[Lin Star]'s diary

1092874  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-09-02
Written: (5375 days ago)
1092121  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-08-26
Written: (5382 days ago)

This looked like fun on [de Morte]'s diary, so I decided to do it too. xD

Go to: http://thesurrealist.co.uk/slogan.cgi
Put your name in, and generate slogan after each question.

1. What do you say to yourself every morning?
Lin Star, and on, and on... (Should I be worried?)

2. What do you want other people to say about you?
A Tough Lin Star to Follow (I couldn't agree more.)

3. Someone asked you out, your answer is...
The Lin Star of Your Life (...wow.)

4. How would you answer a booty call?
Bring Out the Lin Star (...o.o I don't do booty calls, though...)

5. How would you introduce yourself to someone you really like?
Go to Work on a Lin Star (I need work?)

6. To someone you dislike?
I'm not Just the Lin Star, I'm a Member (...of what?)

7. You're in a conversation and you suddenly feel the need to pee, how would you excuse yourself?
Where do you want Lin Star to go today? (o.o Creepy: public urination.)

8. Your parents ask you why you got home late, you say...
For a Hard Earned Thirst, Lin Star (...my parents wouldn't buy that.)

9. You're failing a subject, you say...
Welcome to Lin Star County (Sounds like a fun place. :D)

10. The love of your life asks you to marry him/her, what do you say?
The Curiously Strong Lin Star (Cool...cool...)

11. Your bf/gf is breaking up with you, you tell him/her...
You're in Good Hands With Lin Star (Or were, I should say.)

12. Someone told you you're an asshole, you tell them...
The Lin Star Effect (Oh wow...shitty come back...)

13. What are the best words to describe you?
Lin Star Not Included (That really sums me up, don't you think?)

14. If you're going to have a movie about your life, the title is...
Pleasing Lin Star the World Over (Wow.)

15. Your last words before you die...
Daddy or Lin Star? (Did the hitman get us mixed up?)

16. Your message to a special someone..
Moving at the Speed of Lin Star (...ugh)

17. Title of this post will be...
Your Flexible Lin Star (Sounds like a porno...)

1091757  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-08-23
Written: (5384 days ago)

Yay! I'm all set up with my new jewelry box Ninja's mom gave me. It's awesome but I've got too much jewelry. (Who can have too much!? There's never enough! Mwahahaha!) She also got me this plastic earring/necklace holder thing. Good thing I like earrings and necklaces better than any other type of jewelry. lol

So I have more stuff to add to it, but I hope that I can find some kind of wall-hanging thing for all the clip-on earrings until I turn them into dangling ones. *shrugs* Some of them will stay as clip-ons cause they're better that way.

I'm excited about it...yeah.

Anyone here heard of Maburaho? It's similar to Girls Bravo! in artistic style and general perverseness you know? It's got a decent story line, though. Kinda weird...lol

1091481  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-08-21
Written: (5387 days ago)

So...it's like 3 AM where I live. lol
I've been up since...1 PM yesterday, technically. xD

I'm not really tired, but my body knows it's supposed to sleep during the dark hours and I can't seem to stop falling asleep around 4 AM and waking up around noon the next...later that day.

Any suggestions? *off to bed; will read in the afternoon*

1091074  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-08-18
Written: (5389 days ago)

*a day late, but whatever*

I told you guys I would give you a list of stuff I got for my birthday, right? Well, the computer fucked me over and deleted everything by some stupid keyboard shortcut that moved you to the previous page in the web browser. That really pissed me off and put me in a mood not to type anything.

So here's the list of birthday stuff. :D

Fat Sharpie Marker Set
Crayola Pip-Squeak Marker Set
Drawing Pad
Tracing Pad
White Knee-High Converse
Mini Pen, Pencil, & Gel Pen Set
Mini Dry Erase Board Marker Set
Random Stationary Items
2 Boxes of Yogos
Green Play Dough
Green Lego Car
Pirate Lego Set
Lap Tray with Side Pockets
Green '70 Plymouth Matchbox Car
Drawing Set with Colored Pencils & Pastels and Metal Case
Tube Socks (for Converse)
A Burger King Pokemon Collectible (Gold Pikachu Card)
Wooden Jewelry Box
Stud Earring Set
Yin-Yang Necklace
2 16" x 20" Stretched Canvas
Catch Phrase Music Edition
Large Plastic Shower Carrying Case
3 Pajama Tank-Top/Shorts Sets
Beach Bag
Beach Towel
Space Ball (Super Bouncy Ball)

That's all I can remember right now. I'll add more later after I remember stuff. ;D

1090796  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-08-16
Written: (5391 days ago)

*Quote from about 2 minutes ago:


Fuck my computer...>,>

1090525  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-08-15
Written: (5393 days ago)
Next in thread: 1090641

Hahahahaha! I'm finally 18 officially, damnit!!! *stands randomly on a desk with a big stick*

So I have plans for the whole day tomorrow, including a birthday party and some random shopping with my mom and a family friend. I'll be getting up early (it's currently 2 AM so I should get to bed very soon) to start out with my mom and her friend and her little girl to go shopping at this one sale at a big fancy university in my area. Once that's all fine and dandy-done, I get to go to my boyfriend's house and swim in the pool with a few close friends and hopefully have my little brother's girlfriend come over. We rarely get to see her, so it's special. xD

It'll be a general party with hotdogs, brauts, and hamburgers as well as presents and cake. I think I'll ask my mom to also get ice cream to go with the cake. I heard something about balloons, but I'm trying to play dumb with most things. I will tell you a secret, though. I had some money last weekend and my mom was tight on budget (economy stinks in Michigan) so I went to the mall and got a pair of converse that were on sale. These converse go all the way up to my knee! I was so happy, too! *fan of converse* I also picked up some tube socks to go with it. They're bright colored stripes, but mostly white, like most tube socks are. The catch is that I had my boyfriend give them to my mom so she can give them to me for my birthday.

It's not weird, to do that. My mom finds things in the store that we would never have bought her and she says "Hide it and give it to me on my birthday" or something, cause it's hard to buy gifts for certain people, you know? I'm one of them, give or take...and I didn't know how long those shoes would be on sale.

So I dunno when the party will end or when my brother will be coming, my older one who lives in an apartment, so it's all good. I just have the first part of the day planned out...give or take...

Well, wish me luck and a happy birthday! Awesome, right?
Lin *

1090092  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-08-11
Written: (5396 days ago)

I'm feeling a bit...well, deflated, for one.

My eyes are aching from constantly staring at my computer screen for God-only-knows how long and I probably am literally this -> @__@ right now...

And so now, I'm hoping to get off soon. X,x

A few updates:
My birthday's this weekend, for those of you who care. I don't want special stuff, just a random "Happy Birthday" sometime on Saturday.
I just got wireless internet at my house, so I'll be on more often.
School starts for me next Wednesday and I still need to get my books. It's a hassle and I don't have the money for the books. I don't even know what books I'll need for it, so I'll have to PM the teachers or something...

That's really it...oh, and please check out this awesome roleplay by [Thrice]: Masked Morality AND the other awesome roleplay by [Flisky]: Tooth and Talon.

I have characters in both, and they're both awesome...gotta make a home for Alice, though. @__@ I'm so busy already...>,>;

So Chao to you all!
Love yas!
Lin *

1089530  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-08-07
Written: (5401 days ago)

Totally taken from [Flisky]! xD

1.You have ten dollars and need to buy snacks at a gas station, what do you buy?
Um...a mega monster, Sour Cream & Cheddar ruffles lays chips, and some gummy things...

2. If you were reincarnated as a sea creature, what would you be?
A seahorse...or dolphin...

3. Who is your favorite redhead?
Um...my friend named Emily.

4. What do you order when you are at IHOP?
I don't like that place. It doesn't do great pancakes at 3 in the morning. @__@

5. Last book you read?
Do mangas count, though? I mean really?

6. Describe your mood.
Sleepy, slightly irritated...done with stuff.

7. Describe the last time you were injured?
Wait, as in "had to go to the hospital" injured or "felt some pain" injured?

8. Of all your friends, who would you want to be stuck in a well with?
Stuck in a well?...my boyfriend. He'd get me out.

9. Rock concert or symphony?
Never been to either.

10. What is the wallpaper of your cell phone?
Some weird orange flower silhouettes.

11. Favorite soda?
Coke, pepsi...something with bubbles...xD

12. What type of shirt are you wearing?
A black t that says "Die Trying" *takes picture of it for your benefit*

13. If you could only use one form of transportation:

14. Most recent movie you have watched in theaters?
Ooh...Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince...big fan of HP movie series...bigger fan of the book series. xD

15. Name an actor/actress/singer you have had the hots for?
Hmm...I'd have to go with a few. For old guys, Sean Connery. For younger guys, and don't hurt me, Heath Ledger.

16. What is your favorite kind of cake?

17. What did you have for dinner last night?
Tacos. I'm part spanish or something. xD

18. Look to your left, what do you see?
A field of grass, the comm. college auditorium, a lamp post, some trees...rocks...lol I'm outside. ;D

19. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
Yeah. I can't get 'em off without untying them.

20. Favorite toy as a child?
Ugh...I loved notebooks and pens to write with.

21. Do you buy your own groceries?
Not usually. I always end up coming home with an extra few things for me.

22. Do you think people talk about you behind your back?
Certain people with no lives, yeah.

23. When was the last time you had gummy worms?
A while ago...the last time I went to Meijer's and stole one from the little bulk candy box. xD

24. What’s your favorite fruit?
...um...fruit. >> I like most fruits...

25. Do you have a picture of yourself doing a cartwheel?
No...no one's had a camera when I did them...

26. Do you like running long distances?
No. I don't like running at all. *out of shape*

27. Have you ever eaten snow?
Totally! Who doesn't when it snows every winter?

28. What color are your bedsheets?
Um...one's dark blue...the other has garfield on it...and the other has purple unicorns. @__@

29. What’s your favorite flower?
I like my mom's Yuka plant. It sprouts little see-through lantern-like thingies...xD

30. Do you do ballet?
I did...for about 2 and a half years...

31. Do you listen to classical music?
When the radio plays it.

32. What is the first TV theme song that pops in your head?
TV theme song? Family Guy.

33. Do you watch SpongeBob?
Whenever I baby sit this 4 year old.

34. What temperature is it outside right now?
Um...probably around 64...ish...

35. Do people consider you smart?
Mostly, yes.

36. How many piercings do you have?
One per ear.

37. Are you signed on AIM?
I don't usually do aim.

38. Have you ever tried gluing your fingers together?
Not on purpose...really.

39. How do you feel about your family?
They're great if you live about an hour away from them and only see them during christmas.

40. Do you have an iPod?
Yeah, but it got lost in the black hole of my room.

41. What time do you go to bed?
Um...usually a little past midnight...

42. What CD is currently in your CD player?
What CD player? Who has one of those still? They're like VCRs: vintage.

43. What movie do you know every line from?
Finding Nemo, Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets...some others I can't remember the name of right now. xD

44. What is your favorite salad dressing?
Ranch. Usually...don't like varying that.

45. What did you get for Christmas this year?
Stuff...and stuff again.

46. What family member/friend lives the farthest from you?
...um...no idea, really.

47. Do you like hugs?
OMG! OMG! A hug!? You're gonna give me a hug!? YOU'RE MY NEW BEST FRIEND!!!

48. Last time you had butterflies in your stomach?
Um...when Ninja Denmark (my boyfriend's Alias) picked me up on the stairs...I hate heights and looking down the stairs, you feel like there's no ground...O,o...scary.

49. What is the way people most often mispronounce any part of your name?
It's not so much pronouncing it as it is a spelling issue...

50. Last person you hugged?
Ninja Denmark. ^_^ ♥♥♥♥♥

1088850  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-08-02
Written: (5406 days ago)

Stolen from [de Morte]

The Basics
Hair Color: All Naturally Dirty Blonde (No Pun Intended. Really.)

Eye Color: Hazel

Height: 5'6"

Profession: House Nanny *To Be Changed.

Relationship Status: Involved

What's Your Sign?: Leo

Any Siblings?: 2 Brothers.

Shoe size: US-8.5

Where were you born?: Michigan

Innie or Outie: Innie

Righty or Lefty?: Righty

Any pets?: 2 dogs, 5 cats (I want a kitten again.)

What month were you born in?: August

My Favorites
Favorite Color: Soft Lime Green

Favorite Hobby: Drawing

Favorite Book/Author: Tie between Earth's Children Series and Dramacon

Favorite School Subject: Mathematics (I'm crazy smrt in it. xD)

Favorite Vacation Destination: Michigan Adventures

Favorite Food: Pepperoni Pizza

Favorite Animal: Horse

Favorite Childhood Memory: Don't have one.

Favorite Person In Your Life: Ninja Denmark

Favorite Facebook Application: ...what the hay?

Favorite Possession: Laptop

Mall Store: Barnes & Noble (Book store)

Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: Taco Bell

Sandlot or Little Rascals: ...what?

Favorite Holiday: St. Patrick's Day

Favorite Number: ...dunno.

Favorite Hard Candy: caramel thingies old people eat

Favorite Month: October/November

Favorite Ice Cream: Cookies'n'Cream

Favorite Smell: ...Ninja's shampoo...xD

Favorite Drink: Chocolate Milk/Flavored Water

Favourite kind of pants: comfy jeans

This or That
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate

Big Mac or Whopper: Both

Coke or Pepsi : Both

Beer or Wine: N/A

Coffee or Tea: Tea

Apple Juice or O.J.: Apple Juice

Facebook or MySpace: Neither

Summer or Winter: Winter

Windows or Mac: Windows

Cats or Dogs: Cats

Boxers or Briefs: boxers

Rain or Shine: Rain

Chips or Popcorn: Flavored Chips/Kettle Corn

Salty or Sweet: Both

Plane or Boat: ...

Morning or Night: Night

Movie or Play: Movie

Walk or Drive: Biking/Roller Skating

Money or Love: Love

Breakfast or Dinner: Both

Forgiveness or Revenge: Forgiveness

Paint or Wallpaper: Paint

House or Apartment: House

Truth or Dare: Truth, then Dare

Contacts or Glasses: Glasses

Root beer or Dr. Pepper: Root Beer

Mud or Jell-O wrestling: ...Jell-O

Skiing or Boarding: Swimming

Silver or Gold: Silver, mostly

Diamond or pearl: Colored Diamond

Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset

Phone or in person: In Person

Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: Middle

Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor

Do You?
Have Any Pets: Yes

Have Any Children: No

Smoke: No

Drink: No

Exercise: Rarely

Spend Your Life On Facebook: No

Play On A Sports Team: Yes

Belong To Any Organizations: No

Love Your Job: Kinda

Like To Cook: Depends

Play An Instrument: Yes

Sing: Yes

Dance: Yes

Speak Multiple Languages: Barely

Ice Skate: No

Swim: Always

Paint: Yes

Write: Yes

Ski: No

Juggle: No

Do you wish you lived somewhere else?: No

Do you like roller coasters?: Hell NO!

Enjoy spending time with your Mother?: Yup

Ever think about the price of gasoline?: Don't really do much

Sleep with a fan on?: Can't sleep without the sound easily

Have a good handle on spelling?: Yes

Ever type "kik" instead of "lol?: No

Know how to play chess?: Yes

Ever miss being a little kid?: Yeah

Want to get married?: Someday

Have You Ever
Stolen Anything: Yes

Been Drunk Before Noon: No

Had Sex In A Public Place: No

Got Caught Telling A Lie: Yes

Got A Speeding Ticket: No

Been Arrested: No

Littered: Usually Don't

Fantasized About A Co-Worker: No

Cheated On A Test: Yup

Cheated In A Relationship: Never

Failed A Class: Yes

Screened Your Phone Calls: Yes

Eaten Food Off The Floor: Yes

Stuck Gum Under A Desk: Not a Desk

Wished You Were Someone Else: Yes

Cried During A Movie: Yeah

Had A One Night Stand: No

Had to pull over on the side of the road to puke?: No

Had your heart broken?: No

Had a good feeling about something?: Yes

Had a near death experience: No

Swam in freezing water: Yes

Jumped off a house: No

Been attacked?: By a Dog

Bungee jumped: Never want to

White water rafted: Nope

Pulled an all nighter?: Yes

Surfed: No

Lied about your age: Yes

Broken a bone?: No

1088847  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-08-02
Written: (5406 days ago)

Borrowed from [Flisky]! : D

1. Who was the last person you fell asleep on?
Ninja Denmark, in the back seat in the car, like about half-an-hour ago...you all have very dirty minds, little children. >,>

2. Who was the last person you couldn’t take your eyes off of?
...Ninja Denmark. : D

4. Are you a morning person or a night person?
Neither. I'm a sleep person.

5. What would you do if you opened up your front door to a dead person?
Dunno. Never have...I can start...with someone...>>

6. Are you there for your friends?
When they really need me to be there, I am totally there.

7. Are you a forgiving person?
I'm a person who can forgive what's necessary. We are, after all, mostly only human.

8. What do you drink?

9. Were you dating the last person you kissed?
Yes. I love good night kisses from Ninja! ♥

10. Do you want a relationship right now?
Nope. ;D

11. Three feelings at the moment?
Sleepy, strained, exhausted...swimming all day can do that to you, especially when the warning flag says "No Swimming" because of rip tides or whatever...*scoffs* Dumb flags...

12. What are you listening to right now?
Some crazy music my dad put on and left the room...*goes to change it*

13. The highlight of your week?
...assessment test results...>,>

14. Who were the last people you ate with?
Close family: mom, dad, brothers, boyfriend, grandma, cousins, aunt, second cousins...yeah. Big trip.

15. Who is the last person you talked to on the phone?
Oh god...*has to pull out cell phone*...no idea. *brother has cell phone*

16. Do you like your mum?
Mum? My mom is totally awesome. Of course I like her!

17. Who was the last person to text you?
...*would have to check cell phone/too lazy to get it*...yeah...

18. Has anyone ever said you look like a celeb?
Not really, no.

19. Name someone with the same b-day as you?
...this one chick about 3 years younger than me who moved away...she was blonde...believed religiously in spirits...had major issues...

20. Ever had a drunken night in Mexico?
I don't have a passport to leave the country, yet. *shrugs*

21. What are your plans for tonight?
It's been tonight for some time, so, next step is sleep. xD

22. If you could move somewhere else, would you?
In the same bed to cuddle with Ninja...lol

24. What’s the last piercing you got?
My ears, at the age of 7 for a birthday gift...*Hint: only piercings I have.

25. Toilet papered someone’s house?
*wishes she did*

26. If you had to change your name what would it be?
I'd want "Tyne Josephine" because that's an awesome name that my mom was going to call me, but my dad must've wanted a problem-child and named me...something else. xD

27. Do you know if anyone likes you?
Yes! Of course. *points to mood*

28. What did you dream about last night?
I can't remember. I didn't sleep long enough to dream. *went to bed late, got up uber early*

29. Do you want to be married right now?
I kinda do, but then I kinda don't. My parents' marriage is driving them apart but I love my Ninja Denmark...lol

30. What were you doing at 4am this morning?
Sleeping. I got up an hour and a half later to get ready to go swimming at a lake about 2-3 hours from my house.

31. What do you usually do first in the morning?
...what morning? I get up around 1 on my days off.

32. Do you drink coffee on a regular basis?
I hate the taste of coffee although I think it smells amazing.

33. Would you rather have a girlfriend/boyfriend or a friend with benefits?
Boyfriend. Period. xD

34. Do you have feelings for anyone and if so, do they know?
Well, duh. I'm not dating a rock; just a ninja.

35. How many different beverages have you had today?

36. Any plans for today?
First for tonight, and now for today...can you not pry into my life?!

37. The first things you notice about the opposite sex?
Can I say something predictable and say their eyes or something cute like that cause I really don't have any idea what I notice first...maybe their voice...and call me shallow, but what they look like. I have a very easy time marking people I've seen in my head, but not their names, right away...

38. What is your favorite flavor of jelly?
I'd have to say the jelly mixed with peanut butter in the jar. I love that stuff, any flavor jelly and the non-crunchy peanut butter!

39. Do you want children?
Yeah, just don't ask me how many.

40. What was the last book you've read?
...does this include manga?

42. You're in the hospital, who of your friends comes to visit you?
Ninja would be a chauffeur to the entire KGB Entertainment crew and my best friend, [Pepsi Blue], who rarely gets on here anymore. *she told me so. xD*

43. If alcohol were banned, what would your reaction be?
...eh, whatever.

44. Name things about the opposite sex that automatically turns you off:
...really bad personal hygiene: bad breath. (Don't ask...*shudders*)

45. Are you excited about this weekend?
It's over tomorrow, and I'll be sleeping. You figure it out.

46. Do people underestimate you?
Occasionally. I try to stay under the radar...xD

47. When you're in a bad mood, what will always put you in a better mood?

55. Who last messaged you?
...you totally already asked me that.

56. Are you taller than 5'7"?

57. What's your favorite colour?
Lime green (The soft color, nothing too insanely bright) and the rest make second, minus brown. It's third. xD

58. Does it bother you when someone says they'll call you and they don't?
Yeah, but usually it's only one person and we both forget that she said it, haha!

59. Ever been kissed under fireworks?
...no, but it sounds kinda romantic...and ear-pounding...

60. Do you wish someone would call you?
Right now? No. I'm on ET. Who can't contact me here?

1088591  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-07-30
Written: (5408 days ago)

Official Birthday Count-Down: 16 days to go.

Yay! I'm so happy! I'm turning 18!!!
So last night, I sent like eight text messages to my younger brother telling him ideas of what to get me, just so he could tell my mom about them so all I'd have to do is sit back and relax.
I'm also pretty sure that my boyfriend's mom is going to get me some things, and so is my boyfriend, of course. lol I wonder if he'll do what I did and just give me some things unwrapped? (I couldn't find birthday wrapping paper in April. TT^TT )

Oh! I also joined this RP, Tooth and Talon by [Flisky], which I'm enjoying, even if the page changes didn't happen, yet. xD She did say something about when she gets out of work, so...maybe it'll come later. *nods*
I play Fyrae Maredra who is part god. Isn't that awesome!?

Well, enough of me being weird. You all have lives to get back to, right?

Thanks for stopping by!
♥ Lin

1088219  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-07-26
Written: (5412 days ago)

So people aren't confused and so I have something standard to link back to, I'm going to inform people of what username I'd previously had before and why I left...and why I came back now instead of before.

My username was [Lin-tastic]. In fact, on another site that I was able to continue updating, I'm still called that. The reason I'm not logged in as [Lin-tastic] right now is because I cannot, for whatever life of me is left, remember the password to here or the email address or the password to that. Hopefully, I'll be able to talk to the crew and see about deleting that account so I can get my name back, but I don't mind. I like stars and everyone calls me Lin now...

The reason I left in the first place was because I had to concentrate on school. You see, as smart as everyone tells me I am, my grades suffered because I simply didn't turn in the basic homework assignments, even though I successfully passed the quizzes and tests presented me. As a result, my parents felt it was caused by my constant use of the internet. It partially was that. They cut it, using me for the excuse rather than the lack of money. The economy in my state sucks ass.

When I came back, like I said, my memory couldn't pull up that specific information; it had been so long, I was surprised I even remembered how to use ET. I reread some things like the pseudo HTML help page and How to Make a Wiki Page just to refresh my memory.

So here I am today, [Lin Star]. I'm a successful high school graduate with a boyfriend going on a full year next month. I'll also be 18 next month, officially.

For my open house, I got a brand new eMachine lap top with Windows Vista and about a month later, got my very own Bamboo Wacom tablet.

Now, I hope to acquire a paying job with records (I currently baby sit for my mom's boss and it's a very loose-type thing) and hopefully will be able to attend college for a while. It's going to be expensive, but I'm sure with a part-time, community college will work just fine.

Anything more on me you'll have to message for. I'm lazy and time-constrained.

Thanks for reading, though.

1088123  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-07-25
Written: (5413 days ago)

Lin Star

That's the first wiki page I've made. Soon, you'll all see my art, my photos, and some writing, if I can handle all that. I'm sure to make my own graphics as well, and submit some to the main 'free graphics' deal. It sounds like fun.

For those of you who read this, you're welcome to message me with requests to make graphics. To see them, click:

To see my art, click:

 The logged in version 

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