[stuffAEAmade]'s diary

1093051  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-09-04
Written: (5360 days ago)

Holy buckets of homework. It's only the third day of classes, and I am already behind.

1092022  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-08-25
Written: (5370 days ago)


As always the animation was superb, and the texture of the backgrounds was really visible on the big screen. But I had a harder time immersing myself in this one. A few parts were just a little too unrealistic for me. =/

Still a gorgeous movie though :)

PS I'm thinking I'll go to another in-state anime convention in January (provided the weather holds) and then I guess I'll try to sell off my excess stuff online. Still got a bunch of prints!

1091411  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-08-20
Written: (5375 days ago)

The prices of campus parking passes were jacked up, so between it and my textbooks I spent $750. At least grants are covering the tuition this year. I've got 18 credits this semester, classes start Sept 1. Still not sure if I want to switch to the Clinical Lab Tech program.

Otherwise I am trying to find someone to go see Ponyo with. It's not coming to the local theater, but one 45 min away has it. I've never seen one of Hayao Miyazaki's movies in theater, and I really want to.

1090093  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-08-12
Written: (5383 days ago)

DA updated http://darklawstudios.deviantart.com

Sogencon was stressful (probably because it was my first time) but also a lot of fun. There were a bunch of amazing costumes, and everyone was really nice.
I was able to make almost $300 without having a single fanart item at my table. :)

I'm definitely going to try and go next year, and make myself a costume. :D

1089885  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-08-10
Written: (5385 days ago)

Back! I did okay, I think. I'll write more later, I'm very tired.

1089531  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-08-07
Written: (5388 days ago)

I leave tomorrow! Hopefully I have enough stuff. Wish I had more time to do more commission samples, but oh well. I'll have to draw something to color with markers because I haven't used them in months and am out of practice.

1088953  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-08-03
Written: (5392 days ago)


Woah, I got a comic spotlight on www.smackjeeves.com !
and over 1000 page views for 2 days in a row


1088806  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-08-01
Written: (5393 days ago)

Less than a week to go now!

Back to inking comic / studying.

1088375  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-07-28
Written: (5397 days ago)

Irritated. And, of course, irritated that I am irritated, because it's a pretty stupid thing to be irritated about.


Best go funnel this irritation into something productive.

1088197  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-07-26
Written: (5399 days ago)

Ha! Just need to make copies of the set of coloring pages I just finished, cut paper down to the sizes I'll be doing commissions at, and pack up the box.
I'll leave cutting most of the bookmarks til I get to the convention, so I'll have something to do at the table.

Now I can put all my attention on biochem!

DA updated - 5 new inked / lineart images

Time to test out the paper trimmer I bought. It was cheap, I hope it isn't a piece of junk.

The paper trimmer is very nice. It's a ProvoCraft Zision Trimmer. I got it for $7 at Hobby Lobby, but I've seen them at Walmart for about that price too.

1087815  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-07-23
Written: (5403 days ago)

Aiieeee, looks like artist alley is gonna be right in the main hall of the convention center. I hope I'll have enough things to sell.
I'm probably gonna have a 15 hour day Saturday...

Should have everything ready and my box packed up next week though!

1087321  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-07-19
Written: (5407 days ago)

pages 10-17, have a look tell me what you think.
tomorrow I'll be prepping 1-17 to go in the minicomic. Hopefully I can get all the files ready in one day, there are several fixes I want to make.

1086733  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-07-14
Written: (5411 days ago)

K, if we could go like a week without some sort freaky thunderstorm, that would be peachy.

Though it is pretty cool when the thunder is just a continuous roar...
Well, car's in the garage so I just watch for it now.

1086611  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-07-13
Written: (5413 days ago)

There is a fly in the apartment, following me around. Whenever I roll up some newspaper and go after it, it vanishes. One of my cats needs to eat it already.

I think I've only got 3 more pages to draw for the minicomic. I tested a toned page on the copymachine, and it turned to a moire mess. It can reproduce the lines just fine, so it looks like I'm going with black and white. Maybe I can get that all prepped for printing this weekend.
Tuesday's page is in the queue. :)

Otherwise, I have an exam tomorrow and need to study and have sore feet from walking around the arts festival all weekend.

1086213  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-07-10
Written: (5416 days ago)

My prints arrived today. I didn't realize they were being shipped from Hong Kong, so now the cost and time makes much more sense xD

While the paper is a bit more floppy than I would have liked, the colors and overall quality is gorgeous!
So I definitely recommend ArtsCow.com
I've got 10 5x7 and 5 8x10 of each bird-costumed girl, and 25 of each bookmark.

Now I just need to get the comic pages finished. I'm shooting for 2 this weekend, so I can start building my buffer back up.

This weekend is also the annual Summer Arts Festival, so I'll be quite busy trying to see all there is to see! 200+ booths is hard to cover in only 2 days!
They set up in a big park just a few blocks from my mom's apartment, and the food vendors and supply tents were already going up when I drove by earlier today.

1085192  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-07-02
Written: (5423 days ago)


I like dinosaurs just as much as I like Cheepz! :D
I've got Ch.Ch.be but need them to evolve so I can equip more!
Need to save a bit more for Ty.Go.li

1085009  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-07-01
Written: (5424 days ago)

Argh, I'm still finding hail pings on my car from the golf balls a storm dropped a few weeks back.

So I'm walking my dog. There's this cloud, that I think looks more like a giant plume of smoke than a cloud, and it's gradually coming closer. After we got back home I took a shower and was sitting down to work on comics when I noticed the TV had the county in a tornado warning. So I flip to the one local station that actually gives a shit about severe weather, and sure enough there's this storm coming, Doppler-indicated tornadic supercell.

I tell my dad and sister and go back outside to look at the cloud. Still coming closer. So we start gathering up things that might be blown away, mostly lawn furniture on the deck (ever since a huge storm several years back wrapped the trampoline around a tree, we pick stuff up). Anyway, by now the airhorn across the lake is signaling everyone off the golf course and out of the water. The sun's also setting.

Storm's pretty close now, and TV / radio says take shelter immediately. We're all outside looking at the thunder. It's lighting up the clouds from the inside, and the thunder is just one continuous roar. It's one of the coolest things I've ever seen, and I left my frikin camera at my mom's!

All of the sudden, it gets dark as night and this wall of wind hits us. Now we're all like "oh SHIT get inside get the DOG inside close the door basement NOW!" And then it starts hailing golf balls.

The power stays on, and in less than 10 minutes the storm had blown past. And we were back outside looking at the storm again and the dog was so excited about eating all these hailstones. Little brother called from the hospital to make sure we were still alive.

Then we all said, "Well, that was exciting!" ate some cookies, and went to bed.

1084618  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-06-28
Written: (5428 days ago)

Small art dump on my DA - http://darklawstudios.deviantart.com

everything for the convention is ready to be printed except the mini-comics, which should be just shy of 20 pages. I've been slowing the pace, because it's an important scene.

Pilgrim will have a 2-page update on Tues. :D

And I've got an exam bright and early tomorrow, lab exercises to do, and a 5 page research paper to write.

EDIT: Prints ordered. 175 for $2.45 with all the free stuff I get from that ArtsCow site. Shipping was $26, but that still breaks down to .16 each
should arrive late this week or early next

1083600  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-06-21
Written: (5435 days ago)


Drum Corps International is having an event in the region on Tues why did I not hear of this sooner?!?


1082798  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-06-15
Written: (5440 days ago)

Got an 87.5% on Biochem exam. Little brother is doing much, much better.
Finished coloring bookmarks. Need to resume cranking away on prints and comic pages. And research paper.

Time to get to work! >:D

http://www.artscow.com and this site is having a big free prints promotion.

1082235  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-06-11
Written: (5445 days ago)

sleepy. need to study for that biochem exam. and remember to eat.

spent the afternoon at the hospital with little brother. observed whirlpool therapy. those burns were something else. watched Kung Foo Panda afterwords. the meds kicked in and he fell asleep, so dad and I headed home.

gotta shower, study, and get some sleep.

 The logged in version 

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