[DrakeRivenworth]'s diary

65869  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2003-09-05
Written: (7857 days ago)

It troubles me so that I cannot sow, the seeds that blossom in the breeze. For I am lost, with out any place to go, and I'm afraid the result will cost.

I can't get elftown to work still. It says "You are logged out" when I try to log on, but it works perfectly here at school. Thats a total bummer, no drawings or picture of my lovable but stupid looking face. *sigh* Today is friday, that means it football day and pep rally day. I'm in my band's casual uniform (which isn't casual) and I'm waiting for the pep rally to begin this afternoon. I like playing the quads, they are alot of fun. But this uniform bothers me, I have having my shirt tucked in -.-' Its a big bummer... Anyhoo, more later my oreos!

65529  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2003-09-04
Written: (7858 days ago)
Next in thread: 65693

Once again, another day. Makes you kinda wonder...why is it today and not tomorrow? I'll tell you why... BECAUSE I WOKE UP AT FRIGGIN' 5:30 AM!!! >_<''! Which is massive suck, because I woke up for marching practice with the band. For other people, this would rock, for the drumline...its tiresome... Me and mah buddays all agree, drums are TOO HEAVY! Especially me (the quad) and the bass drum dude. Oh yeah, one day...I will discover why elftown dosn't work at home...

65134  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2003-09-03
Written: (7859 days ago)

Well, I've explored elftown a bit. Its pretty cool...lots 'o nice peoples and such. But, I still need to get it to run at my house. I'm at school right now, and no pictures of me to put up or anyting. I'm not an artist, so I can't draw something and scan it in my computer class...I might ask a friend of mine to draw me some stuff for this..might be cool. Anyhoo, until later.

62608  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2003-08-28
Written: (7865 days ago)
Next in thread: 62646

I HAVE A DIARY?! ...weird...

 The logged in version 

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