[Cerulean Sins]'s diary

1154229  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2012-10-13
Written: (4264 days ago)

going to a leaving party :)

1153973  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2012-10-01
Written: (4276 days ago)

I know I said I'll be away for 10 days but I'm taking my mum's tablet with me, so I can jump on for a 10 mins before bed :)

1153946  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2012-09-29
Written: (4277 days ago)

I won't be on for the next few weeks because my Godkids have just lost their Nana. So I'm going over to help out their parents in any ways I can.

If you need me, I'll have my blackberry with me. So Facebook or Twitter or yahoo is the best way to get in contact with me.

1153038  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2012-08-15
Written: (4323 days ago)

off to the job centre be back later

1152842  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2012-08-04
Written: (4334 days ago)

Right I'm logging off for the day cause I really want to read Halfway to the grave by Jeaniene Frost. So yeah.....byezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! :D

1152791  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2012-08-02
Written: (4335 days ago)

I feel so silly cos I only have Tonsillitis XD The drugs Dr.Louis gave me are phemoxymethylpenicillin and I'm on a 7 day course.

I got mum to buy me ice cream, soup and yoghurt because I'm ill! Hehehehe! I love being ill cos mum always gets me whatever I want :D

1152788  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2012-08-02
Written: (4335 days ago)


I have something to tell you all. I have a lump at the back of my mouth....well it's more like on my right tonsil. I find it hard to breath, to eat, to drink and to sleep. I didn't notice this until yesterday that I had a lump but for the past two weeks I've had a sore throat and I thought it was nothing. I thought it would go away by it's self but when I saw that lump.....I cried and freaked out. I'm pretty sure it's Tonsil Cancer or Tonsillitis but I'm seeing the doctor today and who know what Dr Louis will say. If it's nothing then I'll come home, get online and just laugh about it with you guys but...if it is something serious then I will only be able to contact people via my phone. And I'm not even sure if I will be able to use my phone.


Michelle xxx

1152730  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2012-07-31
Written: (4338 days ago)

Will be back later cause I have a late breakfast date with my friend, Laura. We need to catch up and have a giggle :D

1152593  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2012-07-25
Written: (4343 days ago)

Right I'm off to my daddy's flat until Friday afternoon. So see ya all when I get back :D

1152167  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2012-07-11
Written: (4358 days ago)

On a 3 mile walk with my mate but I'll be back later on today :D

1151961  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2012-07-04
Written: (4365 days ago)

Hey Guys

I promised my daddy that I would go up to Bo'ness (which is near Edinburgh, Scotland) today until Friday, so I can paint his flat (apartment), mow the law, etc Blah! =/

So yeah I'll be back on Friday :D

1151428  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2012-06-13
Written: (4385 days ago)

Finished my last year at college, all the stress, break downs, laughs, jokes was worth it. I've made some amazing new friends along the way and I will never forget the amazing tutors that have helped and supported me along the way. I have done accomplished things at college that I thought I would never do like being Vice President of the Student Association, being Class for NC Admin and Tourism and of course winning Special Student of the year award. I have finally proven to myself and to everyone else that I am smart enough to complete an NC course! So it's time to chill out this summer while looking for a job, keeping in contact with all my friends and loose some weight! ♥

1150503  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2012-05-12
Written: (4418 days ago)


Right I'm gonna be going into college today ( which is my birthday >.> ) cos I have to study for my IT for Management assessment which is next Tuesday. But I will only be gone for 6 or 7 hours today cos the Library is open from 10am - 3.45pm. I just need to finish off Calculation in Reports then redo my mock assessment and finish off my day with a wee bit of IF statements, Dynamic linkages and filtering spreedsheets :D

BYE! See yous when I get back :D

1150189  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2012-04-30
Written: (4429 days ago)

Today was D-day. I found out that I am a level 5 for my writing but I got a level 6 for my speaking (that was the highlight of my day). So since I don't have my full level 6 comms I can NOT get into HNC Admin and IT. I can not side-step onto NC Business because I won't get funding for it. I have to give up my post as Vice President of the Student Association by the end of the college year in June. I have accepted my fate and came up with back up plan. I will be looking for a job over the next few weeks

1147808  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2012-02-17
Written: (4503 days ago)

Hey Guys

Right well I've got my IT for Admin resit, oh the joys >.< Then am off to visit Rach, her partner and my amazing godkids! :D So I won't be online until Sunday afternoon :)

But if you need me, Tweet or FB me :D

1146440  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2012-01-14
Written: (4537 days ago)

Right am off to catch a bus to Hawick to have lunch with my good friend Gemma :D

Laters everyone!!! :D

1146318  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2012-01-12
Written: (4539 days ago)

Hey everyone :)

It's my day off college, so I'm going into college help tutor two class mate. They need help with there Tourist and in return they will help me with Spreadsheets! :D

1145538  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-12-23
Written: (4558 days ago)

Hey guys :)

I have to say this now because I won't have any time to do it in the morning.

I'm going to Grans 24/12/11 and I'll be back on 28/12/11. I may not be able to get online because my Blackberry is acting up again >.< And it's annoying. So if you need me then Facebook me or Tweet me or email me :)

Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/ScottishRose_xx

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/michellelouise.pratley

Email: scottishrose1290@hotmail.com

Happy Holidays everyone! :D

1145324  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-12-15
Written: (4566 days ago)

Hey Everyone :)

I won't be online this weekend cause I'll be visiting Rach because I need to give x-mas presents to her and her family :) But if you really need me get in touch with me via Facebook and Twitter :D

1141719  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2011-09-11
Written: (4661 days ago)

The party bus was awesome and I snogged two guys and got a phone number off a guy lol!!!! I did sexy dancing with rach and terri and the the other hens :)

1141633  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-09-09
Written: (4664 days ago)

Hey guys :)

Right well I won't be online until late Sunday afternoon. I have college today, then I'm going down to see my godkids. I'll be staying over at my godkids house then on Saturday I have to travel up to Edinburgh for my friend's hen party :) And on Sunday I'll be home at some point.

Keep up to date with what I'm doing just look on my facebook page or twitter :)

 The logged in version 

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