[HelloSweetChild]'s diary

913596  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-02-23
Written: (6427 days ago)



913593  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-02-23
Written: (6427 days ago)

okay like,today at school..it was boring..we did nothing but whych these 'speica'kids play basket ball,belive it or not they were pretty damn good.like this dorff was scoreing all kind of points,most were 3 pointers..and he had a guy on him that was like 6 foot.it was crazy,and one girl told the ref. she was gona shouve tht fucking ball up his ass ,and he'll have a bal fr ever if he ddn't starte calling all the foules...she was pissed..but it was funny as hell.<img:stuff/sa-gif.gif>

910133  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-02-15
Written: (6435 days ago)

I found this on anothe elftown usesprofile..it says to repost it after you read it..so im doing just that.

Questionz... do it!!
y = Yes n = No m=Maybe
Would you? Will you?
[_] give me your number? (_ _ _) _ _ _- _ _ _ _
[_] kiss me?
[_] let me kiss you?
[_] watch a porn movie with me?
[_] take me out to dinner?
[_] let me drive you somewhere?
[_] take a shower with me?
[_] buy me a drink?
[_] take me home for the night?
[_] let me sleep in your bed?
[_] Sing car karaoke w/ me?
[_] re-post this for me to answer your questions?
[_] Come pick me up at 3 am because my car ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere?
[_] Lock me in your room and take advantage of me?
[_] let me make you breakfast?
[_] help me with homework?
[_] tickle me?
[_] let me tickle you?
[_] stick up for me if i was being put down?
[_] get wasted with me?
[_] instant message me?
[_] greet me in public?
[_] hang out with me?
[_] bring me around your friends?
[_] make out with me?
[_] in public?
[_] fuck me or get fucked by me?
[_] in public?
D0 Y0U...
[_] think im cute?
[_] think im hott?
[_] want to kiss me?
[_] want to cuddle with me?
[_] want to hook up with me?
[_] want to live happily ever after with me?
AM i...
[_] smart?
[_] cute?
[_] funny?
[_] cool?
[_] loveable?
[_] adorable?
[_] compassionate?
[_] great to be with?
[_] attractive?
[_] mean?
[_] fuckable? *cough* *cough*.....u dont have to answer this one
[_] thought about hooking up with me?
[_] found yourself wanting a kiss from me?
[_] wished I were there?
[_] had a crush on me?
[_] wanted my number?
[_] had a dream about me?
[_] been distracted by me?
[_] masterbated to my pictures?
[_] had a dirty fantasy about me?
ARE Y0U...
[_] happy you know me?
[_] mad at me?
[_] thinking about me?
[_] going to repost?

909329  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-02-13
Written: (6437 days ago)

God is my heart.
He is all I need.
He is all I desire.
Nothing can change this.

هو الّذي هو المحبوب

 The logged in version 

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