[angelofwar]'s diary

1133671  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-04-18
Written: (4822 days ago)

damn last night was so amazingly awesome.just da fact that i got to see Aracely last night. damn i haven't seen that girl in damn near forever. i can't help but smile around her. she makes me so happy, but not intentionally it just seems to come out that way every time i see her. man i love that girl no matter what she does. i can't help but to love that girl. if i ever do get angry at her it never seem to last but a few minutes. its crazy how i can forgive her like nothing ever happened but when it comes to other females i have feelings for it'll take days or even months to forgive them. Aracely knows that i'd bend over backwards for her no matter what. that girl knows that shes got me wrapped around her finger. and she loves it.

1133413  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-04-13
Written: (4827 days ago)

so far im bored today...i saw my home gurls gurl today and all i gotta say is damn!!!! my home gurl is so lucky to have dis gurl cuz she sexy as hell...i hope that i can find a gurl like that one day...don't get me wrong i have gurls like that but non that live close enough to be with every day like my home gurl does...make me envy her....in so many way i wanna jus grab her gurl and just fuck the shit outta her...and just make her scream my name damn!!!! wet dreams much hahaha

1133283  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-04-11
Written: (4829 days ago)

man last night was going pretty good til jes popped into the sene man that bitch had me pissed.i thought that len was over that bitch already but naw she cheated on a good gurl for that pathetic crack whore. can you believe that piece of crock cause i still can't. 

1133021  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-04-06
Written: (4834 days ago)

if i tell her dis gurl is fucking around be hind her back than i'll be afraid that she's gonna thing that i'm lying just so i can have her to my self...but that's not my intention at all...i just don't want her to get hurt again.

1133020  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-04-06
Written: (4834 days ago)

so today was a weird day my home gurl that i have a major crush on is dating a gurl that's deceiving her...i don't know what to do. i don't know if i should talk to dis gurl that she's dating or if i should just tell her that dis is fucking around be hide her back...

1132937  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-04-05
Written: (4835 days ago)

my birthday was a rip off cause all i did was watch movies all day like i do every day. i would of thought that my friends would of kid napped me or something fun like that. well i guess i don't have exciting friends like that...hmmm i need a new group of friends. you know friends that are more exciting. friends that like to do random things like kid nap me on my birthday and do something more surprising and fun.lol

1132797  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2011-04-03
Written: (4837 days ago)

I saw Eglenda for the first time in like another 2 weeks I don't know what to say. I still love her in a way I can't explain. I don't know why I can't get over her. Shes like my drug addiction that I can't get rid of, man when I'm around her I feel like I'm on cloud 9.

1132569  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-03-30
Written: (4841 days ago)


1132262  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-03-23
Written: (4848 days ago)

So a good friend can no longer be just a friend now a days. It makes me wonder are there good friends out there that I don't have to worry about getting in my pants or that I can hold hands with and it not mean anything. People now trying to be your friend it's always cause they want something from you. But I think I found one friend that I can be around and my holding her hand doesn't mean anything. I love her for being that friend I can really be myself around and not have to worry about if shes' going to hit on me or take my holding her hand in any offense.


1132071  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-03-21
Written: (4850 days ago)

man i'm like so mad cause i found out that i have an enemy trying to be my friend...and i dont play with gurls like that...i teir their heads off....and i make them feel really stupid for doing me wrong....grrrrr

1098899  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-10-28
Written: (5359 days ago)

i'm so fucking happy that my girlfriends cusin had her baby boy
baby a.j.3rd is his name he's sooooo cute<333333
god bless you baby a.j.


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