So I went with my friend Joe on Friday to see Silverstein in concert...or so I thought.
Instead when I got there it was Sky eats Airplane, A day to remember, and The Devil Wears Prada!!!!!!!!!
It was amazing to say the least.
I had so much fun.
I haven't had that much fun in a while.
I'm not holding up my end.
Everyday I'm more and more afraid that her love for me might wilt and eventually die.
She's so incredibly beautiful.
I often wonder why she chose me.
She's up on a pedastal, but I am fully aware that I have placed her there.
Because thats exactly where I want her to be.
She has shown me how to fly.
But I could never soar as high as when I'm with her.
I love her.
I love you.
Don't leave me.
My mind warps and bends floats the wind count to ten
meet the twins Virtue, Sin. welcome to the lion's den
original skin many men comprehend
I extend myself so you go out & tell a friend
Sin all depends on what you believing in
Faith is what you make it that's the hardest shit since MC Ren
Alien can blend right on in wit' yo' kin
look again 'cause I swear I spot one every now & then
It's happenin' again wish I could tell you when
You can think and ponder y'all just gon' have to make amends
The suns rays awoke me, I was surprisingly willing to start the day though it was still early.
I walked to the door, half clothed and bracing myself for the cold air that I assumed was about to embrace my naked torso.
But instead it was a semi-warm breeze which wrapped my body.
Though it is February the wind glaze the snow banks and began to melt them.
I then saw the storm cloud out of my peripheral vision.
So I enjoyed the rain scented breeze that blew through my hair, and the thunderous silence it brought with it.
A morning like this gives me hope that there will be more of them in the future.
Question...can anyone really change? People make me believe otherwise. I mean even if you do change, will it matter if no one believes you? Some think there is an easy and simple solution to that question. If the people you surround yourself with think you can't change, then just change the people your around. As if someones thoughts about that individual won't effect him or her. The power of a thought is so underated. A thought though secluded and private at first, can fester...linge
Sad and empty.
Something very familiar indeed.
I don't no who I am anymore, nor do I have any clue what I want to become.
Maybe the chance of failing is scaring me away from doing what I have to.
I need to figure out what I want, instead of trying to mimick others....
I need to think....