Last night was spent in a green tent. Much like the colour of elftown, actually. I slept in a tent! With [nori] and [MageyDePink]. This makes me rugged and outdoorsey.
...Except it was in a garden... but we live in the country, farmer land-like, and there was rain and stuff. And we got attacked! By a soggy, hairy beast. Named 'Chief. Isn't that rugged and outdoorsey?
Now we've been on the computer, and cooking, and cleaning, and getting lost, and losing people, and playing the flute and brushing our hair. I think we're one step closer to taking over the world. Give us a few years! Watch out Gloo-cestershy
I went to see Franz Ferdinand and the Firey Furnaces. That was superbly fantasmic.
I also got thoroughly wasted at Georges house. We don't talk about that ^_^;;
My mum bought a new treadmill. That's the important thing. I like treadmills, and I like this treadmill.
Yum :)
I came to sit by the computer with a pile of 9 apples. Now there are two left, because when I get jittery or nervous I have to have something to chew.
[MageyDePink] is the biggest cahoot in the WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD. If I had to pick a FUNNY person, it'd be her. She gets the FUNNY award.
My day was really shit, and now i'm choking on my 7th apple cus I can't stop laughing. Tomorrow i'll have a six pack of STEEL. This is how FABULOUS Pinky is, and I don't even have a Physics lesson to laugh about it in because she has DRAMA.
Bwa ha ha ha. I love laughing. I love pissing people off, and then watching them. Hahahahaha! What would I do if I wasn't such a loser?
I'm having so much fun, I might just have to fall out of a window.