[crazy candy nightmare2012]'s diary

1109078  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2010-02-02
Written: (5515 days ago)

Just got off the phone with him roughly 30 mins ago....we talked for about five hours....he is sooo...i dont even kno a word that describes him....I wish he was here to wrap his arms around me and let me know everything was okay....we talked in third person this evenin lol it was pretty funny...hes such a cutie....I love him

1108998  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2010-02-01
Written: (5516 days ago)

Okay, well here goes nothing...

I talked to him last night for pretty much 4 hours....I think I may be in love with him....The way he says my name, and his voice....it's so....I dunno...I got cold chills when he laughed and got choked up when he said he loved me...This is madness...wow...

1105624  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-12-31
Written: (5548 days ago)

beginnin to wonder how she can always be so sleepy...

1105617  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-12-31
Written: (5548 days ago)

wow...i havent wrote for a long time on here...well today has been horrible...he hates me now...i guess thats all that matters...im so sick of his crap anyway...

1080321  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-05-26
Written: (5767 days ago)
Next in thread:

Does anyone out there even care about me??

1058119  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-12-09
Written: (5935 days ago)

well..I found out today that the one dude I ever cared about hates me with a passion so....Today is definatly not a good day for me..

1057406  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-12-04
Written: (5940 days ago)

my mom got her nose bloodied by a dumbass whore last night...i'm so pissed<img:44166_1164145272.gif>

 The logged in version 

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