[Katie_and_GG]'s diary

882985  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-12-05
Written: (6670 days ago)
Next in thread: 883478

GG forms... yay... though i would list them down before i forget...:P

GG *himself you nikompoop...:P... he HAS WINGS! woooot!*
GG wolf!!! *YAY!! just a wolf but bigger and more mucley... and BIG TEETH AND FEET... (note, all of GGs forms are normally eiter white and blue or black and blue....and he always has Death black eyes with yellow pupils... and normaly has kaleesh war paint on them... yay...and ALWAYS has bigger feet with normaly his blue design on it^^*
GG Anthro Wolf *its more human (stands on two legs and has cool dexturios hands... and sometimes has belts and stuff on...yay*
GG Wing Wolf Gigaldrein (said Gig-al-dree-on)* a more or less wolf but with wings and has gems and crystals in his fur and has like feathers maining him and long wisps of fur... cool...^^*
GG Horse *a big stalion , white and blue with silver and gold mane tail and feathers (the fluffy bit on a horses foot for you non-horse peaple) yay!^^!*
GG Alicorn Feeka *Horse horns and wings and has cool tail... yay...*
GG Unicorn * exactly what it says...:P*
GG Unicornical anthro * humany (like the wolf one) with cool gems and stuff on it... yay...*
GG bird *a black bird... bleh...*
GG Egaletrion ( said eagal-tree-on) big bird with cool head and funky tail ... neat*
GG Crow *a big black crow like raveny thing... yay*
GG Dragon Dracodious (said Draco-dee-ouis) massive emperial dragon with all gems and stuff and is just really cool...^^*
GG the gerbil!!....*ok.... I know... nothing spectacular but i like gerbils so shut it....:P*
GG Cogasuit * GG in a huge machine suit that has loads of guns and stuff... yay...he only uses it once though...how bland...:P*
GG BABY FORM!!!!* OMG!! its is so cute... yay..*
GG Plesiodon (said Pler-sigh-o-don) *very big pleisiasuar like creatre... lives in water and stuff.... yay*
GG misery form....*I wont say coz GG looks SO evil in his misery form and I will proberbly put up a picture of it soon... yay^^*
*UPDATE* GG squirell form*...finished it at school... yay*
ok.. thats a couple I can think of... theres proberbly more but I cant think of them... im a bit dim... yay... please send me suggestions for new one!! PLEASE!!!!^^!! and if its really good I will draw it in full for you... yay...:P

882588  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-12-04
Written: (6671 days ago)

Im am really crapy... Im at school and I feel so shity... i wrote this... look at it and be content....
Misery, unedited beyond the yearnings of mankind…the feeling of a great sorrow some creature locked away deep inside, ever waiting to be free and happy. It feeds on blood and vengeance and grows ever more resentful and distraught while the sadness flows. Its glints of Ivory, like shining stars in the darkness… there it shall lay… bound by its grief… under the fading trees of a unbroken winter… this is what lies in all of us…in some the creature is sniggering and smiling, in others it gloats gleefully…. But in me, it eats away at me… bite by bite, it is destroying me. I lie here… I listen to the cries of my soul and feel the ache of the pain in my heart. And I dream of the day the creature will finally crunch there face in its jaws… how can it help me? By eating the bad parts… to control its feeding and watch it protect me from others. It can be good… yes, it can. It can make other feelings go away and can help you to forget the disturbing thoughts… yet it still is there… biting, nibbling away. It will always be there, I believe. For it is now part of me. The parts it has gorged on, it has replaced. And now here I stand because of it. Because of it I am still here… and until it lets me go it will always be here. Deep inside. Glowing eyes and broken claws and the glints of Ivory.

882148  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-12-03
Written: (6672 days ago)

mawhahahahahaha... I started lods of comys... *there on my photo bit n my hoase* they are funny... poor greevuz... he so anoyed at my little GG...^^.... he he he he... all I have done this weekend is be a lazy bitch... yay... I watched March of the Penguins again then got bored and watched RotS again... well half of it... holy shit... Ive only seen the end twice!...<img:img/mood/44166_1164145313.gif> how dim of me....:P... + my freind made this...:http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/20162308/?qo=27&q=by%3Alegendaryfrog&qh=sort%3Atime+-in%3Ascraps
mawhahahaha... ^^.. funncaz... should I bother to put a link to it?? nah...:P

880890  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-11-30
Written: (6675 days ago)

mahhahahahahahahaha...^^... been threw Youtube again... yay...^^... ats chool now... Have LODS of Hw to do but as I am lazy i cant be arsed....<img:img/mood/44166_1164144907.gif> maha ha ha ha...

880690  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-11-29
Written: (6676 days ago)

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....<img:img/mood/44166_1164145253.gif>...... dat IS MEAN! mean.... I have been gone for a while yes... I have BEEN BUSY!!!! BUSY I SAY! yes... i have-a-been drawing and scribbling and going crazy and happy.... which is a big deal for me...:P... now... I have nothing else to say but.... I finally drew a good pic of Greevuz.. yay... then I got bored and drew a pic of Nivity (hes a Gorot) running around singing "No sith! No sith! la la la la la!" from lion king...(its dat bit where the heyenas are sing no king which i sung infront of an angery teacher whe I hadnt done my homework... went some thing like " No work, No work la la la la la la!" Im so crazy...^^ hmmm if you want ta see the little but funny song just copy this in a new window and wait for Scar to shut the hell up... ^^ :)(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7AiQ2cLoTw) *cant be bothered to put link... screw you!*) WAHA HA HA!!!!! crazy i am! now leave me alone to poke others with my mental probe of idiocy!!!!! YOU HAVE NO IDIEA OF THE POWER OF MY STUPIDITY!!!! WHAHAHAHA! now go...:P

878808  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-11-25
Written: (6680 days ago)

ok dudes... I baby sitted last ight it it was a lot of fun... I had to look after a pair of 10 and 9 year old boys who are so funny... they made me draw the werewofl from Docter Who about a thousand times then I just sat and drew General Grievous and GG 3x6 and gave them the pictures then I watched Red Planet and then they made me draw AMEE till my hand hurt... (if you dont know what AMEE look it up on google and be content...<img:img/mood/44166_1164145305.gif>) anyway I then stayed up till like 1:30 wahcing 8 out of 10 cats and Animal Planet... funky... +Shadowfax (my horse for newbies) has tripped and now has a graze across his knee... poor him... Im going up there today with the vet to get it fixed... but he should be fine as long as it doesnt get infected. c ya guys later...^<

878485  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-11-24
Written: (6681 days ago)

for fucks sack! Julia keeps going on this (she found out the password coz its from DMTP and she new what word began with an R and was 9 letters long... ITS NOT AN ACTUALL WORD! its a place... the ending point of every thing at the VERY end of DMT... the ending is so sad... makes me cry so much.... its such acool ending to... + NOT ONE PERSON HAS SAI ANYTHING ABOUT MY NEW DRAWINGS!!!! are they really that bad!!??? Julia was wondering to... I mean when ever someone else has a new pic i scream out my thoughts at them as soon as I see it...NIE

878099  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-11-23
Written: (6682 days ago)

wow... what a day that can make ya feel good...^^... ha... today is filled with goodness... I LOVE CHICKENS!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOTTTT!!!!^^! little while... lovly... I love listening to When you were young by the killers... DAM... thats a good song... Its been stuck in my head all day... Im at school now....but Im fine<img:img/mood/44166_1164145305.gif> maybe I could do with some sweets but life aint perfect...ha... today someone who would rather remain 'that person in DMTP who doesnt want to be named...' drew all up her arm with scwiggles ... she looked like a dragon... COOL... I want to do that sometime...<img:img/mood/44166_1164218094.gif> but to state the fact Im covered in mud and stuff coz i was chasing a chicken up the street... <img:img/mood/44166_1164144921.gif> not so fun but what ya gona do? nothing... exactly... so shut up and listen to me screaming out 'HE DOESNT LOOK A THING LIKE JESUS' ... peaple who know when you were young will know why...

877751  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-11-22
Written: (6683 days ago)

m adding this I did at school... mostly coz im bored and to give Mooncow something to read for half an hour...:P
Concessions and stuff…
Ok… to ever whom is reading this, stop now unless me. If this is anyone else… you will stop reading. NOW… I told you to stop… go away. I said GO. Yet you are still here? Why? Ok… you’re annoying. YOU ARE. Now seeing as you are not going and I can do nothing about it I have decided to scream out something’s about stuff… I like screaming about stuff… its fun and makes me fell better. OK… here’s the first bit.
This first bit is me hating computers and why they hate me. They NEVER work for me. EVER. This is odd…very odd… and annoying. People say I’m a jinx. This is true. Whenever I try to do something they don’t work. Blah… the only reason I’m writing this on a computer is because I’m in study and have nothing better to do. I’m also listening to Emily and Maize’s screeching voices as they laugh… this brings me onto my new topic.
Emil and Maize the horrible things that I would love to hurt as they have hurt me. They are disruptive and mean. I would like to see them gone. They snigger at me and then point. It is not funny. It is not a joke. They do things on purpose to hurt my feelings. I don’t know why they do this… maybe to make themselves look better to one another. I don’t know. I do wonder how by hurting a fellow human being when they have done nothing wrong to you should make you look better, but this is what they do and I doubt they think it threw like me. This makes me feel better but more miserable. Strange isn’t it… would you do something like this? Have you done something like this? I have not without some reason. *IE: some one purposely scribbled on my Eragon pic and then I was mean to them till they apologised. Ok, I know this is mean but I loved that drawing and I wanted to see them hurt like me.* If this person reading this has… you’re a horrid person who doesn’t derive the name of human. Human… I don’t EVER consider my self human… more something in the middle between human and something else. What this other something is I will not say coz I’m like that and I am sure Emily and Maize will route threw my documents to snigger at me and my life like they have done before.*I KNOW THEY DID!!!! I sore them going threw them and laughing as they read some of my work and when I said ‘what are you doing?’ they immediately clicked on the cross and said while looking stupid that they where on the internet looking at some persons writing. YER LIKE! You idiots! You think I am that stupid??? Well I’m not… and I hope you will figure that out when I destroy your files if you should do it again you horrid rat people* I am VERY revengeful I would like to add… at the end of school I plan to punch them both and then cover them in mud and then point and say ‘SO HOW DOES IT FEEL WHEN YOU GET STRUCK TO THE GROUND!!?’ (My way of saying how I felt when they do nasty things…) and then they will probably say ‘what the hell are you doing??! What did we ever do to you!??’ and I will say ‘REALLY? YOU DON’T KNOW? Well then… I will have to show you the meaning of pain and misery…’ then I will kick them and hit them some more… I hope the PE shed is open coz I will get a hooky stick out and beat them with it. I look forward to that day and dream about it when they are mean to make myself feel better. Even though I know it will properly never happen. Nie. As you would of noticed I have dribbled on for a while about how much I hate them… I plan to copy this into my diary when the internet is up. Yay. So if you people on Elftown are reading this then I suggest you leave me alone before I kill you to. BRB

875556  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-11-16
Written: (6689 days ago)

right... this is a old story board I did in about y7... just going into y8... this has all been cut up into bits so you will never see it like this again.... its part 13H7c part 1. The top half of this has been cut off...:P... and you cant read the writing. Ok heres a walk threw of whats happened so far... Nivity, GG, Shadow and Kiki all live together in an appartment. GG still runs off every now and then to ... er... kill stuff...:P... and Nivity (the one in the armchair) just hangs out and eats...and watches TV... Kiki (shes thier human freind (her sisters live down the hall)) is out... i dono... proberbly chasing chipmonks or something dum... Shadows out to... meh.. dont know where he is. thats GG coming in the door and covered with blood. ok... heres the script. as it is... meh...
13H7c, P1.
  *Nivity at home, reding newspaper, or something whatever. Kiki, Shadow out somewhere. GG walks in the door*
GG: hey Niv, Im home... (in sarcastic voice)
Nivity: oh? And where have you been this fine night? (more sacasim)
GG: the usuall. *flops onto sofa, blood trail behind him*
Nivity: GG? you ok? you look like shit.
*GG is blood splatered and his arm is bleeding heaverly*
Nivity: erhhh, you know youv got something stuck in you arm?
GG: *tired sounding* ohhhh... *looks at arm*
*GG gets up and goes to bathroom to pull it out, long trail of blood behind him... Nivity looks confused,*

Ok... thats all you got at the moment. so nie... there will be updates as soon as i kind find the rest of my sbs...:P

875439  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-11-16
Written: (6689 days ago)

okay... Im sorry! I forgot to write out more skirpt... sorry!!!! IM MELTING!!!!!><! *rolls on floor in appartent agony* okay... I am no longer going to be here on friday, saterday maybe afternoon of sunday, coz Im on holiday... IM GOING TO HASTINGS!!!!! Im then going pay tribute to the battle of hastines on dat hill *proberbly just throwing bread crumbs...:P* and then Im err... I dont know what else Im doing... BUT hear me now peaple... my freainds have THE BIGGEST! BIGGES BIG BIG BIG DOG EVER!!!! and I will take lots of photos of him.... his name is Paddy and he is a perinian moutain dog! YAY! you will c him when I GET BACK FROM HOLIDAY AND I WANT TO HEAR YOUR 'holly hell! THATS A BIG ASS DOG!HE LOOKS LIKE A POLAR BEAR!^^!' AND OTHER SCREAMS... so... I will c you then... or when I get home and THEN write out somemore in my diary but seeing as I have to get ready for holiday I might not... unless I get bored... meh!

874832  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-11-14
Written: (6691 days ago)

right! seeing as i have nothing to do and its 7:45 I am going to scream out some script like promised... heres some that you might reconise.... if you dont... screw you! WHAT????? *just read below* JULIA!!!!! HOW DA HELL??? I SWEAR REVENGE!!!! anyway... heres some script... *look above*

874751  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-11-14
Written: (6691 days ago)

did you steal the cookie? my COOKIE!??? random qoate from Julia *u*

874724  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-11-14
Written: (6691 days ago)

ok.. me... Im totally miserable right now... I talk to ya later at home where I can scream and cry with out someone finding out... *im in da school computer room right now*in the corner so no one can read my stuff of the screen**
curse you E and M... may your spirits be eaten by a great Calcwundo! there you shall dwell in the belly of a demon you masterbating R-tards... + every time you masterbate, god kills a kitten. *from someones house* if this where true for E and M then the whole cat race would be extinct and they would have to use hamsters instead ^^... well that cheered me up...^^

874705  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-11-14
Written: (6691 days ago)

Sung by me all day with the 'food glorios food song' (the one on Ice Age 2... MEH!
school, craptastic school! makes me want to puke, school anoying school, mmmmm like blood flukes!
I dont know what to do! maybe I will give up and just sue!
school ,OH! craptastic school, fucked up school, shitaratic school, pissnifefen school, MYYYYYYYY SCHOOOOOOOL!
do do doouuuuuu!!!! *waves stupid flag*

873963  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-11-12
Written: (6693 days ago)
Next in thread: 873970

ok... me today is ok... I ahve to tidy my room...:P and I have to hover and finish HW... MEH...*sigh* I also started the story boards for 8H5c... look pretty good... exept my prat like attemts at humans... NIE... going to upload LODS more pics soon... I have a pretty pic that I might put up soon... looks nice... nie... its about 2:37 now.... had lunch... cheese on bread... seeing as mums not here to cook meals (shes in norfolk helping nanna) I have to make my own meals... well I cant make anything except cheese so I have got into different ways of eating cheese... *mozerrela* I have so far eaten : 1. cheese on a stick *not very good* 2. cheese on ham *it was ok* 3. cheese on pie base *it sucks* 4.cheese on crumpets *thats alright actually* 5. cheese on crakers *not nice* 6. cheese on bread *just ate it*
 I wonder what else i could have with cheese? if you have any suggestiond then feel free to tell me...:P... I think Im am going to be sick soon... to much cheese.

873683  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-11-11
Written: (6694 days ago)

MIE! today is ok... yet odd. cheese/ i dont know.. im crazy... curse you Skittels..+ heres an exract from DMTP... felt like writting it... meh...

6F4b... no stealing...^~
GG 3x6: what did you expect to find?
Kiki: a little more then a toe...
Nivity: well never thought this would happen...
GG 3x6: what? that this is the truth?
Nivity: no... that this is the past...
Kiki: stange isnt it... not to see this before *sighs* you dont know what this will mean to everyone... what it means to me... *looks up*
GG 3x6: what happened to you?
Kiki: I met it again... I know its real...
GG 3x6: but its dead... how can that be?
Kiki: i dont know... I am not imaginating it... still staying on my mind...
GG 3x6: that canot be, you know that. *gives hug*
Kiki: then why do I hurt? why cant it go away?
GG 3x6: the pain comes from you...

Ok... that makes no sense to you lot.. but what do I care... :P... sucker... ha ha ha... its all in you... so HA! ^^!

873294  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-11-10
Written: (6695 days ago)

o.. this is totally fucked up now... and well out..my mum is going up to my nanna and grandads house to look after my nan who is having an op ... now Im fine with that..I wanted to go but mums like 'no you cant! you stay here!' and I am so anoyed by this , and now my mums being all bitchy about it and being a tight ass.... she just walks in my room and yells " KATIE! you will clean all the hoase while I am gone! and you will look after the gerbills and the dog too!" now I already look after the animals already but if she thinks that I can clean the hole hoasee myself then she is surly going to be angery when she gets back... I dont even know how to iron properly... Ive been afraid of the iron because of my "INCIDENT".... it was a long time ago and I was just happy playing with a toy(i think it was a horse?) and then mum put out the ironing board and put the iron on it... and then went to the loo... when she came back she found me screaming and holding my arm... I had gone and sat under the ironing board ( I think I was pretending it was a stable for da horse toy) and pushed it over and the hot iron had fallen off and burnt all down my arm.... i was bleeding badly and the flesh was horrible.... mum toke me to the hospital and they treated me... the wound got worse and more horrible over time... nasty... meh... so dont touch irons! nie... so now I ahve to iron and do the washing and like do everything! i mean why doesnt George at least help me with it!? ( George is my older 17 year old brother) I mean all he does is watch tv and eat... + dads makeing the food and his food sucks which means I will go ungery for the next days.... NIE!><! crap... speak to ya l8er

873153  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-11-10
Written: (6695 days ago)

ok.. at school now... shouyld be doing RE homework but Im just to much of a lazy git to do it... ha ... last night was wierd... i lost my Gerbil in the sofa but found him on the floor... when I told Julia she burst into laughter and now she said that she wants to make part of DMTP into it... says it will be funny and she will be sending the script on sunday... I might copy and stick it here... + julia found out about my Elfwood acount.. now she wants to kill me... but she hasnt found this yet... yay!^^! so Im free to stick whatever i like up here! HA HA HA! BYE... i must go do hw now coz it is like banning my head against a wall with spikes on it...OUCH

872535  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-11-08
Written: (6697 days ago)
Next in thread: 872911

ok.. new tail to tell... my life has been very active latly...???...
       The Mini-Fridge Debate 1.
ok.... there I was, at school... like normal... thinking away about cake and crispies and story plots and wondering if GGk and GG should actually fight and if Julia would let me inclued more peaple in DeMovieThing... now away my head went... busy buzzing at problems and not listening to our lesson (I think it was phisiks? or Chemestry?) when our teacher realisesed I wasnt listening so he threw a pen at me... I didnt notice coz he was a crap throw and I didnt move... then he said "Katie?" I didnt listen... busy in my mind... busy busy busy.... so he threw a book at me... that one hit me and I screamed very loadly and while flailing my limbs pointlessly in the air, fell of my chair.... then he told me to sit outside... so outside I went... which was dim of him because how can I listen when im outside? what a tit... now he let me back in later and i sat down and BUSY BUSY BUSY in my mind again... then he yelled out "KATIE! WHERE YOU PAYING ATTENTION? or might I just as well talk to a wall" ... me being anoyed with my trail of thought said " the wall was busy so he told me to take his place..." ... and outside i went... after a long time he let me back in... and then BUSY BUSY BUSY in my head... and then he said " katie? what was the last thing I said?" I wasnt paying attention so i said " you said 'said' and then stoped..." he wasnt amoused by this so asked that no good bitch Mazie who sat there smirking and sniggering at me... raised her hand , looking ever so proud of herself and said " Sir, you where saying that ' all the backs of Mini-Fridges are paited a certain coler to keep the heat away..." thats what you said Sir" then she looked at me and smiled... after that i was angery... so i raised my hand and said very loadly " Sir! I think Mazie has sat in something... or had an axeident..." that made everyone giggle at her so I felt better... then my mind got stuck on Mini-Fidges... why the hell do you have them? o_0? they serve no porpose... I have emailed Julia about this... she will proberble email me back soon and I will tell you the anser to this... meh...

872370  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-11-08
Written: (6697 days ago)

ok.. me bored again... indeed... at school... REALLY BORED... and anoyed at coms... i stuck lods of stickers on the back of the moniter sayin "this sucks" and now Im happyer... writing the story of mini fridges tonight unless my com dont work which is really anoying... BLAH

 The logged in version 

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