Back from my grandparents :) And I am well tired >.< I will need a hell of a lot of coffee to be awake for college tomorrow lol
Well I am so not going to college because the MacEwan's buses aren't running until this afternoon >.< I really hate it when people smash busses up just for a laugh because when that happens it fucks up peoples day! >.< I miss out on college and I have tests to do in Pat's class, I miss my daily chat with Laura and I'll miss out on the college banter! For fucks sake this is soooooooooo gay! >.<
had my college interview yesterday and I think it went well :-D I'll find out pretty soon if am in or out *fingers crossed* :-)
Well found out from the doctor that it's only low blood pressure, me not drinking enough water and being in hot rooms that are making me have my fainting and dizzy spells :) And the best thing of all is that she didn't take any blood! :D