[Blade Chick]'s diary

84926  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2003-10-16
Written: (7653 days ago)

Oh hideous injustice that returns to torment me. Of all the times to get sick! I'm on holiday, no school for nine days and for the past four I've been in bed barely able to move and not eating anything! And, to make matters worse, I miss Andy's gig. I like his band, they're good. And as Andy is my brother Owen's best friend he said I could request a song. They promised to play Nightmares dammit! And now I have to stay in bed and drink nothing but water and the occasional sugery water to keep my energy up. Damn it, my stomach better get back into eating soon. Everyone at the D&D night (which I also missed GRRRRR) got to eat chinese food. My favourite, *growls* My friends are so insensitive! I'd probably recover quicker if my mum stopped nagging me about not eating anything, she thinks I'm going to become anorexic. She's been paranoid since I started losing wieght, but all I've done is cut out the sweets and Irn Bru (well, except at gigs, partues and whenever me and my friends find some crazy excuse to invade our parents homes en masse and stay until the early hours and keep them awake with encessent caffine fueled giggling), and exercised more. Well, she's a nurse, I guess it's her job to be concerned. She should just be thankful I'm not on that stupid Atkins diet. That is so stupid, not to mention bad for your health. Ah well, I'm going back to bed. Ugg, ill and I don't get to miss class, just fun stuff. Soooooo unfair!

72854  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2003-09-20
Written: (7679 days ago)

What do you do if your love someone, they notice you, but have no feelings for you? Ohh my tormented teenage soul!

67559  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2003-09-09
Written: (7690 days ago)

Had to do twelve A4 pages of histiry homework (front and back) over the weekend. God it was awful! I've not had time for anything else. I have to draw a birthday card for Roisin's birthday on the 26th. I have an idea, so I hope she'll like it. Can't afford a normal card, or a present, so if she doesn't like it I'll apolgise profuesly and get her a brilliant Christmas present, something to do with Buffy, but then she has everything to do with that show. It was school photo day today, and I bet I'll ruin it by blinking or something, I always do. Ah well, school sucks anyway so I don't really care. Well, gotta do MORE homework, how do my poor friends cope without free periods?

Quote for today "It's a very rare person who's taken for who he truely is" Schmendrick The Magician from ''The Last Unicorn'

65528  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2003-09-04
Written: (7695 days ago)

Doing a self portrait in art today. Took me and hour to get the eye's right, lot's of careful shading you understand. All my higher art stuff takes at least a week to do. Finnaly finshed the close up of the bark. It was so damn detailed. But I suppose it's all good practice and the sooner I get the investigation done, the sooner I get to do the development, which will be better since I can make stuuf up rather than sticking one hundred percent to real photo's and objects. All my friends are cool, which is good, but Philip's stuck in a rut. After being told by his dad he can't go to the Iron Maiden Concert I can't blame him. Ah well, still no new comments on my humble little gallery. Sigh, no one notices me. Still, it could be worse,I could be in one of my melodramic states of depression, and I'm finnaly not swamped with homework. I did all the English at break, except the great Gatsby stuff, God I hate that book, I've just had to read it so many times! And my history may be lengthly, but it's really easy so I can get through it quickly and I finnished my maths work in class. I have school photo's next tuesday. Dreading it, in my whole life there is only three photo's of myself I actually like. I'll just mess up the group shot for everyone by sneezing or something. Well, I warned them, so it's their fault if they make me go ahead with it. Well, I'm in desperate need of some caffine before I finish my homework so it's coffee time. Bye

Quote for today "Tell me how bad I am. It makes me feel so good." Lestat....mmm Lestat.....*drools on keyboard which isn't a good thing*

65142  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2003-09-03
Written: (7696 days ago)

Back at school. Damn I hate school. But the Irn Bru machines working again and I get to see my really super cool friends. Philip has low self esteem. WELL DON'T DAMN IT. Geez Philip you know you rock. Pauline and I are already working on our halloween costumes. I know we have loads of time but we take it very seriously. This year we're going to an Edinburgh ghost tour. Hope it's nice and scary. the only thing like that that's ever actually scared me is the Dracula experiance in Whitby, but I was 7 at the time. Damn, why can't I get scared anymore? Thought I'd get ahead with my work but it keeps on coming. I'll never get my picture done, and it's running around my head hurting my brain. And I need my brain for thinking dammit! Ah well, did well in maths today which makes a nice bloody change! God I HATE maths! It's so dumb. I like subjects where there's no wrong answers as long as you can prove it, like english and art. But maths....it has to be either right, or wrong. Soooo stupid. And our teacher never really teaches us anything. Shit, I hope I pass the damn thing, I'll even settle for a C as long as I don't fail. How Pauline understands, and even likes that stuff I don't know, neither does anyone else in the class for that matter. Well, I'll just have to steal her brain, no biggy. And if that fails I'll just unwind by hitting the elfwood random button for a few hours.

Quote for today "I will go insane, and I will take you with me!" Delia from Bettle Juice. Such a cool movie.

64760  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2003-09-02
Written: (7697 days ago)

I'm ill today... cough... On the very very VERY bright side no stupid catholic school. I hate school, except english, history and now art (still despise maths but ego won't let me quit, stupid ego). I get to do fantasy art this year! Yay, no more standard grade crap. But shock horror... the SQA will destroy my beautiful standard grade exam piece. NOOOOO! They can't do it. I managed to trick them and fill my pic with manga, and unicorns and fairies and dragons and witches and loads of wierd creatures I made up off the top of my head! It's the only picture I've ever liked that i did for school and they're going to burn it! I HATE the SQA! Nasty twixy SQA! Highers really suck! I have no time to draw anything for myself, but when I wasn't shivering under my nice comfy dovet I was catching up on all my homework for the next two weeks, now I should have time to draw the picture that's been floating around my brain for a month.

    There are some good things about being a fith year though. For some reason everybody likes me, even the people who've hated me since nursery school, wierd or what? I get to drink Irn Bru (Scotland's best soft drink. Orange, full of sugar and caffine and tastes way better than coffee and cures hangovers. Wouldn't have passed any exams without it) in class. Teachers stop treating us like three year olds. We get to boss around the very short and annoying first years. We get first pic of lockers (bare in mind in my crappy school there aren't enough for everyone). We get a bathroom with seats to sit on while desperately copying someone elses homework. We get free periods, some of which I'm unsupervised and can listen to my wonderful rock music. I wear trousers despite the sexist headmaster Mr Quinn banning girls from doing so. Git! My history teacher finally like us and lets us see her coffee mug with the naughty words on it. We get to write bad words in stories for english without being punished. I get to read The Vampire Lestat as part of my english course...mmmm Lestat... oh sorry... I have somewhat of an obssetion. Me and my friends are in class with the sexy sixth years boys, including the blonde one I like. Not fair, it's my best friend who sits next to him.. ah well, she's my bestest best friend so I'll let her off. Thanks to my free periods I can leave school early if I want, but I always end up waiting for my friends in the library, where I'm aloud to read the.... adult selection. Oh and the school's going to be demolished in a year and a half, cool or what, I can watch the implosion!

Other good thingshave happened since my sixteenth. Yes there's more. Before my exams I looked like a human shaped balloon with too much air inside, over summer I lost a LOT of weight. Now I can go into any of the goth shops in Glasgow and everything fits me. That is so firggin' cool. *big smile* There is plentiful supplies of wonderous Irn Bru! I got a twenty pound per month increase on pocket money so I can actually start saving money for my wonderful gap year! I like travelling, beats the crap out of school!(p.s kids stay in school ;-), so you can play a really great prank on your headmaster at the end of it as revenge. Mine involves Monty Python routines, a large block of multi coloured ice and a diving helmet.. I'm really evil somethimes. it's so much fun) My parents leave me and my brother on our own while they go away for a few days. PARTY!!! It's great fun. Damn, I should have been 16 sooner! My brother is not a constant pain in the arse anymore, only part time. And, of course, I'm on elfwood. Wish the search engine was working though. Hardly anyone see's my work. Sigh. Well my fingers hurt so see ya.

Quote for today "Perhaps I'm unique because people are so dull. I'm not ver good at being dull"

 The logged in version 

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