I was staring out side at the full moon just getting a filling not knowing what it is but just wanting to run run for my life and never look back. I get up to leave but a small weak cough from down the cold hall brings me back I have to stay to make shur Lisa is alright.
As i walk next to her bed worried becouse i can't hear her breathing any more. I no what happened shes dead and i could do nothing about it. I fall to my knees and just let the tears roll down my face where will i go now she was the only thing i had, but i hear a cough over my sadness i look up a man is there.
"Come boy lets get away from here." He says in a low voise. Not aware of the danger i get up and let him lead me out of the house.
I looked out the window of the old car wondering yet agin where i might end up this time.
When i herd this it reminded me of some one its Bella's Lullaby
ok i guess i growled yester day so no every ones calling me dog boy even my friends well but the new kid Jack that held me back yesterday theres some thing strange about him but i can't put my finger on it. I know i sould not be juging him for being wierd when im the wierdest kid in school no town. But its annoying me just him and not being freaked out by me.
I should have saw this comeing but i didn't.
I was being held back by the foot ball star Brian against a wall with a knife to my throat, saying im a no good loser and i should burn in hell but some one hit him and he let go of me and a new kid named jack held me back.
But i almost turned im sad to say it scared me im scared the wolf will take over....
I still think im going to wake up. I can't belive i got a girl friend!!! Yes me i know i can't belive it.
[Don't EVER leave the one you love for the one you like because the one you like will leave you for the one they love. Tonight your true love will realize how much they love you between 1 & 4 in the morning, and tomorrow the shock of your life will occur. If you break the chain then you will have bad luck, so copy and paste within 1 min]
ok tell me what you think and don't lie!!
I was being lazy and not photoshoping it but so what its the furst wolf I ever drew.
the <Twilight Fanclub RPG@wiki> is my first RP but i love it so far
My grandma is here im sooooo bord. The only good thing about hur coming is the $120 dollors she gave me.
Still nothing good on lycanthropy!
Man I had to go to Albrta (what a snor) and yet I still can't find any thing good on lycanthropy!!!