[Cerulean Sins]'s diary

1141633  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-09-09
Written: (4909 days ago)

Hey guys :)

Right well I won't be online until late Sunday afternoon. I have college today, then I'm going down to see my godkids. I'll be staying over at my godkids house then on Saturday I have to travel up to Edinburgh for my friend's hen party :) And on Sunday I'll be home at some point.

Keep up to date with what I'm doing just look on my facebook page or twitter :)

1141172  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2011-08-28
Written: (4921 days ago)

OMFG! My body is so sore after today! >.< I got to work 30mins early, I worked at the stall all day long, and I finally got a break 20mins before my shift ended! Then I had to walk for 50 mins just to get home >.< But I'm getting £45 for 7 hours and 30 mins day's work :)

Oh yeah I thought I should just remind you all that I start college tomorrow, so I will be online very early but I will only be on for a short time cause I have to catch my bus to college :) But I'll be online for a short time when I get back from college cause I'll most likely have college work to do :)

1141150  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2011-08-28
Written: (4921 days ago)

Well today I'm going to work...YES I said work! You all know that my mum works at Floors Castle, right? Well the chef, Chris, needs an extra pair of hands working on one of the food stalls for the Massed Pipe Band day! I'll be working from 9am to 4pm my time :) And I'll be getting £6 an hour! That is like £42 for a days work! I'm so looking forward to it ^^ So I won't be online today, which may please or saddened most of you lol :P But when I get back I'll tell ya all about it ^^ Keep up to date on what am doing via facebook because I'll be putting up posts when I can :)

1139873  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-08-05
Written: (4944 days ago)


I have such great news! I got an A in my exams!!! :D *Dances with happiness* And to top it all off, I got my daddy's old laptop!!! ^^ I'm so fucking happy right now, no one and nothing can bring me down from this happiness high!!!! :D :D

1139599  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2011-07-31
Written: (4949 days ago)

Well hello everyone! :D Thats me back from my hols! I've got a wee bit of a tan but not much lol Anyhow am fucking tired so you can all fuck off until tomorrow when I've had some sleep and then I'll tell you all about my hols :D

1139243  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2011-07-23
Written: (4957 days ago)

Hey Guys :) Right well I'm going on my hols tomorrow! ^^ Yes I'm going to Corsica in the South of France with my family, which means I can't drink or swear >.<

Anyhow, I'm going to my granny's today ,after having lunch at my Auntie's house, because I'm leaving from Manchester Airport and my Granny only lives about 45mins to an hour away from there. So it's much more easier on us. So tomorrow I have to get up at 3am cause we have to be at the airport by 5am because our plane leaves at 7am >.< It so sucks but it's gonna be worth it ^^

I'll try to keep you all updated via facebook and twitter, if I can. If I can't then am sorry but I will be back home on 31/7/11 but I might come online or not, you never know ^^

1139215  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-07-22
Written: (4958 days ago)

Right well I need to do some beauty stuff, so i'll be back in about two or three hours ^^

1139137  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-07-20
Written: (4960 days ago)

Well am off to bed now ^^ I might be on when I awake up but no promises. I need to do some washing....clean my room a little (okay I need to gut it out but we all know that ain't gonna happen), and then I've got my mani pedi just before lunch time. So I'll be on late afternoon-ish.....about 2 or 3 in the afternoon, it depends on when it's all done ^^ So yeah anyhow I'll see ya all when I see ya ^^

1139135  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-07-20
Written: (4960 days ago)

Okay I know I said that I hate my hair but now after some intense hair therapy I've been doing all day long, ever since my internet crashed this afternoon, I must say that I like my hair now. It's kind of like a blonde African Wild Dog colour :D

1139037  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-07-18
Written: (4962 days ago)

Hey guys I won't be on for most of the day cause am getting my hair dyed again :D

1138900  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-07-15
Written: (4965 days ago)

Hey guys

Right I won't be online until Sunday cause I'm going to see the new Harry Potter with my best friend Rach, her partner Sean and Sean's brother David. Then after the movie we're all going back to Chrinside. Then on Saturday I have my goddaughter's b-day party. But on Sunday I'll be coming home, so I'll be back online Sunday Afternoon ^^

Right got to go but see you all on Sunday. If you wanna talk to me about anything, facebook me ^^

1138471  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-07-04
Written: (4976 days ago)

Ever since I got my Nana's inheritance money in May, I have become the Bank of Michelle! >.< And I hate it!
I don't mind baling out my family members and close people who I think is family but when it comes to friends who I have known for about 10 months ask me for money over and over and over again....well it gets pretty annoying. And today well I had to bail that person out because they spent most of there money on crap like an epad and phone covers from China. And since I am so fucking nice I can never say no when people are in trouble cause I want to help them, but the only way I can do that is by giving that person money.
Now I don't mind it when they pay me back slowly or save the money up and just hand it to me. That's fine but when you give people money and you know you'll never see it again, well that's just annoying. *sighs* So yeah am pissed off cause I'll never see that £80 again or the £100 I give to an old friend so she could buy x-mas presents.

So yeah the moral of this rant is: NEVER give money to someone when you know you'll never see it again and try not to be so nice in future.

Sorry about the rant guys I just needed to get that off my chest....

1138294  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-06-30
Written: (4980 days ago)

Going to hang out with some mates :D

1138231  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-06-29
Written: (4981 days ago)

right got to get ready to meet Laura then am going to town with her to get the dye and what not. Then we got to dye my hair. So keep an eye on facebook to see how everything goes :D

1138173  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-06-28
Written: (4982 days ago)
Next in thread: 1138174

right am going to kill facebook because it keeps fucking up on my laptop! >.<

1137944  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-06-24
Written: (4986 days ago)

Right well thats me back :D Had a great time at rach's ^^ But I am in the mood for a bath. So I;ll be back in a little while ^^

1137559  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2011-06-18
Written: (4992 days ago)

Right well I've got to clean my room cause you can't see the carpet at all >.< 
And I have to get my clothes all ready for my hols in July cause mum and dad are taking them down to granny's next week. And I have to get packed for my visit to rach's house next week on Tuesday cause am babysitting my evil god kids lol

1136765  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-06-06
Written: (5004 days ago)

Hey guys :D

Am off to see X-Men: First Class! Be back later :D

1136405  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-05-30
Written: (5011 days ago)

Looks like today is pick on Michelle day =/
First I get that nasty message off that guy on ep then I find out that my best friend failed her comms class so she might not get into college next year. THEN my ex just has at go at me for no reason at all even though I was warning him that he might fail the course if keeps on missing classes. I try to help people and it just gets thrown back at me. Well no more nice Michelle!

Anyways, I'll be staying on ep, I won't be leaving but I won't be on tonight cause am having a movie night with my mate Laura. So I'll be on tomorrow at some point cause I don't have college tomorrow.

1136071  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-05-25
Written: (5016 days ago)

Hey Guys :D

Right I have awesome news!! I won't be online this whole weekend (from thrusday to Sunday) because I'm going to to see Rach, her bf and the girls :D We're going to Newcastle for a day of shopping then we're going to the the Jim Clark Rally!!! :D The Jim Clark Rally passes through Duns, which is where I'll be going to the rally, so we'll be there getting drunk and watching the cars go by :D So yeah this is just gonna be an awesome weekend. But I'll take lots and lots of pics and put them up on Facebook and on here :D

I just thought you should know that today and tomorrow morning is my last chance to rp and chat to you lovely folk :D

1135574  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-05-18
Written: (5023 days ago)

I thought my appointment for the dentist was today but its next week! Blonde moment.com

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