I feel the need to share this bit of information with everyone.
There is a VERY special woman in my life. One whom I love so, so, so, so dearly. She has made these past months worth living. I want everyone to know that I am hers, totally and completely!
This will be our first Valentines Day together. Laura, [sweet.tx.tea], Jane, Laura-Leigh, my lovely Laura-Leigh, When God's love fades from the world, that is the day I shall stop loving you. You are my pride and joy above all else, and nothing shall change the fact that I love YOU, and no one else. Be mine? 'Cause I am certainly yours.
Your sweetheart,
Austin ChiefPanda Gescheidle
I spam you. - THE SHEEP
I did it! I passed the National Registry for EMS! Now, I need to know one thing. What do I do from here? I can either play it safe and not do 911 calls, or I can do 911 calls. Does it even matter? Is it worth affecting one life at the chance of burn out? I'm just not sure anymore. Don't know what to do. I know I LOVED running 911 calls. The excitement was almost too much to take. Thoughts?