[stuffAEAmade]'s diary

1110216  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2010-02-15
Written: (5196 days ago)
Next in thread: 1111592

Hmmm. It'd be great if DA had a "cartoonish" category, because I really wouldn't call where my drawing style is going anime/manga anymore. Well, it could still fit, but when I hear "anime" nowadays I automatically think of saucer-eyed Moe shiny-desu. Not quite what I draw =P

I made a new DA page, http://aeacomics.deviantart.com
I've been planning on changing my online IDs over to something else for a while, I came up with DarKlaw when I was in freaking middle school and it just doesn't suite me at all anymore. I feel really pretentious calling myself a studio too, when I'm only one person and haven't been putting out much work lately. I like my initials, AEA, and the little signature that I came up with for it. But it turns out that AEA is also an acromyn for a ton of things. I want to make a living doing comics, so I made sure nobody came up with it first and tacked it on. I'll be switching my ET and Gaia over soon.

Got an idea for a cover for Pilgrim, and a big change to the plot that changes some things around in c3 on. I think it will work better than what I had before, but I need to do some writing and make sure. Heh, it's funny how I thought I was really busy last semester. I'm twice as busy now, but I feel like I've got more time because I am forced to learn good time-management skills. Which is why I am hardly online anywhere for more than an hour per day anymore.

Speaking of, I have not had the time to go scout out new webcomics to plug, so I am going to recommend you guys some TV stuff. Stuff I like so much I plan on buying it. :)

Samurai Jack - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samurai_jack
Long ago in a distant land, I, Aku, the shapeshifting master of darkness unleashed an unspeakable evil! But a foolish samurai warrior wielding a magic sword stepped forth to oppose me. *krrsh, ching, klang* Before the final blow was struck, I tore open a portal in time, and flung him into the future, where my evil is law! No the fool seeks to return to the past and undo the future that is Aku!
Yeah, I've got that memorized x)
It was on years ago, on Cartoon Network. It's airing on Boomerang now, another CN channel that shows the old, good cartoons.
This show is pretty damn awesome. When I first saw it a long while back, the style put me off. But now I love it. The scenery is simple but lovely, the pacing and storyboard have a very cinematic feel and the soundtrack is amazing. Plus it's downright hilarious at times. I love the Scotsman, and the episode where Jack learns how to jump.

Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moribito:_Guardian_of_the_Spirit (<-contains spoilers)
TIVO'd this out of curiosity. I was slack-jawed three minutes in, the animation was that good. The story and characters are interesting too. Unfortunately I think it's off Adult Swim right now, but keep an eye out for it. I really wish all anime could be this well done.

Also, Samurai 7 and Avatar the Last Airbender. I need to finish collecting these series. :)

1108909  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2010-01-30
Written: (5211 days ago)

Whew, being an art student is a lot of work. I've had more assignments each night taking the most basic art classes then I did taking junior level biology and microbiology courses. But I've already had a couple of aha! moments, the most notable when my 3D design professor put a chair on the table and told us to draw the space.

My DA got a small update, and I've been thinking about how I want to get Pilgrim set up again hosting-wise. I don't mind the Project Wonderful ads, but I hate it when the scam ads pop up on my comic. And I think that the average SmackJeeves reader is just the wrong target audience for Pilgrim.
All of the freebie webcomic hosts I've looked at have ads, except for www.comicdish.com and www.comicfury.com Comic Dish has big ugly capchas on the comment system, so I think I'm going to go with Comic Fury. The interface appears to be identical to SJ, sans the ads. And it looks like there's a much wider variety in the popular comics on that site.

I just need to finalize the designs on a few characters (Vincent, Lyle, and Rae) and I'm good to start drawing.

Oh, and comic links:


1105300  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-12-27
Written: (5246 days ago)

Long time no see!

If you've checked Pilgrim lately, you'll know that the hiatus grew into a restart. It's my own fault, I glazed over some plot holes because I wanted to start the story and it came back to bite me. There was also this "lol magic" element of the story that was really starting to bug me, so I cut that out. My goal is to get it going again sometime this summer. When I relaunch, I really want to update twice a week. Between bits of script and bits of storyboard doodles, chapter one is *almost* ready to be properly thumbnailed. Everything just feels a lot more solid now.

Also, I finally came to my senses and switched my major to visual art. I had absolutely no desire to work in a lab or do research, which is what the degree I was pursuing offered. My plan is to take both fine arts and graphic design courses, plus some business related classes. It'll probably add another year before I graduate. I've always heard that art programs that don't require a portfolio to get in are a waste of time and money, but it's local and I've already met some of the instructors. They are very skilled, and the figure drawing professor is a good teacher.

I ought to go work on Pilgrim now. I'm nearly done with the chapter one character designs, and then I was planning to rough out the first page or two. On Bristol board. I'm used to my paper having a bit of tooth, so the smoothness kind of freaks me out. Plus I got this new Pentel Pocket Brush Pen for Christmas and I want to try it out. Its a brush-pen, with actual bristles, and refill cartridges. Sounds nifty.

PS, here are some good webcomics to check out :)


1099903  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-11-07
Written: (5296 days ago)

Guh. Had 6 exams/quizzes this week, and I'm pretty sure I bombed 5 of them. 
Gotta hiatus the webcomic and focus on school. Just no time for drawing at the moment.

1096695  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-10-07
Written: (5326 days ago)

One more assignment to submit and then I can spend the rest of the evening drawing oh yes~~~

Holy crap, just noticed the featured wiki. Awesome!

1096141  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-10-02
Written: (5332 days ago)

Look up Batman Music Meister on Youtube. You will not be disappointed!

1095407  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-09-24
Written: (5340 days ago)
Next in thread: 1095444

Cold has improved quite a bit. At this rate it might be done by the weekend.

Also turned 22 today! This cake is very rich, I'm having a hard time finishing an itty bity piece...

I think I ought to climb into bed and work on Pilgrim, either writing or fine tuning character designs...I still don't have a proper character sheet for anyone, boo.
Gareth finally has all the details of his outfit worked out :D Just needs some turnaround head shots. I feel pretty comfortable drawing him now. He's easy to draw, compared to Rae :V

I went to the campus bookstore, but they didn't have bristol board! Only sketch / watercolor paper! I want to try drawing a page on bristol board! And do some more illustrations, and redo the website layout!

So much I want to do, so little time.
I'm always the most ambitious when I have the least amount of free time >.<

1095277  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-09-23
Written: (5341 days ago)

I caught a cold. Or some sort of illness.

Woke up Monday with a very sore throat, and while it's mostly gone today I'm bouncing between being completely congested and not having enough tissues. I'm tempted to take my tissue box with me to campus tomorrow, because I've got 5 classes. One is in a lecture hall with 400 other people :(

I really hate getting sick. Especially on a Monday.

I've got a physics lab report to finish, and then I'll eat some pie and crawl into bed with my kitties and anatomy textbook.

1094929  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-09-19
Written: (5344 days ago)
1094340  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-09-15
Written: (5349 days ago)

No dice on the dream. I wrote / sketched what I remembered, so I have some record. The whole thing was pretty fragmented.

I sketched some other things, but forgot my thumb drive so I couldn't move them to my art computer. I've got to get it connected to the scanner and internet again, now that the siblings aren't around to torrent virus-laden shit.
I was gonna change some tones on tomorrow's page too. Oh well, next weekend.

H1N1 is going around campus now, and the admin is sending the sick kids home. I don't see the point, since they'll just be better in a few days. It's not like they disinfect the whole place every night, so it's gonna keep floating around.

Gonna do physics now, if the homework portal will cooperate with me.

1093877  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-09-10
Written: (5353 days ago)

I had a dream last night that might make an interesting short comic.

I wonder if I'll dream some more about it tonight if I have pizza, garlic sauce and root beer right before bed again.

Back to homework!

1093051  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-09-04
Written: (5360 days ago)

Holy buckets of homework. It's only the third day of classes, and I am already behind.

1092022  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-08-25
Written: (5370 days ago)


As always the animation was superb, and the texture of the backgrounds was really visible on the big screen. But I had a harder time immersing myself in this one. A few parts were just a little too unrealistic for me. =/

Still a gorgeous movie though :)

PS I'm thinking I'll go to another in-state anime convention in January (provided the weather holds) and then I guess I'll try to sell off my excess stuff online. Still got a bunch of prints!

1091411  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-08-20
Written: (5374 days ago)

The prices of campus parking passes were jacked up, so between it and my textbooks I spent $750. At least grants are covering the tuition this year. I've got 18 credits this semester, classes start Sept 1. Still not sure if I want to switch to the Clinical Lab Tech program.

Otherwise I am trying to find someone to go see Ponyo with. It's not coming to the local theater, but one 45 min away has it. I've never seen one of Hayao Miyazaki's movies in theater, and I really want to.

1090093  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-08-12
Written: (5383 days ago)

DA updated http://darklawstudios.deviantart.com

Sogencon was stressful (probably because it was my first time) but also a lot of fun. There were a bunch of amazing costumes, and everyone was really nice.
I was able to make almost $300 without having a single fanart item at my table. :)

I'm definitely going to try and go next year, and make myself a costume. :D

1089885  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-08-10
Written: (5385 days ago)

Back! I did okay, I think. I'll write more later, I'm very tired.

1089531  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-08-07
Written: (5388 days ago)

I leave tomorrow! Hopefully I have enough stuff. Wish I had more time to do more commission samples, but oh well. I'll have to draw something to color with markers because I haven't used them in months and am out of practice.

1088953  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-08-03
Written: (5392 days ago)


Woah, I got a comic spotlight on www.smackjeeves.com !
and over 1000 page views for 2 days in a row


1088806  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-08-01
Written: (5393 days ago)

Less than a week to go now!

Back to inking comic / studying.

1088375  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-07-28
Written: (5397 days ago)

Irritated. And, of course, irritated that I am irritated, because it's a pretty stupid thing to be irritated about.


Best go funnel this irritation into something productive.

1088197  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-07-26
Written: (5399 days ago)

Ha! Just need to make copies of the set of coloring pages I just finished, cut paper down to the sizes I'll be doing commissions at, and pack up the box.
I'll leave cutting most of the bookmarks til I get to the convention, so I'll have something to do at the table.

Now I can put all my attention on biochem!

DA updated - 5 new inked / lineart images

Time to test out the paper trimmer I bought. It was cheap, I hope it isn't a piece of junk.

The paper trimmer is very nice. It's a ProvoCraft Zision Trimmer. I got it for $7 at Hobby Lobby, but I've seen them at Walmart for about that price too.

 The logged in version 

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