Introduction to my new story:
So I'm sitting here. With headphones in my ears on the bus to school. Why is it music is the only way out of my problems? Why is it I have a talent for singing yet have a fear of showing it? The bus made a stop in front of some kid's house. The kid. The kid who dared me to sing in front of the class today. I turned up my music and smiled to myself. Every morning I sit alone on the bus. I like it that way.So what if I'm alone? Who would care? Suddenly, I feel someone sit down next to me so I turn my head over to my left and I froze from shock. There,sitting next to me, was a dark haird boy with fair skin. I reconize him as James Hark. Is that a smile I see? It is. Why is James Hark smiling at me?
Thats all I have for now. There will be more soon. See ya! :)
Drowning in music...and happy for it!
Just wrote a new song! yaaay! Its called 'about to melt' and really i made it for a class but ya it counts. and I forgot most of it XD
So Im writing a book and I need new ideas!!! I am about to make a poll for the name! PLZ VOTE!