[Astrid.]'s diary

1107803  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2010-01-20
Written: (5528 days ago)

I needed some snow...
Whenever it falls it's like a blanket of hush.
And while being alone, silence can be so loud...deafening even.
I can't hear myself think.

1104213  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-12-16
Written: (5563 days ago)
Next in thread: 1104222

do you belong to me or him?
does he exist?
it's ok...you can tell me if you don't want me.
the suspence is killing me...

...but I don't have a right to control.

1080466  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-05-27
Written: (5766 days ago)
Next in thread: 1080498

*smiles and moves next to, tracing my finger down your arm...and whispers*

I explored forbidden places on her trembling body.
Her eyes closed, though her body was glowing with a concentration that is indescribable.
Her sighs and moans still vivid in my mind.
She tasted of warmth, a taste so fulfilling I hope everyone finds it someday.
She gave back a feeling that took over.
Running down your neck,
cascading over your shoulders,
traveling over forbidden areas,
coarsing down your legs,
sliding over your ankles,
and then pooling at your feet.
Do you feel it?

1077619  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-05-05
Written: (5789 days ago)
Next in thread: 1079750

I'm so happy(:

But at the same time frustrated because I can't upload the photos I took today with my Brand New Canon Rebel EOS Digital SLR

I took some real good ones too.

1075968  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-04-23
Written: (5800 days ago)

I want to fucking die right now

1075904  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-04-23
Written: (5800 days ago)
Next in thread: 1075920

-Welcome to Heartbreak- by [Astrid.]

This is about how he could never be with the
only 'A' that could 'B' his 'C'.
Couldn't bare to leave him but had no problem depleting me
of my 'D' and 'E' went straight to 'F' and eelings.

I tried to tell her it's your love I want to earn, but she turned
said she couldn't open another can of worms.
I was fish bait to her, now I sit, face buhda
I see through her, I guess you live and you learn.

This is about how he could never please her
ease her- mind, paint it black, she my easel.
Better yet shes my canvas
Just trying to figure out how to care for this heart I've been handed.

Now I'm stranded...abandoned.
A man with no sense of worth, I'm a bandit.
You never gave that slack, Now I'm fallen in love
And there is no way you can take that back. 

1074645  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-04-14
Written: (5809 days ago)

I can't stop smiling.
Theres no way I'm going to be able to sleep tonight.
Her voice will keep me up until the morning.

1073992  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-04-10
Written: (5814 days ago)
1073855  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-04-09
Written: (5814 days ago)

I've had a hell of a day. Overwhelmed with emotion and fatigue.
A friend of mine was put into foster care not too long ago...her mother was sent to jail for undisclosed reasons.
Today she went to court with her stepfather to be released into his custody so she wouldn't have to deal the the harsh conditions of being in the system like many of her friends have before her, including me.
Once out of court they headed back to there home when they got a flat tire.
Her stepfather went out to change it and had a heart attack right there on the sidewalk.
A half hour later he was pronounced dead at the hospital.
It had seemed as if my friends life had taken the ultimate turn for the worst.
It humbled me to see how far I've come from such a meaningless life as a foster child heading nowhere, to an ambitious young adult striving to live a better life and make a name for himself and a mark on this world.
At the very least this was an eye opener.
It let me know that death is certain, and it can sneak up on you at any time of any day.
I thought I was living life to the fullest...
Now I know that I can do much more.

1073416  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-04-06
Written: (5817 days ago)

So I went with my friend Joe on Friday to see Silverstein in concert...or so I thought.
Instead when I got there it was Sky eats Airplane, A day to remember, and The Devil Wears Prada!!!!!!!!!!
It was amazing to say the least.
I had so much fun.
I haven't had that much fun in a while.

1070342  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-03-12
Written: (5843 days ago)
Next in thread: 1070973

I'm not holding up my end.
Everyday I'm more and more afraid that her love for me might wilt and eventually die.
She's so incredibly beautiful.
I often wonder why she chose me.
She's up on a pedastal, but I am fully aware that I have placed her there.
Because thats exactly where I want her to be.
She has shown me how to fly.
But I could never soar as high as when I'm with her.
I love her.
I love you.
Don't leave me.

1069939  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-03-09
Written: (5845 days ago)

My mind warps and bends floats the wind count to ten
meet the twins Virtue, Sin. welcome to the lion's den
original skin many men comprehend
I extend myself so you go out & tell a friend
Sin all depends on what you believing in
Faith is what you make it that's the hardest shit since MC Ren
Alien can blend right on in wit' yo' kin
look again 'cause I swear I spot one every now & then
It's happenin' again wish I could tell you when
You can think and ponder y'all just gon' have to make amends

1068402  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-02-27
Written: (5855 days ago)
Next in thread: 1068876

It's been 2 months.
My mind forcefully pre-occupied.
long nights and dirty mugs are more frequent.
The letters are piling up, though the mail box remains empty.
when will I see her...
should I tell her...
No! If I love you,
what business is it of yours?
1065943  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-02-08
Written: (5874 days ago)

The suns rays awoke me, I was surprisingly willing to start the day though it was still early.
I walked to the door, half clothed and bracing myself for the cold air that I assumed was about to embrace my naked torso.
But instead it was a semi-warm breeze which wrapped my body.
Though it is February the wind glaze the snow banks and began to melt them.
I then saw the storm cloud out of my peripheral vision.
So I enjoyed the rain scented breeze that blew through my hair, and the thunderous silence it brought with it.
A morning like this gives me hope that there will be more of them in the future. 

1012427  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-02-16
Written: (6232 days ago)

Question...can anyone really change? People make me believe otherwise. I mean even if you do change, will it matter if no one believes you? Some think there is an easy and simple solution to that question. If the people you surround yourself with think you can't change, then just change the people your around. As if someones thoughts about that individual won't effect him or her. The power of a thought is so underated. A thought though secluded and private at first, can fester...linger...and eventually become important enough to think about a second time. The more you hold on to a thought, the more your effected by it. Sometimes enough to want to effect someone else with it. Thoughts then turn into words because supposedly they speak louder. And actions almost all of the time turn into memory. Like the memory of the way someone used to be for instince. So I ask again...can anyone really change?

914256  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-02-25
Written: (6588 days ago)

Sad and empty.
Something very familiar indeed.
I don't no who I am anymore, nor do I have any clue what I want to become.
Maybe the chance of failing is scaring me away from doing what I have to.
I need to figure out what I want, instead of trying to mimick others....

I need to think....

 The logged in version 

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