A girl tells her dad that she likes being with him at his house wen she's there. The dad syas he enjoys it too, but takes it the wrong way.The next time the father sees his daughter he goes too far. Wen the mother pichs up the child the next day she tells her mom wat dad had done. Mom asks wat all happened as she drives to the local police station to file a police report on him. Afew monthes later mom takes the dad to court for wat happened. The dad is never aloud to see his daughter anymore except for wen she's picking up her stuff from his house. The father now goes to a mental instatution every over month. He prays he will see his daughter again, but that will never happen. Every few monthes the father callls his cild and says that he loves her, misses her and never stops thinking about her. The mother and daughter know he i leing because of how often he calls.