What exactly is love? I think I am "in love," but I am still quite unsure of the meaning and feeling of love...(well, outside of family). Is it...when you think you like someone? No, that's a crush... But what on earth is love? I wish someone could explain it to me...but I'm sure each person's explanations would be different. I'm sure when I truly experience love, I'll know for sure. But for now, I am in the dark (literally, too!), searching for answers...
Dear Diary,
Sigh sigh sigh...I still have a dialectic journal due in English! And I just finished a two page essay in World Geography and a diagram in Biology! Oh!!! I also have to read and annotate 60 pages of the novel I'm reading!!!!! O.O I have too much homework T-T I hate Pre-AP/Honors classes...They
I drew pretty pictures though. ^^;;;;; Instead of my homework...Oop
I finished my drawing of sakura/sariru, but now to color it...@.@<(Oroo?!) I have inked it, andit turned out okay...
But I started on they eyes...and the red eyeshadow is too dark! T.T But I must continue. And I REALLY messed up on the eye color and such! But I'm hoping that the skin color will make everything better...XD
I finished my drawing of sakura/sariru, but now to color it...@.@<(Oroo?!) I have inked it, andit turned out okay...
Konnichi wa. I am eating Korean soup. It fills me with yummy goodness, yet I am still bored. Mom is on her computer talking to one of her boyfriends...u
Sigh. I wish I could make more friends on elftown. And I wish that the friends I make would be online! Kamala, if you're reading this, I missed you by 48 minutes!!!
Sigh... So much for my first diary entery!