[Whimsything]'s diary

559710  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-04-23
Written: (7097 days ago)

Well I have dyed my hair, had a haircut and changed the way I use my nose expressions, but I still seem to be the same person. Damn. I am getting a refund back from loreal.

Oh dear, having one of those evenings. It all seems to be rather tiresome, things have exploded into a complicated evil mess and I have a horrible feeling that soon I will do something that will make me part of it. It will be a karmic comeback for gossiping too much.

Its nice to be able to float above social politics like an ethreal gossip machine, but rather like the moral highground, one doesnt get to stay at that altitude for very long. Meh.

Its time to collapse onto a comfortable sofa, cover myself in a blanket and wait for someone to bring me in a bacon sandwhich and tell me its over.

Let it all
slip slide
on a downwards diagonal
To be observed from a different less offensive angle
And be smiled upon
As the petal shaped tears dry
And leave a sweet scent
That over rides the bitter fruit
That grows and swells as consequence
To that night that seemed so insignificant,
Before we had time to think
And conclude the opposite.
These days these days
That blend and blur and sink and rise
Inciting sleepy resignation
But never suprise
Because those days those days
Have come and gone
Leaving only echoes to be thought upon
As we drift into unsettled sleep.

Well if one cant write angsty poems at the age of seventenn after a depressing evening, when can one write them?
Night night possums xx

558114  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-04-21
Written: (7099 days ago)

Smile cos you know youre so damn pretty
Smile cos you know that your clothes have holes in invisible places
Smile cos you know that he's next door
Smile cos you know that he thinks youre a whore
And you are
But smile cos thats ok.
And dont forget that there is yoghurt in your fridge and you like that
Oh yes you do,
Its like tangy fruity goo
Oh yeah.

Thats poetry my friends oh yes it is. Where's my gin?

558093  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-04-21
Written: (7099 days ago)

Huzzah for modern technology, tis unappreciated and most wonderful. Whoever could have thought of strange rectangles that tell music boxes to play the tune you want at the touch of a button, from accross a room? What times we live in.

Times when unwanted cats can be prevented from peeing in your house simply because of painful electric force fields. Mind mcBoggling. Times when meat can be turned from squidgy to crispy because of an advanced thermalkinetic heating technique. Brain bedazzling.

Ho hum, times when one has little else to think about other than times themselves. But then I suppose that's all there is to think about.
Totally poignant man.
All in a days work dude.

557041  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-04-20
Written: (7100 days ago)
Next in thread: 557068

An old man nearly ran me over today and then stopped the car and tried to make me take his glasses. It confused me and only developed my sentiment still further that all people over the age of sixty should be euthanased (forcibly if necessery).
Anyhoo I am quite upset because my pot plant has greenfly. He's called Beatrice and he's too young to die godamnit! Why does everything that enters my room die instantly?
Why do I have an overwhelming desire to draw a map of the London underground on Mr Gail's oh so shiney head?

God this is all far too confusing.

Rather like the mire of social-political complexity that is evil sixthform. It's getting quite silly. At least us arty people get to go and hang out in the art room being flakey... And avoid the common room, and the english room that smells like 'unspecified' fish (mackeral, BRAD you IDIOT!!!!- kiss kiss).

Right I will leave you all with the indisputable truth that Hanson rock everyone's socks even if they do not care to admit it, you know its true,
tata duckies xx

540219  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-04-03
Written: (7118 days ago)

What to do what to do...
Tis a loverly jubberly day and here I am sitting in front of a computer trying not to think of all the people who I have to call and the prawns marinading in the fridge which do really have to be eaten at some point; but then, sandwhiches are much easier dont you think?
There is so much to do that there seems to be nothing to do.
Clink clink, glasses. Nasty sound.
My room smells like lavender and acrylic paint, which is odd because I havent painted in a long time and the lavender smell is from an inexplicable source. Where could it possibly have come from. Such mysteries make the world seem perplexing: What is milk made from? Why does paper taste like that? Why do things smell like lavender for no reason?
I might put an advertisement for a companion in the Times, sort of like a chaperone. Twill save from both loneliness and the indignity caused by Beccy being allowed to function on her own. She is quite evidentally incapable of that. It would be nice for Saturdays to hold a place in the week over and above the day when one pieces together the events of Friday. Which apparently were interesting.

Strange mood. Strange grooves. Things seem to be a bit ok at the moment, I have a project, and plans for things that need to be done, not too many people appear to be angry, I have found a rather spiffy nice person. It must be that calm after the storm feeling that tends to happen on Sundays. The sort of, hmm, oh, what now? sort of feeling.

Anyway, there is pointless television to be watched, prawns to be eaten and phonecalls to be made. Fair enough.
All the best duckies, remember that chairs are for sitting on, tunafish is repulsive and lavender is sometimes confusing,
tahtah xxx

509406  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-02-28
Written: (7151 days ago)

Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows.

509340  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-02-28
Written: (7151 days ago)
Next in thread: 509369

Oh jesus, that goddamn cancer research advert, it is shamelessly manipulative and just wants to make people cry and give them money. Which is exactly what I do!

Its just that bit with the woman in the wedding dress at the end... Right now Im off again. I need help. I also need to stop crying at adverts, it is a new low.

486237  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-02-02
Written: (7177 days ago)

Hmm, I think I should go on a walk, a long one, for a few days... Oh well at least I can escape dieses Wochenende, hurruh. Oxford is a pair of open arms waiting to support me when Im paraletic.
Hurruh hurruh hurruh. Help.

 The logged in version 

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