A conversation with someone from my study about a paper which we have to make together:
Løn zegt:
When should it be done?
Chreiz zegt:
When should it be done?
Hmm I think something somewhere went a little bit wrong xD
The big day got even better!!!
I passed the exam!!
Monday is the big day!
I'm going to take the exam for my drivers licence *bounce*
“There are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart's desire. The other is to gain it.”
George Bernard Shaw
I don't know if this is true, but I think it gives you a reason to think about your life, and what you want to do with it.
If it's very painful for you to criticize your friends - you're safe in doing it. But if you take the slightest pleasure in it, that's the time to hold your tongue.
Alice Duer Miller
The first part is definately true. I've no idea about the second part, and I hope I'll never find out.
Waarom kunnen mensen niet gewoon duidelijk zijn!!
Hoe moeilijk is een antwoord als JA of NEE!!!!
Zonder misschien of als alles loopt zoals ik wil. Fuck dat!
Status: annoyed!!!
Something, somewhere went terribly wrong xD
1) Next week allmost all my friends are going on some trip. Texel, somewhere else in Holland and to make it even worse ROME....
2) And the few who are staying at home have nothing to do.
3) I'm in school for 40 hours...
Hmmm, it's not fair...
But I'm really happy for my friends allthough I think I deserve it xD
Woorden die op ons van toepassing zijn:
vasthoudend aan eigen wil of inzicht
te zeer overtuigd van eigen kennis of beleid
Yesterday I was at the beach with Amerins, Anita and Margo =) And today I'm going back with Nico to fly a kite =D. But there is one little problem it's a little bit stormy... Hmm maybe it's not the smartest plan ever =P. But we'll see if we live ;)
It's going to be fun =) *bounce bounce*
Proud to have no life at all xD
I'm looking for an Andre!!!
So if someone finds one tell me!! xD
ANDRELON!!! lmao
Tomorrow, or actually in 10 hours, I've a test about inorganic chemistry (not that the subject matters, but anyways). And I've the strange feeling I'm going to screw it.. (Is that proper English??) But anyways, it will be a disaster...
*dies in advance*
I hope I'll have a moment of knowing everything without knowing I know. (do you still get it??)
Who wants to buy this for me:
*angel face*
New year's eve, the present where past meets future
My mom said this and for some reason I thought of it just now...
Getting crazy!!!
I've my theoretical exam for my drivers licence tomorrow and it's really boring!!! I can't focus at all. Thinking about everything but the exam...
I'm going to make a million test-exams, until I drop dead or something like that...
Wish me luck for tomorrow!!
I need to tell you that I did the most useless thing you could do, besides memorizing the Periodic table.
I memorized the states of the USA... I know I have no life at all. =P
Happiness all over =D
I spend my whole day doing my math homework... And I made 3 problems..
Something somewhere goes terribly wrong...
But I'll be optimistic. I only have to do 6 chapters math, 6 chapters physics, 2 chapters inorganic chemistry and 3 chapters physical chemistry. And I've 4 days left to do all this...
Something somewhere went terribly wrong...
Maybe this is another moment to learn from. Work when you suppost to, because this isn't working.
And to be even more optimistic. In 3 or 4 weeks I've the exams of this subjects...
I think I'll lock myself away for a few weeks to do all the stuff I must do...
But the worst thing is that I had 2 weeks christmas break. In which I did lots of things and I still have the feeling that everything I still want to do has to wait till the next break which will be in April. If I pass all my exams, which I doubt because I don't understand it (atleast I don't understand my math..)
Allright that's enough complaining for today. I think I'm going to focus on the fact that I have the chance to go to university and enjoy it.
Happy new year to all, by the way!!!
Enjoy it!
Allison made me an addict =P
I just saw the Phantom of the opera for the second time (I know that isn't very much). But I'm just starting xD
The first time I saw it at Allison's place
And as a good fan should do, I'm spreading the greatness of this movie xD I already made two victims xD
But anyways, as you all know it's just the best opera ever ^^
And I'm going to London to see it live =') *bounce*
Merry christmas to all!
As you all know it's winter and in winter there should be snow and ice (or just one of them). And as a bunch of you also know was the last time we had usefull snow and ice about 10 years ago...
I remember that christmas break like it was yesterday... My brother and I were iceskating to the actual ice. That was extremly cool xD
And today I saw the beginning of what is hopefully a great winter, the water behind my house became ice =D And the best thing is that it's around noon right now and the temperature is still below zero =D
I really hope we can skate at the end of the week. And maybe we have a white christmas this year =D
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next three sentences in your journal along with these instructions.
5. Don't dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST.
Bij het tegenkomen van een andere weggebruiker dient u de nodige voorzichtighei
From my theoretical book for my drivers license. I don't even bother to translate it, because it's boring =P