[Avedae]'s diary

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Written about Saturday 2011-09-24
Written: (4752 days ago)

Ah, well... I feel rather... Slightly embarrassed and at the same time timid about posting anything, especially within the forums. So, I will introduce myself here... If that's alright.

I have said my interests already, and my view on the world but I would like to say... Hi. I'm Avedae. To be honest, I chose my name from a very old character I made back when the Lord of the Ring movies were just coming out, without any thought to meanings or the such. 1. I hadn't ever read the books. 2. I was about 11 years old. As it is, Avedae means "ave" shadows, or something like that. It really doesn't matter though because Avedae is and always will be the person that I could never be. She is outgoing, and an elf. She doesn't give a damn about humans. Truthfully, I should say most humans. She just despises those who don't give a damn about others/the world/life/things that matter. What sets her apart from me is the fact that she is vocal about her feelings about that. I hate to cause a stir or to be noticed. For some reason, while it can be lonely, it embarrasses me to be a part of a group of most people.

Of course, this may be because the majority of groups that I have seen have been imbecilic. People who don't understand what they talk about a lot. And if I have to be around these people, but I can't tell them they're wrong, then I suppose I am to be silently embarrassed over my situation.

I wish more than anything that I could grow up a bit more and just accept people for what they are. I'm sure that would help my embarrassment issue. But I haven't dealt with a lot of people anyway. Most people that I have met are very social people. They love to talk about each other, and especially themselves. When I meet people I haven't seen in a long time, they want to catch up with me, and ask me the dreaded personal questions. AH, well... Not that there's anything wrong with wanting to know about if I've settled down with 50 children or anything, but I don't think that's quite what I want to do with my life.

I'm a daydreamer, I like to think about things that may or may not happen, or what design I would like to draw, regardless of if I can draw it, or what I would love to happen in my stories, even if it's improbable that it could happen.

Such as Raine having a daughter named Summer. Raine hasn't shown any interest in my mind of falling in love let alone having children. I'm not even sure if she'll make it to her 30th birthday. Of course, that's a lot of years for a 'vampire' such as her. Will I even keep calling her a vampire by the time that I get to writing out this story again? Although she is slightly sun sensitive and drinks blood... It's only the term that her people, long-lived but mortal, has been given in english. Which isn't even the languages the planet speaks, I'm just using the TARDIS in my brain to translate the language into english for you. ;3 Hello Doctor Who fans. As of today, I am on season 6, episode 3, never seen the episodes from before Rose and the 9th Doctor, nor Torchwood. I do plan to someday.

ANYWAY, See, I daydream a lot, But, I do my best to know the reality from the imaginary. Such as the fact that I am a 476 year old feline humanoid married to an even older king of a planet dubbed Felivalin, and I can't think of much else to add to my little joke. *shrug*

I roleplay. I roleplay alright. I don't "cyber", and I am shy with unfamiliar shows/rp styles. I can do scriptform, and I can do novel form.

I love food. I'm not a large woman, I still have sight of my toes and all, but I am like goku when it comes to food... Ah, minus the bottomless pit stomach, of course. My reaction towards food, especially when I am hungry is I shall eat it. Except for celery and creamed corn, pretty much, I will eat just about anything. I especially love me my meat. And my dark chocolate... And my salad with ranch dressing... And my ginger ale... and water, OH I love water now... What was I talking about? POTATOES!

I do play games, by the way. I am in absolute love with Kingdom Hearts, even though I hardly play it. Since 2008, I have been an avid XemSai fan, although I don't think that is canon. I have my own theory when it comes to Axel as well... Of course, I don't think it's canon either, but I am a fan of crack pairings so it is very much alright.

Theory in summary: Lea (should be Ale, tyvm) loves Isa. Axel loves Saix. Axel meets Roxas. Axel loves Roxas. Saix is angry, wants to kill Roxas. Roxas, to Axel = DO NOT WANT! Axel, depressed with Roxas leaving falls in love with Zexion. This can be before or after the CoM part, so you have fun thinking up how he could be in love with Zexion, k? lol.

Axel. Probably more whored out by me than Demyx. Although, Zexion is a close second. And Namine I guess as well... omg... VanitasXNamine... >.> Nah, it's cute... but not as cute as Ryou_BakuraXNamine.

There. You have seen my fan-side. My other game interests are Fire Emblem, having the Sacred Stones and Path of Radience; Final Fantasy, with X, X-2, XII, Dissidia, Crisis Core, Advent Children, and the Spirits Within; Star Ocean Till the End of Time; The Sims 2; Fable; Prince of Persia and I have two games of that.

And I do believe that's it.


I am a healthy young fan who would like to be your acquaintance on friendly terms with you.

Alright, now my "diary" won't be "sad and empty. XD

 The logged in version 

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