[American Revolutionary]'s diary

1136198  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-05-26
Written: (4873 days ago)

i thought she was gone from my mind
i guess not
every thought, every word
her memory echoes
for once
for eterniy
ive been locked away
in the cell of her design
cant she see?
what shes done?
created a world with me
then turned and burned it to the ground
she cant see the changes
the differences
now she decides to relay a message
to me
all i have to say
is....goodbye, blue sky

1136087  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-05-25
Written: (4874 days ago)

I'm about to lose my mind
You've been gone for so long
I'm running out of time
I need a doctor
Call me a doctor
I need a doctor, doctor
To bring me back to life

I told the World one day I would pay it back
Say it on tape, and lay it, record it
So that one day I could play it back
But I don't even know if I would leave it when I'm saying that
Ya'll start to creep in, everyday it's so grey and black
Hope I just need a ray of that
Cause no one see's my vision when I play it for em
They just say it's wack
Thye don't know what dope is
And I don't know if I was awake or asleep
When I wrote this,
All I know is you came to me when I was at my lowest
You picked me up, breeding life in me
I owe my life to you
Before the life of me, I don't see why you don't see like I do
But it just dawned on me you lost a son
See this light in you, it's dark
Let me turn on the lights and brigthen me and lighten you
I don't think you realise what you mean to me
Not the slightest clue
Cause me and you were like a crew
I was like your sidekick
You gon either wanna fight me when I get off this f-cking mic
Or you gon hug me
But I'm not an option, there's nothing else I can do cause...

I'm about to lose my mind
You've been gone for so long
I'm running out of time
I need a doctor
Call me a doctor
I need a doctor, doctor
To bring me back to life

It hurts when I see you struggle
You come to me with ideas
You say there pieces so I'm puzzled
Cause the shit I hear is crazy
But your either getting lazy or you don't believe in you no more
Seems like your own opinions, not one you can form
Can't make a decision keep questioning yourself
Second guessing and it's almost like your begging for my help
Like I'm your leader
Your susposed to be my f-cking mentor
I can endure no more,
I demand you remember who you are
It was YOU, who believed in me
When everyone was telling you don't sign me
Everyone at the f-cking label, lets tell the truth
You risked your career for me
I know it as well as you
Nobody wanted to f-ck with the white boy
That's why I'm crying in this booth
You saved my life, now maybe it's my time to save yours
But I can never repay you what you did for me is way more
But I aint giving up faith and you aint giving up on me
Get up Dre, I'm dying I need you, for f-cks sake

I'm about to lose my mind
You've been gone for so long
I'm running out of time
I need a doctor
Call me a doctor
I need a doctor, doctor
To bring me back to life
Bring me back to life
Bring me back to life

(I need a doctor, doctor
To bring me back to life)

[dr dre]
It literally feels like a lifetime ago
But I still remember the shit like it was yesterday though
You walked in, yellow jump suit
Whole room, cracked jokes
Once you got inside the booth, told you, like smoke
Went through friends, some of them I put on
But they just left, they said was riding to a death
But where the f-ck are they now
Now that I need them I don't see none of them
All I see is Slim
F-ck all you fair-weather friends
All I need is him
F-cking backstabbers
When the chips were down you just laughed at us
Now you bout to feel the wrath of aftermath, faggots
You gon see us in our lab jackets and ask us where the f-ck we been?
You can kiss my indecisive ass crack maggots and the crackers ass
Little crack a jack beat making wack math,
Backwards producers, I'm back bastards
One more CD and then I'm packing up my bags and as I'm leaving again
I'll guarantee they scream Dre don't leave us like that man cause...

I'm about to lose my mind
You've been gone for so long
I'm running out of time
I need a doctor
Call me a doctor
I need a doctor, doctor
To bring me back to life
Bring me back to life
Bring me back to life

1135573  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-05-18
Written: (4881 days ago)

the last song ill dedicate to [Fallen Child Athena]

Find myself all alone
In darkness without you
Now I can’t turn away
From what I must do
You know I’d give my life for you
More than words can say
I’ve shown you how to love someone
I know you’ll find a way

Say goodbye, close your eyes
Remember me
Walk away, the sun remains
Remember me

I’ll live on somewhere in your heart
You must believe
Remember me

No way I can change my mind
I don’t have the answers
If you could see through my eyes
You’d let go of your fears
And though I have to leave you now
With the thought of each other
I’ll miss your touch
You call my name
I am with you forever
With the change, we can’t explain
Remember me

You know I’d give my life for you
More than words can say
I showed you how to love someone
I know you’ll find a way

Be there to watch over you
Remember me
Feel I’m gone
My heart lives on
Remember me

Don’t you think of this as the end
I’ll come into your dreams
Remember me

Close your eyes
Say goodbye
Remember me
Say you will

Close your eyes
Remember me
Say you will

Say goodbye
Remember me

1135405  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-05-16
Written: (4884 days ago)

i read the messages
tryin to get it off my mind
why wont these toughts go away?
i keep thinking
a sparrow
her bird
as said in pink floyds "the wall"
i dont need no arms around me
i dont need no drugs to calm me
i have seen the writing on the wall
all in all its just another brick in the wall
i dont sleep
or eat
i smoke
and occaiionally drink
to kill the pain that still lingers

1135257  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-05-13
Written: (4886 days ago)


I HAVE SMOKED POT. No, got a contact high though



I HAVE CRASHED A FRIEND'S CAR. None of my friends have cars, and I don't have a license.

I HAVE BEEN TO JAPAN. No, but I want to.


I HAVE HAD ANAL SEX. No, I haven't had sex at all.

I HAVE BEEN IN LOVE. Yes, I'm in love now.





I HAVE BEEN FIRED. I've never had a job, my parents won't let me, They make excuses as to why I can't get one, or they won't take me out to look for one, and I live out in the middle of nowhere, with one store, and they're not hiring.






I HAVE PISSED ON MYSELF. Does being a baby count?




I HAVE STOLE SOMETHING FROM MY JOB. Nope, don't have a job.


I HAVE LIED TO A FRIEND. Yes because he lied to me

I HAVE HAD A CRUSH ON A TEACHER. Yes, but who hasn't?



I HAVE BEEN SKYDIVING. No, and I have a major fear of heights.

I HAVE BEEN DUMPSTER DIVING. Ehhhhhh couple of times?

I HAVE WALKED IN ON FRIENDS HAVING SEX. Absolutely not id shoot them both

I HAVE WALKED IN ON MY PARENTS HAVING SEX. Ive heard them, god was it awful, dying elephant much

I HAVE BEEN CAUGHT HAVING SEX. No, I've never had sex.


I HAVE CUT SOMEONE AND MADE THEM BLEED. Yes, because they were pestering me and I wanted to be alone, id never do that to my girl though, but I would slit a throat for her if anyone was messin with her




I HAVE EGGED A RANDOM CAR. Nope, but I've egged a house.



1135256  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-05-13
Written: (4886 days ago)

Name: Konstantin
Nickname(s): Atlas, Travis, Jasper, Sgt.Stacker, Sniper, Dmitri, and Wolf
Birth date: October 14 1992
Birthplace: Moscow, Russia
Current location: Bobtown, Pennsylvania
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5’9”
Right handed or left handed: Right

Your heritage: Irish, Dutch, German, Russian (obviously)
Your fears: never finding the one I can spend forever with (I already did)h
Your perfect pizza: Mushroom, olives, sasuage, peparoni, canadian bacon, and cheese on the same pizza, but I don't mind just mushrooms and olives.
Goal you'd like to achieve this year: Pass my drivers test and get a job.

Your most overused phrase on AIM: I don’t have aim                                  Your first thought when you wake up: whats my love doing?
Your best physical feature: Most people say it's my eyes and my hair.
Your bedtime: Whenever I want, usually
Your most missed memory: Going trick or treating, cause it's the one day of the year where you can dress up in costume and no one thinks you're weird.

Soda: I don't really drink soda as much anymore, I drink Vitamin water a lot now, but I like Sprite, Grape and Orange soda.
Best fast food joint: Burger King, Wendy's, and Subway if that is considered a fast food joint.
Single or group dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: both
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton, but I'd try Nestea.
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate for flavor, Vanilla for the smell.
Cappuccino or coffee: I like frappuccinos, and French Vanilla coffee.

Smoke: yes
Cuss: alot
Sing: Yes
Have a crush(es): Yes, but I think it's more than a crush. :-)
Do you think you've been in love: Yes, I am now.
Want to go to college: Yes, but my parents aren't much help.
Like/liked high school: Not really.
Want to get married: Yes
Believe in yourself: Sometimes
Get motion sickness: nope
Think you're a health freak: Not really
Get along with your parents: Sometimes
Like thunderstorms: Yes
Play an instrument: guitar and drums

In the past month...
Drank alcohol: yes
Smoked: yes
Done a drug: sadly once
Had sex: hell no
Made out: No
Gone on a date: No
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No
Eaten sushi: yes
Been on stage: No
Gone skating: No
Made homemade cookies: No
Gone skinny-dipping: No
Dyed your hair: No
Stolen anything: No

Played a game that required removal of clothing: No
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: absolutely, new years trying to play halo was fun
Been caught doing something that you shouldn't be: Yes
Been called a tease: Once, but I'm not.
Gotten beaten up: Yes
Shoplifted: When I was six, but I didn't know any better so they let it slide.
Changed who you were to fit in: No, never

Age you hope to be married: 24, hopefully sooner
Numbers and names of children: 2 maybe, or however many my future husband wants, I have some ideas for the names, but my husband would have to like the names too.
Describe your dream wedding: In a church, with a beautiful wedding dress, with a kind, caring, loving, loyal, handsome man waiting at the other end of the aisle for me, both white and red roses in my bouquet, and in the middle of the tables, my friends, family, food, and drinks. Hopefully I can afford all of that, if not a small wedding would be fine with me.
How do you want to die: Protecting my significant other, having them hold my hand as I die, and telling them one last time that I love them.
Where do you want to go to college: Pittsburgh institute of aeronautics, hopefully become a helicopter mechanic
What do you want to be when you grow up:, a photographer, a singer, or an Actor.
What country/countries would you most like to visit: England, France, Italy, Scotland, Ireland, Russia, and Germany
In a guy/girl...
Best eye color: hazel, but I don't really care
Best hair color: I don't really care what color hair they have.
Short or long hair: Short, or in the middle you know? But I don't really care.
Height: A height where I don't have to bend down too far or reach up too far to have to kiss them.
Best weight: I like a little meat on their bones, but I don't care, as long as they aren't so skinny they look like you can break them in half, or have a body like a body builder. UGH! *shivers* Too muscular for me!
Best articles of clothing: I don't care, as long as it isn't a kilt. lol
Best first date location: Dinner and a movie, or a moonlit walk on the beach, maybe a picnic by a lake.
Best first kiss location: having a picnic while watching the sun set, but when does that happen in real life? lol

Number of drugs taken illegally: 1
Number of people I could trust with my life: my dearest, and her only
Number of CDs that I own: I don't know I don't count them
Number of piercing: one
Number of tattoos: None, but I do want some, but my mom and dad would freak.
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper:couple times….wont go into that.
Number of scars on my body: 7
Number of things in my past that I regret: a few

1134756  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-05-06
Written: (4893 days ago)

I got a sharp stick, I keep in my pocket
I speak volumes never utter a word
When you strike a match, a fire will happen
But the line between the smoke and the flames get blurred

Don't you see the writing on the wall(Don't you see the writing on the wall)
You're in way over your head
You're gonna drown in the things that you said

Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats I've heard before
your words are cheap and lies are big to take

Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats I've heard before
And all your words are due to pay today

It's a paradox, A mystery, A riddle
A door in your face and only I have the key
to understand you'll be caught in the middle
Caught in a web being spun by me

Don't you see the writing on the wall (Don't you see the writing on the wall)
Just a victim of your own conceit
The architect of your own defeat

Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats I've heard before
when words are cheap and lies are made to pay

Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats I've heard before
when all your words are due to pay today

Never walk away from a fight that's worth fighting
Never hesitate when you know you're gonna act
Never waste your words on a fool you won't listen
Never sell your soul cause you'll never buy it... back

Time has come and gone for words
A thousands threats I've heard before
when words are cheap and lies are made to pay

Time has come and gone for words
a thousand threats I've heard before
and all your words are due to pay today

no more words
no more words
no more words
no more words

1134755  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-05-06
Written: (4893 days ago)

On this day I see clearly everything has come to life
A bitter place and a broken dream
And we'll leave it all behind
On this day its so real to me
Everything has come to life
Another chance to chase a dream
Another chance to feel
Chance to feel alive

I've been defeated and brought down
Dropped to my knees when hope ran out
The time has come to change my ways

On this day I see clearly everything has come to life
A bitter place and a broken dream
And we'll leave it all, leave it all behind

I'll never long for what might have been
Regret won't waste my life again
I won't look back
I'll fight to remain:

On this day I see clearly everything has come to life
A bitter place and a broken dream
And we'll leave it all behind
On this day its so real to me
Everything has come to life
Another chance to chase a dream
Another chance to feel
Chance to feel alive

Fear will kill me, all I could be
Lift these sorrows
Let me breathe, could you set me free
Could you set me free

On this day I see clearly everything has come to life
A bitter place and a broken dream
And we'll leave it all behind
On this day its so real to me
Everything has come to life
Another chance to chase a dream
Another chance to feel
Chance to feel alive

1134753  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-05-06
Written: (4893 days ago)


All I've ever wanted was destiny to be fulfilled
It is in my hands, I must not fail, I must not fail

Even through the darkest days
This fire burns always
This fire burns always

This is the proving ground
Misery begins to rise
Turn away from yesterday
Tomorrow's in my eyes, oh

Nevermore to be held down
By the wings of history
Nevermore to be cast aside
This day is mine

Even through the darkest days
This fire burns always
This fire burns always

I will not be denied in this final hour
I will not be denied, this day is mine
This passion inside me is burning, is burning
This passion inside me is burning, is burning

Even through the darkest days
This fire burns always, always
This fire burns, fire burns, always
Always, always

1134409  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-05-02
Written: (4897 days ago)


If you close your eyes, Your life, a naked truth revealed,
Dreams you never lived and scars never healed
(Scars never healed)
In the darkness life will take you to the other side,
And find me waiting there you'll see if you just close your eyes.
If you just close your eyes.
(If you just close your eyes)

Deceived by my eyes and all I was told I should see.
Opinions not mine, The person they taught me to be.
One night in the dark of vision of someone I know,
And out of the darkness I heard a voice say I'm you.

Inside of me a light was turned on. Then I was alive.

If you close your eyes, Your life a naked truth revealed,
Dreams you never lived and, scars never healed
(scars never healed)
In the darkness life will take you to the other side,
And find me waiting there, you'll see if you just close your eyes.
(Close Your Eyes)

Hearts uninspired, trapped inside somebody's dream.
To close to the fire, Yet cold and so numb with the pain.
But the fever is broken, and the river has run to the sea.
Washed to the ocean and saved by a voice inside me.

Inside of me a light was turned on, Then I was alive.

If you close your eyes. Your life a naked truth revealed,
Dreams you never lived and scars never healed
(Scars never healed)
In the darkness life will take you to the other side,
And find me waiting there you'll see if you just close your eyes.
(If You just close your eyes. If You just close your eyes

1134408  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-05-02
Written: (4897 days ago)

What's that metronome I hear,
Perhaps the end is drawing near,
You never hear the shot that takes you down.

Out of time, so say goodbye,
What is yours, now is mine,
And I dream broken dreams,
I make them come true,
I make them for you.

Bad dreams come true, I make them for you (make them come true)
Bad dreams come true, I make them for you (I make dreams come true)
Bad dreams come true, I make them for you (make them come true)
Bad dreams come true, I make them for you.

Out of time, so say goodbye,
What is yours, now is mine,
And I dream broken dreams,
I make them come true,
I make them for you.
I make them for you.

Almost to the mountaintop,
You slip and fall just like a stone,
Rolling ever faster to this nightmare you have sown.
You had it all right in your grasp,
But in a breath, your minute passed,
Now at last the end has come, you are all alone.

Out of time, so say goodbye,
What is yours, now is mine,
And I dream broken dreams,
I make them come true,
I make them for you.
I make them for you.

All your dreams are just illusion,
Based on nothing and confusion,
Don't you look behind the curtain,
No more time, the end is certain.

I dream broken dreams, I make them come true, I make them for you
I dream broken dreams, I make them come true, I make them for you
Bad dreams come true, I make them for you (I make dreams come true)
Bad dreams come true, I make them for you ( I make them for you)
Bad dreams come true, I make them for you (I make dreams come true)
Bad dreams come true, I make them for you ( I make them for you)

1134125  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-04-27
Written: (4902 days ago)

i dont understand
i thought i was past you
over you
your still there
on my mind
in my heart
your presence aches me
makes me want to die
why cant i let you go?
is this the end of me?
i cant bear the pain anymore
i told you
when you left
you took my heart with you
that was true
what was once my happiness
is gone
i promised you id stay by your side
but things changed
things...fell apart
i dont sleep
i dont eat
it hurts to breathe
it hurts to move
i dont see what the point
is to live
with this pain
i ask people around me for help
none can help me.......

1133748  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-04-19
Written: (4910 days ago)

[you know who you are these lyrics are for]

Empty spaces fill me up with holes
Distant faces with no place left to go
Without you, within me I can find no rest
Where I'm going is anybody's guess

I tried to go on like I never knew you
I'm awake but my world is half asleep
I've prayed for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I'm going to be , incomplete

Voices tell me I should carry on
But I am swimming in an ocean all alone
Baby, my baby
It's written on your face
but You still wonder if we made a big mistake

I tried to go on like I never knew you
I'm awake but my world is half asleep
I've prayed for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I'm going to be , incomplete

I don't mean to drag it on
But I can't seem to let you go
I don't wanna make you face this world alone
I wanna let you go..........

I've try to go on like I never knew you
I'm awake but my world is half asleep
I've pray for this heart to be unbroken
But without you what I'm going to be is, incomplete...


1133442  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-04-14
Written: (4915 days ago)

i regret ever meeting you
i shouldve figured that you were gonna betray me
i told you to never do it
"you have to look at the options" you said
i did
now i regret ever knowing you
my heart aches
my wounds, they burn
you had nothing to care
but something
got in my way
ill never be me again
a hero of war
i gave my all for you
and in the end you let me down
i knew i couldnt trust you
go to him
i dont care
but revenge is coming
and itll come back to haunt you
one of these days
i cannot forgive what youve done to me
threw everything i loved in my face
and slit my throat in the process

1133107  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-04-07
Written: (4922 days ago)

Through the clouds of fallen ash,
A lonely mother's cry
Among the fields of broken glass
The loyal few will arise
Faith now regained
Finding strength within the void,
A raging fire ignites
A spark of ever-burning power
And conviction to fight
Pride be your name
They will spit upon the honor that
You guard with your life
And run to hide in selfish fear
When threat of death is in sight
Lay down your shame

Armed with resistance and blind to the cost
They say your purpose is mindless and lost
But we don't adhere to the slander they spill
We mourn with your losses and stand by your will

These tears we spill
They haunt us still
The cries of the weak lie quiet in sleep
Beneath our feet

We are the sons of holy wrath,
A shining light in the dark
The ones who walk amongst despair,
No sign of fear in our hearts
Stand in death's way
Shut out the voice of mindlessness,
Open your eyes to the truth
Believe the words that stand the test
And not the slurs of the youth
You're not what they say



Turn over the tables and watch them run
You'll be the weapon they can't outgun


1133104  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-04-07
Written: (4922 days ago)

He said "Son, have you seen the world?
Well, what would you say if I said that you could?
Just carry this gun and you'll even get paid."
I said "That sounds pretty good."

Black leather boots
Spit-shined so bright
They cut off my hair but it looked alright
We marched and we sang
We all became friends
As we learned how to fight

A hero of war
Yeah that's what I'll be
And when I come home
They'll be damn proud of me
I'll carry this flag
To the grave if I must
Because it's a flag that I love
And a flag that I trust

I kicked in the door
I yelled my commands
The children, they cried
But I got my man
We took him away
A bag over his face
From his family and his friends

They took off his clothes
They pissed in his hands
I told them to stop
But then I joined in
We beat him with guns
And batons not just once
But again and again

A hero of war
Yeah that's what I'll be
And when I come home
They'll be damn proud of me
I'll carry this flag
To the grave if I must
Because it's a flag that I love
And a flag that I trust

She walked through bullets and haze
I asked her to stop
I begged her to stay
But she pressed on
So I lifted my gun
And I fired away

The shells jumped through the smoke
And into the sand
That the blood now had soaked
She collapsed with a flag in her hand
A flag white as snow

A hero of war
Is that what they see
Just medals and scars
So damn proud of me
And I brought home that flag
Now it gathers dust
But it's a flag that I love
It's the only flag I trust

He said, "Son, have you seen the world?
Well what would you say, if I said that you could?"

1133086  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-04-07
Written: (4922 days ago)

im through with you
im done hoping
im over pretending
i thought love was great?
some great..ha!
you broke me to my lowest point
do you not see what youve made me become?
hope HES better than me
time will tell all
time sees all

1133040  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-04-06
Written: (4923 days ago)

why did it end the way it did?
i look to my self
was it me?
asking the dark
was it her?
tears rolling down my face
why did it end?
looking at all i had planned
was it for nothing?
the boquet of roses, bloody
can i die?
laying beside my body
will you miss me?
a handgun in the other
will you remember me?
im no longer around
so.....this the end

1133039  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-04-06
Written: (4923 days ago)

I'm not afraid (I'm not afraid)
To take a stand (to take a stand)
Everybody (everybody)
Come take my hand (come take my hand)
We'll walk this road together, through the storm
Whatever weather, cold or warm
Just lettin you know that, you're not alone
Holla if you feel like you've been down the same road (same road)

[Intro (during Chorus):]
Yeah, it's been a ride
I guess I had to, go to that place, to get to this one
Now some of you, might still be in that place
If you're trying to get out, just follow me
I'll get you there

You could try and read my lyrics off of this paper before I lay 'em
But you won't take the sting out these words before I say 'em
Cause ain't no way I'ma let you stop me from causin mayhem
When I say I'ma do somethin I do it,
I don't give a damn what you think,
I'm doin this for me, so fuck the world
Feed it beans, it's gassed up, if it thinks it's stoppin me
I'ma be what I set out to be, without a doubt undoubtedly
And all those who look down on me I'm tearin down your balcony
No if ands or buts, don't try to ask him why or how can he
From "Infinite" down to the last "Relapse" album
he's still shittin, whether he's on salary paid hourly
Until he bows out or he shits his bowels out of him
Whichever comes first, for better or worse
He's married to the game, like a fuck you for Christmas
His gift is a curse, forget the Earth, he's got the urge
to pull his dick from the dirt, and fuck the whole universe


Okay quit playin with the scissors and shit, and cut the crap
I shouldn't have to rhyme these words in the rhythm for you to know it's a rap
You said you was king, you lied through your teeth, for that
Fuck your feelings, instead of gettin crowned you're gettin capped
And to the fans, I'll never let you down again, I'm back
I promise to never go back on that promise, in fact
Let's be honest, that last "Relapse" CD was ehhh
Perhaps I ran them accents into the ground
Relax, I ain't goin back to that now
All I'm tryin to say is get back, click-clack, blaow
Cause I ain't playin around
It's a game called circle and I don't know how, I'm way too up to back down
But I think I'm still tryin to figure this crap out
Thought I had it mapped out but I guess I didn't, this fuckin black cloud
still follows, me around but it's time to exorcise these demons
These muh'fuckers are doin jumpin jacks now!


And I just can't keep living this way
So starting today, I'm breaking out of this cage
I'm standing up, I'ma face my demons
I'm manning up, I'ma hold my ground
I've had enough, now I'm so fed up
Time to put my life back together right now! (now)

It was my decision to get clean, I did it for me
Admittedly, I probably did it subliminally
for you, so I could come back a brand new me you helped see me through
And don't even realize what you did, believe me you
I been through the ringer, but they could do little to the middle finger
I think I got a tear in my eye, I feel like the king of
my world, haters can make like bees with no stingers
and drop dead, no more beef flingers
No more drama from now on, I promise
to focus solely on handlin my responsibilities as a father
So I solemnly swear to always treat this roof, like my daughters
and raise it, you couldn't lift a single shingle on it!
Cause the way I feel, I'm strong enough to go to the club
or the corner pub, and lift the whole liquor counter up
Cause I'm raising the bar
I'd shoot for the moon but I'm too busy gazin at stars
I feel amazing and I'm


1133038  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-04-06
Written: (4923 days ago)

To the sound of a heartbeat pounding away
To the rhythm of the awful rusted machines
We toss and turn but don't sleep
Each breath we take makes us thieves
Like causes without rebels
Just talk but promise nothing else

We crawl on our knees for you
Under a sky no longer blue
We sweat all day long for you
But we sow seeds to see us through
The sometimes dreams just don't come true
We wait to reap what we are due

To the rhythm of a time bomb ticking away
And the blare of the sirens combing the streets
Chased down like dogs we run from
Your grasp until the sun comes up

We crawl on our knees for you
Under a sky no longer blue
We sweat all day long for you
But we sow seeds to see us through
The sometimes dreams just don't come true
Look now at what they've done to you

White needles buried in the red
The engine roars and then it gives
But never dies
'Cuz we don't live
We just survive
On the scraps that you throw away

I won't crawl on my knees for you
I won't believe the lies that hide the truth
I won't sweat one more drop for you
'Cuz we are the rust upon your gears
We are the insects in your ears
We crawl
We crawl
We crawl...all over you

We sow the seeds to see us through
Our days are precious and so few
We all reap what we are due
A judge's sky no longer blue
We bring the dawn all over new
We crawl
We crawl
We crawl...all over you

1133037  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-04-06
Written: (4923 days ago)

Warm yourself by the fire, son,
And the morning will come soon.
I’ll tell you stories of a better time,
In a place that we once knew.

Before we packed our bags
And left all this behind us in the dust,
We had a place that we could call home,
And a life no one could touch.

Don’t hold me up now,
I can stand my own ground,
I don’t need your help now,
You will let me down, down, down!

Don’t hold me up now,
I can stand my own ground,
I don’t need your help now,
You will let me down, down, down!


We are the angry and the desperate,
The hungry, and the cold,
We are the ones who kept quiet,
And always did what we were told.

But we’ve been sweating while you slept so calm,
In the safety of your home.
We’ve been pulling out the nails that hold up
Everything you’ve known.

Don’t hold me up now,
I can stand my own ground,
I don’t need your help now,
You will let me down, down, down!

Don’t hold me up now,
I can stand my own ground,
I don’t need your help now,
You will let me down, down, down!

So open your eyes child,
Let’s be on our way.
Broken windows and ashes
Are guiding the way.

Keep quiet no longer,
We’ll sing through the day,
Of the lives that we’ve lost,
And the lives we’ve reclaimed.


Don’t hold me up now,
I can stand my own ground,
I don’t need your help now,
You will let me down, down, down!

Don’t hold me up now,
I can stand my own ground,
I don’t need your help now,
You will let me down, down, down!

Don’t hold me up…
(I don’t need your help, I’ll stand my ground)
Don’t hold me up…
(I don’t need your help)
No! No! No!
Don’t hold me up!
(I don’t need your help, I’ll stand my ground)
Don’t hold me up!
(I don’t need your help, I’ll stand my ground)
Don’t let me down, down, down, down, down!

 The logged in version 

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