[Midori Devi]'s diary

974737  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-09-10
Written: (6109 days ago)

Let's play the catch- up game!

As we know, I have a lot to update you guys on so I will do this day by fucking day. I will probably give the high, the medium and low points.

Lets starts with Move in day( Aka Sunday August 26...)...

Well I moved in and saw Adam several times...I swear He might be Stalking me ((<.< >.>))*Shifty eyes*

Oh then there was the concert...

That is where I met the crazies...Well most of them...>.<

I met some crazy people on Adam's floor...

Jessie, she is from England(She now Canadian, eh!) and likes blacks lights and rock and metal music...She is here for Journalism.

Julie, she is in my program...she just crazy...

Keri, good old Keri, fellow anime freak!^.^

Katie, she in her second year to become a funeral director. She a pretty cool person to hang out with.

Adrianne...She like Katie is in her second year to become a funeral director. Don't really know her at the time.

Gabriel...I kept wondering if he was gay the whole night...At this point I couldn't really tell you. He came from Brazil to go to Humber.

And of course Adam, and since we all know him, it is pointless to talk about him, the not so ninja.

Monday, August 27.....Oh dear?

Today, I had breakfast and a shower...I like the showers on my floor, mine work very good...


I had signed up for the CNE...I had no idea what I got myself into...It was a fucking fair complete with the rides...

Here I hung out with everyone minus Keri and Adam, they didn't come...Boo...

And got to know everyone a little better...AND they made me go on a fucking ferris wheel....DAMN THEM!!!!

SO tired when I got back!!!! -.- *zzzZZZZ*

Tuesday, August 28...

Ikea Trip...and my headache...

While everyone went on the Wild Water Kingdom trip, I went to Ikea. Low and behold so did Gabriel because he needed to pick up some stuff...When he started to list them off, I had a moment of realization:


Thus began a day of shopping from 1pm to 9pm...Can I have some tea, please its for the stress?

When we got back, we ran to Keri and this guy named Dan who went to Anime North as James, *insert bad vibe here*.

Wednesday, August 29...Wow, I've almost survivied the week...If I can survive a week, can I survive the year?

Anyways, today was the Canada Wonderland trip, starting at 6pm, so with the whole day in front of me, I went again shopping with Gabriel, Keri and Dan. This time the goal was school supplies, which we get and then some.

We get back and everyone leaves me to me, myself and my tea. So then everyone comes back and apparently Gabriel is mad at Keri, for an Canadian custom that he just doesn't get. I kick eveyone out and sleep.

Thurday, August 30.

YEA! Boat Cruise dinner and dance! The moment I've been waiting for! Everyone is going except for Dan who is getting his wisdom teeth pulled. Also Dan like Keri...A LOT!!!!Very possessive! Adrianne has a date with a guy named Jordan, who is really cool, he dropped his phone in chicken noodle soup!^.^

She meet Jordan through a guy named Doug on the Tuesday prior. She planned to set Doug up with her cousin Bryon. Doug is bi and Bryon...I'll get to Bryon later, he is his own two days......He comes on the Sunday.

SO we get on the cruise, the River Gambler. Yes the boat was as lame as the name, so will not go into a description of it. But other then the apperance the boat, the whole event was preety neat!

But with every high there must be a low, right?

Well, Julie being drunk and with a boyfriend, had gone after Jordan, thus pissing off Adrianne. I got kissed on the cheek by a drunk guy...and I danced with Doug a couple of time, he asked me, then again, he danced with everyone.

Also, I found out Gabrial is indeed gay!

I went to bed tired.

Diary will resume later tonight, Classes want to start in twenty minutes, so Tune in later.

Signing off,
Midori Devi...

969908  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-08-24
Written: (6126 days ago)
Next in thread: 971258

Hey, I thought I should update my 20 things list

1. [Pierce my ears again.]
2. Draw a manga.
3. Finish getting my driver's licence.
4. Complete a story that I started to write.
5. [Have my first kiss.]*Lost mine in grade three..uh huh..*
6. [Learn to swing dance.]
7. [Win a raffle.]
8. [Have my room remain clean for more than three days.]
9. [Go to Anime North at least once... in costume.]
10. [Have a conversation in French.]
11. [Go hiking with no determined finish.]
12. Play tennis on a tennis court...Streets down't count.
13. [Go to a ball of some sort.]
14. [Take a risk in life.]*Ash you know what I am talking about* *Plus I almost drowned once soo I've done it twice.*
15. [Catch a snowflake on my tongue]*I finally did that yesterday!*
16. Sing Home Sweet Alabama in the shower.
17. Kiss in the rain....I mean come on, who doesn't...
18. [Clean out under my bed.]
19. [Learn to make my own clothes.]
20. To be afraid.

Wow I did alot of stuff on this list in that last couple pf months.


969051  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-08-21
Written: (6130 days ago)
Next in thread: 969052

PS : I refuse to give the link.

PPS. I really don't remember the link.

969037  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-08-20
Written: (6130 days ago)
Next in thread: 969050

Does anyone remember that wonderfull day, at the end of the periods, and we all crowded into the pack hall; there was most of my dear friends, Ash, Adam, Sabrina and myself.

Sabrina was clearly away from Adam, and had shouted down the hall to Adam, 'ADAM, WHAT IS YAOI?'

Do you guys remember that day?

I couldn't help rememdering that day either when I read this:

Sasuke=25, Sakura=25, Naruto=14. Naruto was beat up, Sasuke is taking care of him, Saruka is a nurse.

"Come on Naruto, let's head to bed. You can share mine with me so that way I don't have to get out of bed to make sure you're awake," Sasuke said. Naruto merely nodded. Sakura, however, gave a small "oooo!" noise.

"What's wrong?" Naruto asked, as they all (slowly) ascended the stair.

"I mean - you two, are you two, you know...?" Sakura asked, somehow managing to look both crestfallen and excited at the same time.

"Are we...?" Naruto asked confused.

"No," Sasuke said vehemently. "Get your yaoi mind out of the gutter. He's only fourteen for crying out loud."

"What is yaoi?" Naruto asked, innocently.

968459  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-08-19
Written: (6131 days ago)

Fuji initiated it by asking Tezuka what time it was. He rarely wore a watch but always just knew what time it was. As if he had an internal clock. He never needed an alarm clock. Fuji had tested this out when he discovered this soon after meeting him. Tezuka was at most one minute off ever.


Fuji really had to hold it in when he thought of all the people that now would be receiving calls with Fuji's number, then discovering the call was actually from Tezuka, of all people, at this hour of the morning, totally shocking them.

Wake up calls from Tezuka.

On Fuji's phone.

Fuji struggled to not laugh. He did a few calming yoga deep breathing exercises.

Sorry for all the quoting, it is [Raven_wolf]'s fault

968401  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-08-18
Written: (6132 days ago)

"Is she dead?" Tezuka asked sounding as usual. Oishi realized how it must look and had a momentary flash of hysterical insanity where he thought Tezuka might order them to run one hundred laps for killing the psycho girl.

-I couldn't resist this quote....I love Tezuka

968161  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-08-18
Written: (6132 days ago)

I was reading this story and well as much as I like Tezuka, to think of him( MR. I-AM-TOO-SERIOUS) turning his laundry pink, is too funny.

"My usual. T-shirt, underwear. Blue T-shirt," Eiji chuckled, "Pink underwear."


"Hoi." Eiji sounded less than thrilled. "One of my sisters put a red shirt in with my clothes a while ago so now I have lots of pink socks and underwear."

Oishi laughed. "I've done it too. I know a way to get most of that out. I can show you the next time I'm at your house."

"Hoi. Good. I keep wearing the same few that weren't turned pink."

"I was just going to tell you I'd never seen anything of yours pink."

"Nya. I try not to wear them!"

"Around me?" Oishi thought this was cute.

"Nya. Around anyone! Hoi? Think Tezuka ever turned his laundry pink?"

Oishi didn't even need to think about it, "Not a chance." They both laughed in agreement.

968085  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-08-18
Written: (6133 days ago)

"Eiji you might be the smartest person I've ever known and I'm lucky to have you for a friend."

"Nya! Fuji-senpai is so smart he..."

"Fuji-senpai we agreed is spooky smart. But you are really people smart."

968046  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-08-17
Written: (6133 days ago)

Atobe laughed derisively. “He isn’t called a tensai for nothing! He’s sly, clever, and incredibly insightful… Last night, he promised me he would never push me so far again.”

Tezuka raised his eyebrows. “Isn’t that a good thing?”

Atobe laughed again. “It would be… If I didn’t trust him about as far as I can throw Kabaji.”

“You think he was lying,” Tezuka stated blandly.

“Blatantly,” Atobe sneered.


It depends on how well others know him,” Tezuka finished. He picked up the ball once more and then turned and walked back to the service line. “Really, I should just let them figure it out and throw you in prison!” he said, hitting a rather more violent serve than he had intended.

“That wouldn’t-” thunk “help Fuji.” Atobe barely returned the serve, backing up just in time not to get hit in the face.

Unfortunately, Atobe was right, which was why Tezuka hadn’t turned the bastard in himself, yet.

968041  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-08-17
Written: (6133 days ago)

To Add to Ash's insanity....

How is it, that no matter what quiz, no matter what answers I give, I always end up as Fuji.

Explaination: I got Ash addicted to Prince of Tennis and when I called her today, she say that I have very Fuji like tendencies. So I did a couple of quizzes (about seven or so) and everytime, FUJI! Gosh darn it.

QUotes from Sins of Flesh (Just a little reference for Ash)

“I’m surprised,” Tezuka admitted, taking the liberty of seating himself upon the absent Kabaji’s bed. “I had honestly thought you’d accept my advance.”

“I’m sorry, but-”

“No, don’t be. I’m glad. If you had, I would probably have done something regrettable. Well…” he sniffed. “The night’s still young. I haven’t ruled out killing you yet,” he muttered, almost wishing he found cause to do just that.

Now cottoning on, Atobe slowly sank onto the opposite bed. “What is this all about, Tezuka?”

When the Seigaku captain met his eyes, it was with a glare of steel, and Atobe swallowed around the lump in his throat. “Don’t think for a second that I condone your actions. You’re right. Nothing ‘justifies’ laying a hand against Fuji. You’ve simply convinced me not to throttle you here and now.”

“Glad to hear it,” Atobe muttered.


“What’s wrong with me?” Fuji suddenly gasped, his sobs winding down.

“Nothing’s wrong with you,” Atobe replied automatically, lying through his teeth.

There was plenty wrong with Fuji. He was completely self destructive. But Atobe would be damned before he said that out loud.

966611  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-08-13
Written: (6137 days ago)
Next in thread: 966696

Okay, so I have indeed been packing my stuff for college. Unfortunately, I'm taking my precious time.

So I spent the weekend with Raven and Sakura and ANIME!!

Now I have fallen in love with the series Trinity Blood and Tactics.

958205  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-07-16
Written: (6166 days ago)
Next in thread: 960348

My life the latest nutshell..

I've been praying at a porcelin altar (AKA THROWING UP ALL NIGHT : 24 hour bug), House sitting (YA MONEY), drawing(YA MANGA), and cause mayham (YA CHAOS).

I've been working on my latest, most brillant ideas of doom, such as going running near construction sites in the moring and getting my ears pieced again.

RESPECT - Aretha Franklin
oo) What you want
(oo) Baby, I got it
(oo) What you need
(oo) Do you know I got it
(oo) All I'm askin'
(oo) Is for a little respect when you come home (just a little bit)
Hey baby (just a little bitno) when you get home
(just a little bit) mister (just a little bit)

I ain't gonna do you wrong while you're gone
Ain't gonna do you wrong (oo) 'cause I don't wanna (oo)
All I'm askin' (oo)
Is for a little respect when you come home (just a little bit)
hey Baby (just a little bit) when you get home (just a little bit)
Yeah (just a little bit)

I'm about to give you all of my money
And all I'm askin' in return, honey
Is to give me my propers
When you get home (just a, just a, just a, just a)
Yeah baby (just a, just a, just a, just a)
When you get home (just a little bit)
Yeah (just a little bit)

Ooo, your kisses (oo)
Sweeter than honey (oo)
And guess what? (oo)

So is my money (oo)
All I want you to do (oo) for me
Is give it to me when you get home (re, re, re ,re)
Yeah baby (re, re, re ,re)
Whip it to me (respect, just a little bit)
When you get home, now (just a little bit)

Find out what it means to me
Take care, TCB

Oh (sock it to me, sock it to me,
sock it to me, sock it to me)
A little respect (sock it to me, sock it to me,
sock it to me, sock it to me)
Whoa, babe (just a little bit)
A little respect (just a little bit)
I get tired (just a little bit)
Keep on tryin' (just a little bit)
You're runnin' out of foolin' (just a little bit)
And I ain't lyin' (just a little bit)
(re, re, re, re) 'spect
When you come home (re, re, re ,re)
Or you might walk in (respect, just a little bit)
And find out I'm gone (just a little bit)
I got to have (just a little bit)
A little respect (just a little bit)


953140  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-06-28
Written: (6183 days ago)
Next in thread: 953152

I have just been told about th 6-2-1 rule for anime north and all I could say was 'oops?'.

The wonderfule rule was broken by less then 5 hours of sleep, 2 meals and i fix up/relax portion all for two days. The rule is design for one day...Well we broke it...and oops...

Anyways, summer is here and all, I'm already bored. 

I've been through grad and now for a party, but waiting in between is boring...

This is the best I can come up with...sad ain't it?


949486  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-06-18
Written: (6193 days ago)

Copied from Raven...Haha Jess Haha...

Jess: Yahuh. It's in there with the commandments. Turn the tablets over there's a passage that says "Thou shalt not fuck with Neha."

jess: The tester asked me to parallel. I know what that is. Pull over, back in, adjust, park, gtfo. Well, my mind decided to flatline, and the question "What's that?" came out of my mouth. Apparently that's auto flunk.

944593  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-01
Written: (6210 days ago)
Next in thread: 945345

Okay an update...I have indeed been busy. I mean Anime North came and prom...

Anime North was indeed the best after-party for prom ever!

My friends, Raven and Sakura, and I went as Sumomo, Kotoko and Chii. We had a blast and within three days, we had less than 5 hours of sleep...How did we survive? O.o

Also ALL HAIL RANDOM GUYS!!! Random huggy guys...^.^

NOW about the plushie.....

*Flash Back*

This was stolen form Nightshade.


Midori_devi: "I know there's a ton of stuff to buy at Anime North- that's why I'm limiting myself to one Kakashi plushie only!"

sakura_seraphim*: *evil grin* "A Light Yagami plushie."


sakura_seraphim*: Raenef the Demon Lord. Eclipse. Kira Yamato. Akira from Crescent Moon. Roma. Tezuka. Honey-sempai. Bun-bun. Seto Kiba. Tao Ren. Yuki. Shigure. Hatori. Hatsuharu. Yuko.
*continues on for the next 15 minutes*

Midori: *despair* ;_;

sakura_seraphim*: MuHahahAhahA! I know your weaknesses!!!!!

People....I HATE YOU...!

Now that the world knows my weakness, I'll have to kill you now...

Man, that's a lot of death....

*End of Flash Back*

WELL....I BOUGHT A LIGHT YAGAMI PLUSHIE (HA, only one plushie!)...and my dog keeps taking him. LIGHT IS MINE, Back off Kizzy!
933055  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-04-23
Written: (6249 days ago)
Next in thread: 933194

Murder in the Dark Analysis

Murder in the Dark by Margaret Atwood is a very good example of reality and illusions. It provides many good examples.

As you read the story, you at first are given two examples of the game Murder in the Dark. The first one is played by young children giving off the illusion of the boys murdering the girls. The second one was played by a group of college students and a poet. This one is the reality of the game where some was actually kill. This is the fine point between illusion and reality. It is a game until some one gets hurt.

Even as the game’s instructions are given, you can see the reality and illusion of it. The reality is told by the witnesses that the detective must question. The illusion is told by the murderer ‘who must always lie’ (2). The game itself is a game of illusion and reality.

At the end, we are given examples of who the murderer, the detective and the victim is. Here the can represent anything giving them an illusion of what they really are or the cold reality of it all.

928193  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-04-08
Written: (6264 days ago)
Next in thread: 929320

You'll understand...

Ironic-Alanis Morissette

An old man turned ninety-eight
He won the lottery and died the next day
It's a black fly in your Chardonnay
It's a death row pardon two minutes too late
Isn't it ironic ... don't you think

It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought ... it figures

Mr. Play It Safe was afraid to fly
He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids good-bye
He waited his whole damn life to take that flight
And as the plane crashed down he thought
'Well isn't this nice...'
And isn't it ironic ... don't you think
Repeat Chorus

Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
When you think everything's okay and everything's going right
And life has a funny way of helping you out when
You think everything's gone wrong and everything blows up
In your face

It's a traffic jam when you're already late
It's a no-smoking sign on your cigarette break
It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife
It's meeting the man of my dreams
And then meeting his beautiful wife
And isn't it ironic... don't you think
A little too ironic... and yeah I really do think...
Repeat Chorus

Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
Life has a funny, funny way of helping you out
Helping you out

926823  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-04-04
Written: (6268 days ago)

This was stolen form Nightshade.


Midori_devi: "I know there's a ton of stuff to buy at Anime North- that's why I'm limiting myself to one Kakashi plushie only!"

sakura_seraphim*: *evil grin* "A Light Yagami plushie."


sakura_seraphim*: Raenef the Demon Lord. Eclipse. Kira Yamato. Akira from Crescent Moon. Roma. Tezuka. Honey-sempai. Bun-bun. Seto Kiba. Tao Ren. Yuki. Shigure. Hatori. Hatsuharu. Yuko.
*continues on for the next 15 minutes*

Midori: *despair* ;_;

sakura_seraphim*: MuHahahAhahA! I know your weaknesses!!!!!

People....I HATE YOU...!

Now that the world knows my weakness, I'll have to kill you now...

Man, that's a lot of death....


Raven, you are a chicken!!!!!

This is how I feel...I was listening on this to this on the way home...

ACDC- Hell's Bells

I'm a rolling thunder, a pouring rain
I'm comin' on like a hurricane
My lightning's flashing across the sky
You're only young but you're gonna die
I won't take no prisoners, won't spare no lives
Nobody's putting up a fight
I got my bell, I'm gonna take you to hell
I'm gonna get you, Satan get you

Hell's Bells
Yeah, Hell's Bells
You got me ringing Hell's Bells
My temperature's high, Hell's Bells

I'll give you black sensations up and down your spine
If you're into evil you're a friend of mine
See my white light flashing as I split the night
'Cause if God's on the left, then I'm stickin' to the right
I won't take no prisoners, won't spare no lives
Nobody's puttin' up a fight
I got my bell, I'm gonna take you to hell
I'm gonna get you, Satan get you

Hell's Bells
Yeah, Hell's Bells
You got me ringing Hell's Bells
My temperature's high, Hell's Bells

Hell's Bells, Satan's comin' to you
Hell's Bells, he's ringing them now
Hell's Bells, the temperature's high
Hell's Bells, across the sky
Hell's Bells, they're takin' you down
Hell's Bells, they're draggin' you around
Hell's Bells, gonna split the night
Hell's Bells, there's no way to fight, yeah

Ow, ow, ow, ow

Hell's Bells



~Partying to my own music~

925187  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-03-31
Written: (6272 days ago)

Things I have done in the last little while...

Gone to the Into the Woods performance...It was amazing...


Cause doom and destruction for my friends...You guys know I love you right...???

I've also had the pleasure of haveing school projects...Those are a pain to get done. I mean some of them are worthwhile, while others are not. Plus I can not do something for a long period of time. I get destracted...

I've also had the pleasure of watching a Korean drama called Meteor Garden. 


 It's really good, coming for me, who doesn't care much for the shojo soap operas.

I been reading Bleach, and I like it a lot, but I have yet to get very far in the series.

Also, I can't wait for Anime North, we finally figure out our hotels and stuff. YEA!

The Song of my Moment

Baby Hold On - Eddie Money

Baby hold on to me
Whatever will be, will be
The future is ours to see
So baby hold on to me

Baby, what's these things You've been sayin'
About me behind my back
Is it true you might want a better life
Is it true you think
These things are lies, now
Think about it baby
I'm gonna take you to the top

So baby hold on to me
Whatever will be, will be
The future is ours to see
When you hold on to me

Hey-hey baby
You know the future's lookin' brighter
Every morning' when i get up
Don't be thinkin' 'bout what's not enough, now baby
Just be thinkin' 'bout what we got
Think of all my love, now
I'm gonna give you all I got

So baby hold on to me
Whatever will be, will be
The future is our to see
When you hold on to me

Oh-oh, rich man, poor man, now
Really don't mean all that much
Mama's always told you, girl
That money can't buy you love

So baby hold on to me
Whatever will be, will be
The future is ours to see
When you hold on to me

Yeah, eh
Baby hold on to me
Whatever will be, will be
The future is ours to see
When you hold on to me

I say, uh, hold on
Uh- hu, hold on to me tighter
I'm never gonna leave ya now
Can't you please belive now
Never gonna let you go
So hold on to me tighter

Baby hold on to me
Whatever will be , will be
The future is ours to see
When you hold on to me

(Baby) baby hold on to me
(Baby) whatever will be , will be
(Baby) the future is ours to see
(Baby) when you hold on to me

Hold on

I love life right now...execpt for the school projects...

921064  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-03-18
Written: (6285 days ago)
Next in thread: 921118, 921403

On Friday, my book curse was broken. Those who don't know or never have experienced a book curse, DON'T DO IT. Anyways, for about three years, I experienced a book curse : not to be able to by a book 3. All my series were either missing book three or were stopped on book three, until Friday.

Friday, I went shopping at one of our local malls, and decided to buy another book in the Deathnote series. Well, as always in my case, I couldn't find volume 3, so I opted to buy volume 5(I have 1,2 and 4). So I went to the cashier to buy it and asked it they were getting in any more stock. Well apperently, they had 9 volumes of volume three. Could I find any??? No, of course not. I searched every rack, spindle, self on both floors of the store.

So the cashier had someone come help me. I explained what I was looking for and he did a seach too. Did he find any? No, of course not. So he check the computer to see if any were sold, none were. So where are they?

They were in the stock room. All nine of them.


 The logged in version 

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