this is all goin on Dorog who is a ghost/spirit/former Gotor/half animal thing is on Earth in 1976 trying to hide in a old hoase... he dies there is all thats writen down and faith has yet to say how or when... so NIE! nie nie nie... it is a nie day today... a BIG nie day... lots of questions left un ansered as normal... well thats today... hope tomoz brings some ansers...^^...
DeMovieThings is protected against copyright... any stealing will be actacked by a 5Gih... ( tis a evil Virus that kills computers...never been used...) so nie...

870936  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-11-04
Written: (6432 days ago)

Today... hmmm... today is pretty good!^^... We got a half a lamb last night... it was like covered in blood and you ould see all the mussulls and stuff! looked pretty cool... gona eat some of it tonight! yummm... Lamb chops... Lamb ribs... Lamb leg... yumm... sorry vegitartians... but the lamb had a long happy life running around a field and biting my trousers... so its better then tesco who have there livestock shoved into pens no bigger then draw then simple over feed it till it cant move its legs then slice its throught... BAD TESCO! anyway... my new pic of GG is up with his wing finished... i like it... proberbly gona draw some more charectors like Nivity, Shadnarrow, Platinum, Shadow, and lods more... I started using pencils again... yay... today looks sunny... might go to the woods with Jessie... she was really scared of the fireworks last night and wet herself... erh... Ok... Im off now ...

870778  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-11-03
Written: (6433 days ago)

Ok... todays OK... I started a lovly new pic of GG!^^ and its pretty good... I am pleased... whoo!^^! ha ha ha... watched Iceage2 credits comple of times while drawing... might draw somemore in min... my bro lent me SlipKnot and I got Wait and bleed on my com now... yay.. weekends comin!^^! FINALY! *phew!* and I am hoping my gallery on Elfwood will be up soon... YAY!!!! today as it seems will be a NIE day... indeed...
GG says he likes my new pic... yay

869983  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-10-31
Written: (6435 days ago)

Ok... today was rather ordinary, wopp tee doo... funalisios... ha ha ha... new plot for 7C42 came in from ploters... well... its an 'older' one, *sigh* boring... joined elftown today... looks good... if its not Im outa here!^^! ha ha ha... Im afraid of the chat room .... scary.... Ohwell... life like cake to me.... indeed... Halooween was good... but this is ok.

 The logged in version 

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