[angelofwar]'s diary

1148505  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2012-03-07
Written: (4587 days ago)

okay. lately I've been spending a lot of time with Eglenda. Well Renee doesn't like it. My home girl Niella doesn't like it either but that's cause I blow her off to chill with Eglenda. All my home girl wants to do is lay in bed and watch movies. All i wanna do is chill with Eglenda and Maggie. I don't wanna b cooped up in my room all day doing nothing in a house that I don't even wanna be in. :-(

1148227  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2012-02-29
Written: (4594 days ago)

ok so now my baby (Renee) is in the hospital.  :(  what to do? what to do? UGH!!!!! so stressed out about what to do. Right now no one is liking my baby (Renee) cause all my friends don't like the way she treats me. but what am I to do about it. I can't really help who I fall in-love with. Oh well. I guess i'm just going to have to take the criticism. 

1147993  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2012-02-23
Written: (4601 days ago)

my friend Niella is a pain in my butt. Its always like she has to have all of my attention. I hate that shit! I'm like so in love with a girl named Renee and I don't really thinks she knows how much I love her. I hope that soon she will figure it out cause I care about her a lot. I missed hanging out with my friend Eglenda. She makes my laugh so hard some times. 

1147955  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2012-02-22
Written: (4602 days ago)

i'm working at Golden Corral now. i made two new friends one named Chadai and another named Ginger. they're pretty cool. i meet them at work. I'm spending more time with Eglenda lately. Its nice that I can chill with her more. I been sick with the flu. Renee and I are doing good lately. I just wish she could finally commit to me.

1146491  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2012-01-16
Written: (4639 days ago)

I made a new friend named Ja'shuan. Shes a lot like me in many ways. Shes pretty cool. lol. Shes funny too. My friend Allie is missing me. I miss her too. Renee and I are doing okay. We are working on us. She doesn't really wanna date me right now. I really haven't gotten to the bottom of why she keeps accusing me of sleeping around with people. I'm trying my hardest to prove her wrong. I'm trying to show her that i'm faithful. 

1146490  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2012-01-16
Written: (4639 days ago)

i have a really good friend that's going threw a horrible lose. R.I.P. Bobby Wilson (papa) You will always be loved and remembered papa. :-) <3

1145961  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2012-01-05
Written: (4650 days ago)

yay!!!!! ok I've been in wonder land. lol.

1144806  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-12-01
Written: (4685 days ago)

i just got in touch with an old friend. Her name is Alexis Wilson. I recently found out shes in the navy and based in Chicago. man i been missing her like crazy. Shes like my best-est friend.

1144326  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-11-17
Written: (4699 days ago)

okay people so this is whats happening so far in my life. I started working with the fair traveling. I recently went to Shreveport, Louisiana to work and I meet the most beautiful woman at the fair. Her name is Allie Eason and she worked making deep fried oreo's and funnel cakes. She made hot chocolate too but it wasn't very good but I kept buying hot chocolate and deep fried oreo's just so I can see her. Then I finally got the courage to give her a note that said i thought she was cute and that I wanted to get to know her more. The note also had my number, so if she wanted to talk she could text or call me. She had me nervous that whole entire day. That night after work I got a text from her, then I got really nervous cause I was thinking that she didn't like me. It turned out that she thought I was cute too. Now shes in my life and two other girls too. One is named Felicia and the second is named Venus. Renee has been trying to play me like a fool and i'm sorry but this girl isn't a fool.

1143701  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-11-01
Written: (4715 days ago)

so today i just found out that i'm going to Shreveport,La. yay!!! i got to get back to work tomorrow. lol. So lately I've been talking to Renee, but not as much as we use to talk. Shes been pushing me away. Cause of her pushing me away some one else has been pulling me. It makes me so happy that shes there for me. She has become a best friend to me and now i can talk to her about anything. I think that Renee is trying to push me into some one else's arms. Its not working tho. I still like she a lot. I think i might love her now. but i'm not sure how she would take it, if I told her that I LOVE HER!

1143641  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2011-10-30
Written: (4716 days ago)

okay people. I went to Denton,Tx on the 27th of Oct. and to tell you the truth it was a bore fest. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......... Lol. There was a few good parts like getting out of Waco,Tx for a little while. oh yeah and seeing a new place that I haven't seen before. I guess you can say it wasn't my best trip but it was a trip. Another thing K.L.R. is a suck ass host. We were the guest and treated like we weren't even there. nice! rite? But anyways its whatever. I'm moving on with Renee. YAY!!!

1143453  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-10-25
Written: (4721 days ago)

ok so here is whats going on now. that girl Kris is out the picture now. now i want a girl named Renee. Now Renee is independent and can do for herself. i like that she doesn't do everything mommy says and the fact that she can make her own choices. the biggest turn on with Renee is that shes so different from all these other girls that want to be with me. I love the fact that she says what on her mind and she always tells me how she feels. Renee is different in looks and in personality. I think I could actually love her and everything she stands for in her life. but i'm not really sure when i should tell her all of this and how i really feel about her.

1142509  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-10-03
Written: (4744 days ago)

update on my life. lol. well i haven't asked out my home girl. lol. i'm still a little scared she'll say no. but now i have a girl named renee that likes me and she lives where i do. their is also a few other girls that have an interest in me that i have noticed. but i'm still stuck on my twinkie kris. why i'm still not sure. she makes my feelings go back and forth and up and down. 

1142222  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-09-27
Written: (4750 days ago)

i'm now talking to a girl named Kris and shes from Denton,Tx. She is so much like me but a little shy. Shes my twinkie. :)  I like her so far she hasn't done anything to me to not like her. So that's a good thing. But I'm still going to ask my home girl Eglenda out on a date. For the simple fact that Eglenda lives in the same town I live in and Kris doesn't. So now I have to get the courage to ask my home girl out.

1141962  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-09-21
Written: (4756 days ago)

well edie is all about girls, girls, girls. So it hasn't worked out. But i'm keeping my options open. Now i'm talking to several girls. I'm now starting to think that i wanna be with my home girl Eglenda. i think i just might ask her out. that's if i ever get over this little bug i have.

1140369  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2011-08-14
Written: (4794 days ago)

so i have decided that i'm gunna break up with her. i have a friend thats been there for me through this whole thing. and now i think i'm falling for her. i think its going to be more different then being with jamie. i mean this girl edie is more into my mind then jamie was. she all about my intellegents.

1140368  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2011-08-14
Written: (4794 days ago)

so in my life lately my girlfriend told me she has been cheating on me. she said shes been cheating on me since she moved back to Houston. i don't like to get hurt and i think thats the worse way to hurt me. i put my all in our relationship and now i don't really know what to do.

1140063  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-08-09
Written: (4799 days ago)

whoot whoot!!!!!! i wrote something new! *giggles*

1138797  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-07-12
Written: (4826 days ago)

i'm loving the fact that i have a girl that loves me for who i really am and not just what i look like and what i wear.

1134195  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-04-28
Written: (4901 days ago)

well my date last night was a crock. it completely sucked. first she was late. then she brought her friends as a tag along. then she went and took the liberty to pay when i was the one that ask her out. and then she didn't talk to me the whole time. finally when she dropped me off she didn't even walk me to the door. Really what happened to that romantic gurl i knew 2 nights before last night. :( What happened to being a gentle lady now a days.

1134126  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-04-27
Written: (4902 days ago)

nothing really happened today but last night we had tornadoes all around us it sucked cause i suppose to go out o a date last night so i was kinda made about that. oh well I'll get over it. man i been missing Rachel for a long while. i miss that gurl with a passion.she make me feel so comfortable when I'm around her every time. its like wow.lol. i'm so happy that i get to see her again yay!!!

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