[Tok]'s diary

688257  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-10-27
Written: (7074 days ago)

I've been having dreams of blood lately. Last night I dreamt I was communicating with a kitten, it was Aidan except female, and only half of it was a kitten. The rest was some other creature, with different organs. We were descending into a world of dark and unknown, with the kitten in toe. We didn't want her there. She would get in the way, but she whined and told us that she wanted to come, so she did.

I don't remember what happened, which is terribly frustrating, but I do remember the end.

The end was horrible. The kitten creature was lying side by side with another of it's kind, and it was me. We were both bleeding from the eyes and nose, the parts where we were pieced together oozing with blood. We were both crying, crying silently, unable to move, unable to comfort each other. Someone was stroking us both... stroking our bloody but sleek bodies. The other kitten had startlingly blue eyes that tore into me like daggers.

This is unusual, because the last dream I remember that I had had with blood in it was... no, I've had two dreams in which there was blood. Even when there was war, there was no blood.

That was an odd dream.

My subconscious is going a bit nuts, but the basic gist and nub of it is that I'm feeling insane.

Quite literally. Challenges in my dreams, torture, oppression, pain, horrible and unending pain.

I'm pursuing something, something I shouldn't.

What is it though?

What the hell is it...

I am losing my grip on this or that. At least for this month. Next month I predict it will be different but things that brought me great pleasure are fading, like Girl's Group. Once an exciting observatory of life has become a program on the path to self-discovery.

Drama, I don't have drama. I've not acted in about a year now.

I don't have fucking friends!

I don't have anything.

Shawney said that I had a Bat somewhere, that I had Bat. Bat is a clever fantasy, she's out there, yes, but she's smoke. She's nothing. She's something so impossible she's entitled "Bat with Butterfly Wings".

Something so painfully beautiful, it can't be real.

That's the pain of it.

Which is why she's Bat. I know she's out there somewhere...

I know she's there.

She's just not here, and I really, really need her to be.

687685  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-10-26
Written: (7076 days ago)

So, speaking plainly

I want to be able to Eskimo kiss my Bat. I want to tell her she's beautiful. I want to hold her in my arms and be totally amazed at everything she is. I want to feel her heartbeat steadily thumping and think about how marvelous such a thing is.

Is it such a difficult thing? Is it such a selfish request.

Apparently, according to one, I am an overanalyzing Virgo. She doesn't know nothing.

I am also interesting to another, only because I speak to her in riddles so that I can avoid spilling my secret heart.

She doesn't know anything either.

I've been told I'm something else, something good and pure. Is it true? I just want to love and smile, but is it selfishness?

I picture my Bat, picture the smile, know the feeling I'll get when we kiss, know the feeling I'll get when her smile fills me entirely.

I've nearly crashed my car twice doing so. I get drunk off of her, whoever she is.

Does this make me selfish? Does this make me pure?

Then again, if I am such a unique individual, I will never find anyone who will be able to understand the complicated simplicity of my life.

It is so simple though. I live simply. I live with the Earth. You think the Earth thinks about theories or muses? Well, I muse, but I muse purely for the romantic sport of it. I suppose the Earth does too. Of course, I cannot begin to comprehend the mass complexity of the Earth. She is simpler than anything, so very simple. I'm birthed of the Earth, I do not hold any of the Earth's qualities.

Except I think I may have been a tree in my past life. Which is why, as a human, I run away from dirt so much, I relish the fact that I am no longer rooted to the ground. I walk, I run, I feel, I'm human.

I think, I never know. How can I know anything? The only thing I know is something so vastly complex it's unexplainable, but there's one word for it, emotion. Chemical reactions within my brain, sending chemical signals to receptors. I've narrowed my perception so much that negativity is a romantic thing. Everything I do is romanticized, because it's so much more beautiful that way.

Oh Bat, will you ever be able to understand?

I just don't know.

*Laughs* I bare myself naked to the world and they see me only unclothed. That is irony.

It's funny because I've never gotten irony, still don't, it's a tricky concept.

I'm so simple. So very basic, in touch with my inner child, whatever you want to call it. This is my mind though, as it is, flowing, airy thought written down to paper. Anything else I try to write is something painful and embarrassing for me. Really it is. I despise it.

Trolly Wood.... Oh hallelujah.

I fill myself with me. I let my soul flow freely, bound only to the scar on my arm that lets me know I'm real. That's how I got it you know, I was lost, my soul slipping from me faster than I could handle. So I cut a line in my arm, making me and my soul feel the pain, binding my soul to me with pain. Funny thing is, it didn't even bleed. It was just puffy and sore, a long line of openess. Afterwards though, the blood that wasn't even there clotted over and I ripped it out, examining the stuff in my fingers. It was how I knew I was still here though. My soul had a marker to return to. No longer lost. I've never had the urge to mark myself again.

Life is truly wonderful.

685184  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-10-21
Written: (7081 days ago)

So... I was thinking about a this and a that. FUCKING PEOPLE DISGUST ME. Not all of them, but in general, people are disgusting creatures motivated by things that I cannot understand. I especially hate classists.

I don't know, for years I've understood that I do not belong and am not welcome amongst this environment. The people I meet, though they are lovely, are too enclosed for me. I'm the type of person who stands out especially when she doesn't want to and I need to blend in with other freaks and weirdos. Sounds kind of odd but it's true.

See, I'm not the lovable weirdo, because I do not make a conscious effort to try to be weird. I'm not trying to be an amusing weird either, and when I am, I get uncomfortable, which is awkward as ass for everyone. A lot of people think of me as something extraordinarily exceptional, which I am, I know I am, but so is everyone else. I want to find myself a group of friends that are as loyal as I am, who think the same way I do, who do the things I do, without feeling odd about it.

Take Germaine for instance. I click with her, even though I know for a fact I might be a bit afraid of her. I just have a huge attraction to her that is very platonic. I love Germaine so very much. I'd give anything for her to see her happy. I look forward to reading what she might wish to send me because I know she will send me a logical response in return.

*Shakes head*.

I don't know. I've found such marvelous people but they're broken. Wrung too tight, thrown against the social walls and now are too jaded.

I want to be Ceci's knight in shining armor. I want to take her from that abhorred environment she is in, take her somewhere where she can be safe, happy and healthy. She is such a wonderful individual that is constantly being dragged to the dregs by environmental influences. I know of course that I cannot be her knight, I cannot go and rescue her, I'm just a dumb kid who happens to be her friend. At times my concern for her can be misenterpreted as me being mad at her but I love her so very much...

I just feel so rejected, detested. So charming I can be but then I withdraw only the slightest into myself and I'm walked all over by a lot of people. I never get to spend time with the people I wish to and in the way I wish to. It seems like everybody's looking to get their next fix, whether it be drugs or attention.

Aubrey is pissing me off to no end. She's a child but adamantly re-enstates that she is a 'mature adult' as well as a loving hippie that wants to give the world a hug. Hippies like Aubrey represent a burnt-out age of youth, striving to be something they're not, fighting the conformity of society because if they don't fight for it, they tend to blend into the background as just another face. What's so wrong with community? 

She idolizes people from another age that she learns about yet she cannot hold true to their values because Aubrey is very ordinary, someone who was born into a happy life. She's had a lot of things happen to her but so have I. The difference is I just wanted to have the attention off of me, where Aubrey needs that attention, craves it like no one I've ever seen. She's also a very publically self-motivated individual. Selfish is the word that comes to mind, but we're all selfish. It's only that Aubrey broadcasts it to the world.

Fuck, I'm seen as such and outsider to them, someone so young. I'm angry I tell you. I'm fucking tired of being seen as an amusement for about two minutes and discarded by those who are UNWORTHY OF MY TIME. They are truly unworthy. I'm not better than them, they just don't fit with me. They can tell you themselves. They'll claim love and loyalty but they don't know anything about the subject. Virgo's by nature are very loyal to those they care about, the difference with me is that I no longer have blind love. My eyes were wrenched open and I was forced to see that not everyone in the world is as nice as I thought they might be. This only happened like a year or two ago. How fucked up is that? I really assumed that everyone is nice and wants to help me, as I want to help them. I keep seeing such ugliness of spirit, petty bull shit that makes me see people with decaying holes in them.

I see people whole, they have all the proper organs and facial features, but I can feel that they have no solidarity. A gaping hole where the heart is supposed to be, a decayed mind. Warped and distorted faces with people who appear beautiful.

Fuck the beautiful people. I'm not an exceptional beauty or brain, but I am myself and in that I am glorious! Really I am. If anyone claims to think they can call me anything at all, they know nothing.

I love my friends, really I do. But they cannot claim me to be anything. Especially not Aubrey. I am who I am, no labels, except for Roxxy. It's odd that people I barely know (Kaspar and Jon) could sum me up better than a thousand people that have tried to do so.

I am Roxxy, infinitely complex but infinitely simple. I am no complicated being, but the fact that I am a thinking being makes me so complicated it's not even funny.

When I meet my lady love, my Bat with Butterfly Wings, I know I will revert back to my innocent days free of bitterness and vile intentions. I will care for nothing except her and being happy. I know because that's how I felt with Garrett. Even at the most complex times everything was in a fuzzy haze, an impenetrable fog where nothing mattered but me and him. Of course, Garrett is a bastard and I'm smarter than that now. 

You can call me a romantic and you'd be right. Nothing matters to me as long as I have validation, love and comfort from people who know and care about me.

I find myself enjoying the company of our Girls Group leader Susan Groh. She's a sweet ex-hippie Pisces, and my moon, my child reflects her. I don't see her as a threatening adult, I see her as a peer, a friend. If we were the same age I could imagine going out for drinks. If we were children together we'd be best pals, I'm sure. Both of us the sensitive bookish types.

I don't know.

Fuck off, everyone who reads this.

681266  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-10-13
Written: (7088 days ago)

001: Name: Roxanne
002: Nickname: Roxxy, Tok, Fag, Love Nacho, Pocket Pancake
003: Country of living: USA
004: Birthdate: August 27 1988
005: Height: 5'6"
006: Shoesize: 8 and one half
007: Hair Color: At the moment... black-ish.
008: Eye color: Brown
009: You smoke: When you throw water on me. *Laughs at my own witty joke*.
010: Hobbies: I make pornographic films with my friends, write, make music. And I really, really mean it about the porno part. Don't you wish you were as cool as me to have tons of attractive young individual's at your sexual disposal.
011: Brothers/Sisters: Sisters, two.
012:Relationship: Single.
013: Piercing(s): Ears, getting a bunch more in about a year.
014: Tattoo: Have to be eighteen to do that silly fucks.
015: Fave country to go to: Oh yes, I totally go to different countries. Though I would like to travel everywhere.
016: Are there people you wont reply to: Yes. Mainly perverts, usually male. Female, there are female perverts out there, but I just hope they're not nasty until I find out otherwise, then I just stop writing to them.
017: Nicest person(s) you met this year: Nicest? James.
018: Person you rather have not met this year: Um.... I don't know, I was already acquainted with the people I didn't like.
019: Who would you like to meet: Germaine and Miranda.
020: Who do you admire most: Aubrey Hepburn, she was a charming individual.
021: Most sexy person: Truthfully? Ceci. In my little fantasy world... *Thinks*. No, can't admit anything, it can be incriminating. Like Sarah Riolino, that's incriminating.
023: Favorite Car: Volkswagen Van
030: Favorite sound: A woman responding to your touch, how about that sound?
024: Favorite Movie: Pretty in Pink
025: Favorite Country: USA
026: Favorite Music: All types, except Broadway musicals are pretty neat.
027: Favorite Stuffed Toy: Froot Loop, the stuffed bear I gave to Ceci. It has meaning.
031: Favorite Tv Show: America's Next Top Model, Starting Over House.
033: Favorite Nickname: Tok
034: What is on your mouse pad: Nothing, no mouse pad.
035: What is under your bed: Carpet.
036: Favorite color: Black, red (so cliche) and true sapphire.
038: Favorite song at this moment: Jack Off Jill, Witch Hunt
040: Favorite class in school: Construction I guess, it's the only real class I have.
041: Favorite drink: Chocolate milk.
042: Lucky number(s): 27, 7, 13
043: What do you think is the greatest thing about yourself: My genuine sense of person, I try to be as genuine as possible.
046: What time do you go to bed on weekdays: Nine o'clock to around ten, depending. I have to get up at five o'clock in the morning and I'm still getting into my sleep schedule.
047: What word do you use most: The usual ones we have to have in a conversation, the most common, conjunctions.
050: You spend your time outside or inside: Well, it's both, since I don't live in a tree, and I must go out sometime.
051: What do you do on the weekends: Depends. I can have lovely weekends with friends going out to dinner, seeing a good Independent flick, talking all night. Or I can get stupendously intoxicated, make-out with random individual's. Or more commonly, I do nothing.
052: What class in school do you dislike most: Algebra. Construction. Construction involves a lot of hard physical labor boiling under the sun.
054: What do you really, really dislike to eat: Shrimp or mashed potatos, both disgust me.
055: Pets: 3 dogs, 2 rats, 2 guinea pigs, 6 cats and a tank full of fish.
056: Laugh or dream: What the fuck kind of question is this? I laugh about dreaming, I dream about laughing, fucking retards.
057: Serious or funny: I laugh about being serious, I am seriously funny.
058: Fast or slow: Depends on your situation gov'nor. Idiots...
059: You prefer being alone or have relationship: it all depends on where you are in life, and who you're dating, but generally I would prefer having a relationship.
060: Simple or complicated: I'm so simplistically complicated it's not funny.
063: Stay up late or go to bed early: Depends on your situation.
064: Light or dark: Definitely dark for those sensual moments of profound thoughtfulness, and light for sunny spring time's of no thought whatsoever.
065: Speak or Silence: Speak, always speaking.
066: Tall or small man/woman: Either way, as long as they're not taller than me, I can't stand that, makes me feel young, which I am.
067: Newspaper or Television: Well, it kind of hurts to urinate on televisions, so I'll opt for newspaper.
068: Hug or kiss: Kiss while hugging.
069: Happy or Sad: Happy, but contemplative.
070: Life or Death: LIFE, death is my phobia.
071: Gig or Disco: Gig.
072: Left or Right: Right
073: Sausages on top, or on the side: Meat is revolting.
074: Brunets or Blondes: MMM, both. Together. Making out. Naked.
076: You believe in reincarnation: Yes, I'm serverally incarnated.
077: You believe in Aliens: Aliens in the traditional, sci-fi word, no. Aliens in the sense that there are sentient beings that are in essence, alive, yes.
082: Best feeling: Love, and being loved in return. 
083: Worst feeling in the world: Being isolated.
084: What are you afraid of: Death, ending up with someone I'm unhappy with, strange men.
085: Are you an emotional person: Yes.
086: Do you ever cry during a movie: I can, if it's a good story.
087: Your goal in life: Be happy.
088: What was the promise you made to yourself at New Years Eve: Next New Year's, kiss someone on midnight.
091: What is the most beautiful part on the female body: Hips, the curve of her breast, neck, etc. Everything about women is beautiful really.
092: Most original place to ask your love to marry you: Fuck that.
093:What do you think of Elftown: It's filled with too many moronic individual's and pretentious bastards, just like everywhere else.
094: Is there something you miss about elftown: Yeah... But I won't mention that as it will give me nothing.
095: Where did you get this question list: Found it on a stupid girl's profile.
096: Besides elftown, what do you do most on your PC: I write.
097: Is there a question you missed in this all: no, I think I'm good.
099: Do you get in trouble a lot: YES
100: Star sign: Virgo, Leo, Pisces
101: Who are you?: I am a girl, a daughter, a lover and a writer.

647764  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-08-17
Written: (7145 days ago)
Next in thread: 680437

I want to marry the Brawny man. While dancing to the Cucaracha.

*Sways hips to the unseen music*


I hope I'm not imagining things. People seem to disappear when I come to depend on them. So I'm all paranoid, thinking that these people like, aren't real, you know? That my mind created a clever fantasy so that I wouldn't go completely nuts, even though I already was.

There is one person that I know is real! Ceci. She's real. I'm very sure of this.

That or she's a phycologist, like the Scarecrow kind of, and she created this image that I'd be comfortable with so that I would tell her things. 

*Becomes afraid*

No though. She's real. I know she's real. Aubrey's real too. Thank goddish she only got fined $900!!! Poor dear. I heart her grand style.

Kj is real. Other than that, I'm not quite sure.

It's kind of like feeling my way through a completely dark tunnel. I imagine I feel something... fuzzy? At the end of my fingertips and then I have to figure out if I'm just feeling things because I need stimulation in the dark.

What if that fuzzy thing turned out to be someone's hand, and they were holding mine. Then I know that the scary things in the dark are gone.
Wouldn't that be nice.

Is it a little strange that I'm afraid to go into my room until I look around and make sure there's not something creepy crouching in the dark? I can never just go into my room and flop upon the bed. I'm terrified of doing so in fact.

What if there's something in the closet...

I can handle a monster. In fact I'd be probably too astonished to care. What I can't think of is someone, a real someone, a person type item, crouching in the dark, looking, watching, waiting for me to be unsuspecting and fall asleep. *Gets totally creeped*.

I think that would be the worst thing that could happen to me, because of a certain instance...

Oh I should stop thinking now.

646195  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-08-15
Written: (7148 days ago)

I'm creating so many things! I have a wonderful plan for a story, and I know that whatever I do I totally want to see the people come to life, so it's a film.

In this film, there is a four year old girl in a beautiful garden. She reaches up, trying to get a peach. The film is all old like, black and white, and you can hear the film reel and everything. So she's trying to reach this beautiful succulent peach, but she's too short. Another little girl, hiding behind the trunk, hands the little girl another peach exactly like it. The first little girl smiles, taking a bite of the perfectly ripe peach. Juice runs down her cheek, smearing on her face in a very four-year old manner. The first little girl, Rebecca, hands the second little girl the peach, offering a bite of it. The second little girl, Morgan, takes a bite, smearing juice all over her face and hands, again like a four-year old.

The movie starts after that. The house that owns the garden is Rebecca's family's summer home, where they reside during summer's obviously. It's Rebecca's first time she can remember being at the house and she's met her new little friend. Morgan is the daughter of the gardener that tends to the house year-round. Her mother is dead. Will (The gardener) let's his daughter play in the gardens while he's there, and so it was inevitable that Rebecca and Morgan would meet. The two play in the gardens together, laughing and stuff.

At each summer's end, the family leaves the summer home to go to the city, to their real home, Rebecca at boarding school, Morgan in the public educational system of the town. At each summer's beginning, the family returns, both of the girl's one year older.

At seven years old, the girls are playing a game of Prince and Princess. Morgan being the Prince and Rebecca being the Princess. They have to get married, at Rebecca's insistence. So they do. They have to have a honeymoon, where Morgan takes Rebecca by the hand to a certain tree. She pushes her against the tree, in a hidden spot, and kisses her. They run off to beside the lake, where a butterfly lands in Morgan's palm. Rebecca tries to touch it but Morgan urges against such a thing, for fear of hurting the butterfly. They watch it for awhile. Once it leaves, Morgan tells Rebecca that she is her butterfly, because she goes away every year (like the butterfly) and returns every summer. They tell each other I love you in a seven year old fashion, and call each other Butterfly, and they part ways.

That was the last they'd see of each other in nine years, neither knowing what had happened to each other.

Rebecca comes like usual to the summer home, once again missing her friend. She walks along the lake, thinking about her life, and then she hear's a noise on the water. A boat pulls up, and a sixteen year old Morgan steps onto the shore, hands in her pockets sullenly. 

That's where I'll leave you for now, chicks. The story continues later. You'll find out why Morgan was gone for nine years, and what else will happen too.

640014  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-08-06
Written: (7157 days ago)

I spent all morning coughing up blood and trying to stem the bleeding from my nose.

This is what constitutes of my life. I have no one.

I am no one.

I feel like crawling into a hole and not coming out for a very long time.

Even now I can't possibly express anything.

637842  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-08-02
Written: (7160 days ago)

My stomach is trying to eat me. I'm wandring round like the general B'day. 

Look at my shit and smile fuckers. I am so happy with my new profile, because it expresses many things. 

636775  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-08-01
Written: (7162 days ago)
Next in thread: 640177

Damn dude. Twelve year old's sporting the 'gothic' look and thinking that they're fucking awesome because they can spout off bull shit, "I'm depressed, I want to kill myself, NO (HAHA) I don't want to cyber..." Fuck, I'm never letting my children get that stupid.

First of all, they are twelve. What the hell do they know of sexual encounters, and anyone who attempts it, you fucking whack ass, it's a twelve year old.

Second, gothic? Does anyone really know what gothic is? No, it's not wearing black or any of the other fifty helpful signs (Including being gay), it's a lifestyle as well as a state of mind. I don't like gothics, they are generally snobby, sporting their eighteenth century wears, and I really don't like fashion-goths. My message to anyone sporting 'gothic' is, FUCK YOURSELF. In the eye, using, I don't know, pepper spray for lubricant. I know it's a lame sentence, but fuck, shut the hell up.

I want to cut myself, I'm so depressed and suicidal. If you're really suicidal, you most likely would NOT talk about it. You most likely would have been hospitilized for trying to kill yourself. That or you'd be dead. So to all those fourteen and ups who are goddamn morons, stop bitching and whining. It's called cutting. Who the fuck cares.

I certianly don't.

Cutting is a form of release, blood-letting, pain. Much like fat people eat. Are fat people going to go around saying, "I'm depressed, I'm gothic, I'm suicidal, so I'm trying to give myself heart disease." 

How aboot, no. They're going to hide it. I sympathize more with someone who struggles with weight problems than a cutter. Cutting is hardly dangerous. It's actually a rather tame form of self-mutilation. I'll get worried when I see things burned into the skin, objects being lost in one's body, and needles. Fuck needles... Fuck gothics.

628841  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-07-21
Written: (7172 days ago)

Apparently there are people in love with me.

How aboot, no.

I have to go hold Calix. I think he is feeling lonely in his new shirt. I have a sudden inspirational thing to do with it too, if I can find Lara's Sharpies.

626705  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-07-19
Written: (7175 days ago)

This is the strangest of days, truly it is.

I am rather confused at the moment.

I am suddenly overwhelmed with these feelings that I've harbored deep inside of me, for like so long, and they're all just clawing at me to get out.

Literally, they use their claws.

Fortunately, they are made of fluff, these claws, so they don't hurt.

Calix is wearing a shirt.

I fucking need sleep. I have no access to it though, I have to do work. WORK SLAVE WORK.

620876  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-07-11
Written: (7182 days ago)
Next in thread: 622489

Earth Child

I was walking in the Valley of the Kings, or so it was called locally. I often went down there to think and sleep in the forest, or by the river, though it was considered dangerous by many, because the path was long and windy, miles away from people. The day was very hot, the sun beating down on my back mercilessly. I was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, but I was sweating profusely by the time I got down to the actual canyon. Another ten minutes and I was by the river. There was a sheer cliff face bordering it on one side, and then the beach. The river there was mild, with small rapids that were fun to slide down. I sat for a moment, catching my breath, dizzy and hot from the sun, from walking so much. The river looked so cool and inviting though. Disregarding modesty, I stripped of my sweat-saturated t-shirt and jeans, planning for a cool dip in the river wearing only my panties, shoes and bra. I did it often enough, there was never any people, no one could see. 
I ran to the water's edge and slipped into the cool water with nary a ripple. The cool water on my hot body felt so good, suddenly I was refreshed and energetic rather than fatigued. Feeling new vigor, I kicked about in the clear water happily, letting the new energy I suddenly felt wash through me. 
I spent about an hour swimming about, lying in the sun for awhile, jumping off of rocks. I was purely happy. I still wanted to swim but I needed a break, so I slid out of the water onto the slimy rocks and found a purchase, sitting above everything and panting lightly. The sun glinted off the water prettily and the sun felt really warm against the rock, absorbing in my skin. I looked out at the surrounding forest, admiring the greenery. I thought I saw a deer, a slight flash of movement, and I craned my head to see. On closer expection though, I saw not a deer, but a human! A person, walking, down here? It could happen but I had never encountered anyone here before. I felt violated, like my secret spot had been spoiled. I was about to slip into the water, when this person walking through the woods made themselves visible.
For one thing, it was a she, and she was naked. Completely. No shoes, no anything, except for what I could see bits of jewlery. She was walking quite casually, smiling. I felt myself blush in spite of everything. Maybe she was a hippie kid? Wandering the woods perhaps, stoned or on some other drug, absorbing nature? The girl walked over the shore, past my disgarded clothing and straight into the water. I watched her quite easily swim across the river to my rock. As she got closer, I could make out more of her features.
Long, very rich brown hair that flowed behind her in the water like a veil. Pale skin that was like alabaster in the water, long, strong limbs. She swam closer, still smiling, going below the water for awhile and popping back up again. She got to the base of the rock. I stared at her, in awe really. She was beautiful. She had large, cat-like eyes that were regarding me with an almost alien intelligence, what was strange though is that they were purple. Really purple, like violet, ringed with a dark blue, and then another ring of pure sapphire. Her full mouth was smiling, showing off her perfectly straight white teeth, pretty red lips, almost like what a rose would look like if it could blush. She was perfectly formed, more beautiful than any model I had ever seen or drawing that anyone could do. 
I realized I was staring, but the girl didn't do anything. She kicked her legs in the water, holding onto the rock with only her fingers gently. She bit her lip, eyes sparkling. "Hi. What are you doing?" She asked brightly. Her voice was like a little girl's but not. Innocent and flirtatious, but very woman-like.
I cocked my head involuntarily. "I'm... swimming." Confusion was filling up in me like carbonation in a closed bottle, the only thing that stopped me from exploding was realization.  It kept building and building while I stared at her, my eyebrows knitting together in concentration. The girl just smiled, looking perfect, like a statue, not saying anything. Then it hit me. I was attracted to her! She exuded something so incredibly sexual that it was disturbing almost. All she had done was say hi and it felt like she had touched me in the most secret of places where no one can reach. Two things happened at once. As the realization hit me, my features betrayed my thoughts. My concentrated expression just collapsed and I became dumbfounded. At that exact moment, the girl slid out of the water and over the rock, lying on top of me fully, her mouth on mine, kissing me! Fireworks, earthquakes, the Apocolypse, it was everything. It was like falling in love every second of every moment. Just pure and unadulterated feeling. I could say it was happiness, or amazement, but nothing could justly describe the emotion. 
The girl was pressed against my body, and like being awakened, I could feel every part of her. The chilled but so smooth wet skin against mine, the only thing seperating us our clothing. I wanted to rip off all of my clothes and close that gap, but the girl was on top of me and I couldn't move. 
Very gently, she opened my mouth with a lick of her tongue against my lower lip, like a secret key to a secret door, I opened my mouth and she let herself in. With a lover's care, she kissed me, and it was like nothing I had ever experienced. We were one being, we just were.
Then, just as suddenly, after this explosive and passionate moment, the girl rolled over, staring at me and laughing, her bare breasts in the light prettily. I just stared at her, totally amazed, too stunned to do anything but look.
The girl stretched her body out on the rock, sighing wistfully. She batted her eyelashes seductively. I looked down the length of her body unwittingly. She was perfect. All of her.
"I'm Gabrielle. You're my Earth Child, did you know?" She smiled, a purely happy look.
"Earth Child?" I asked, still too dazed.
Gabrielle rolled on her side, leaning her head on her hand, looking at me with intensity. 
"Yes, you are my Earth Child and I'm your Bat with Butterfly Wings. You are Earth and I am sky. Did you know you were looking for me, and I for you?"
I tried to comprehend what she was saying. It was riddles, it was nonsense, there was too much going on.  
"Bat..." I asked, staring at her. Gabrielle ran her finger along the edge of my bra, a curious look in her eye. Then she looked at me, eyes blazing. A secret smile on her face, she rolled over and brushed her hair from her back. Spanning the length of her shoulders was a tattoo of a bat, it's wings extended. It was perfectly normal, except for the fact that instead of the bat's skin on it's wings, they were colorful butterfly patterns of purple and green. The bat was looking at me intensely and it just felt familiar. I couldn't explain it, but then again, this was an odd day anyway. I touched it gently, almost expecting to feel the bat, but instead touching the soft skin of her back. Gabrielle rolled onto her side again, looking at me.
"What's your name?" She asked, biting her lip again excitedly.
"Astrid," I said quietly.
Gabrielle rolled over on her back and comprehended this, thoughts too quick for me to follow flashing in her eyes. "Astrid, Astrid, As-trid..." She tried the name out, playing with the sounds like a child would with blocks. She smiled delightedly.
I was going to ask her what did she mean by bat and earth child but then she kissed me again with the same intensity as before. I kissed her back and it was like magic. I was so absorbed that I didn't feel her reach behind and unhook the clips on my bra. With a delighted sparkle in her eye, she slid the thing from me, looking at my breasts that were now exposed to the air and water.
With an artists grace, her fingers traced the curve of my breasts delicately. I felt a shudder of pleasure by that. I was so confused though. Astrid traced her fingertip around my areola gently and I stifled a sigh of pleasure. Gabrielle cocked her head, staring hard, and then she smiled again, happily.
I looked down, wondering. "What, what is it?" I asked, curious and terrified for all unknown reasons to me. Gabrielle's eyes sparkled.
"The angel's kiss, we mirror each other. I knew it, I knew." Gabrielle kissed me again, pressing her body fully to mine. She pulled away, stroking my hair lovingly and whispering things I didn't quite understand. It sounded like another language, she was smiling at me though, holding me to her. I just let her, not knowing what else to do. She sighed suddenly, contented. "Oh, hold me, won't you Astrid?" She smiled again, amused by my name apparently, and turned on her side once more, pressing her body into the curve of mine, wrapping my hands about her body tightly. "Hold me, Astrid, hold me, sleep Astrid..."
I did as she asked, a feel of warm skin and this exotic, biting scent that made me feel tingly. I lay with her, feeling strange, but I closed my eyes anyway, and after a few minutes of listening to her breath quietly, fell asleep.
I woke up god-knows how much later, and it was dark. Gabrielle sat above me, looking at me with those intense eyes. I was naked, I felt cold, but strangely Gabrielle was clothed. Not in much though, she wore only this gauzy white material that covered enough for modesty, but left little to the imagination. You could see through it except for the fact that it was thickly layered over her breasts and hips. She was just looking at me, a thoughtful look on her face. Though it was night and I was practically nude, I didn't feel cold. I sat up, looking at her, smiling despite myself, wondering what was going on. I felt like this had been a dream, perhaps I was still asleep. Gabrielle handed me a thick cloth, it was black. It was the same material as she was wearing. I stood awkwardly with it in my hands, not knowing what to do with it. I felt cold stone beneath my feet and realized she had taken my shoes off while I was sleeping.
Gabrielle stood with me, eyes on me still intently. Oh so carefully, she slid my panties off of my hips, down my the length of my legs and once they reached my knee's, she tore them with strength she didn't look as if she possessed. The ruined cloth she tossed to the side. The cloth I was holding, she took from my hands. The cloth she wore fell around her like a crude dress or a toga, wrapping about her shoulders and her body, but it looked like angel's cloth. I stood, naked and shivering slightly from the strangeness, and let her wrap the black cloth about me. She started at my shoulder, wrapping it across my chest twice, wrapping it around my breasts three times so that there it was opaque, around my stomach, across my hips and butt three times, wrapping the cloth upward again so that it was tucked all around me. Though it was so see-through and the wrapping strange, it was surprisingly comfortable. 
I looked at Gabrielle. Her hair was dry now, wavy, falling down to her waist. Mine was shorter, actually dyed blue. My skin, unlike Gabrielle's, was a rich brown from being in the sun. It looked like Gabrielle was never touched by it. 
Gabrielle cocked her head, a strange smile on her face, a look in her eyes. Though it was dark, the moon illuminated our rock, bathing us both in pale light. Gabrielle raised her hand, I raised my hand to meet it, and then she raised her other hand, I did the same. We touched hands, intertwining fingers.
"You are my Earth Child. Like me, you're different." She kissed me firmly, biting my lower lip gently that made me shiver with want. My knees went weak and I felt like I couldn't hold myself up, Gabrielle being the only thing keeping me standing. When she pulled away though, I gasped, amazed.
Sprouted from Gabrielle's back were the wings like the ones on the bat tattoo. She flexed them in the light, smiling. I looked at her hands, her fingertips ending in sharp looking claws. I brushed her hair out of her face, and she smiled at my reaction to her delicately pointed ears, the neat, sharp looking little pointed canines. The entirety of her eyes had become swallowed up in blackness. 
"What are you?" I asked, incredulous.
Gabrielle cocked her head curiously. With these new changes, she was more animal than human, and more graceful than both. She wrapped one large wing about the entirety of her body, hiding behind it. "I'm a bat with butterfly wings, I'm Gabrielle, I'm your Bat." She hid behind her wing even more, shy eyes regarding me. "You're my Earth Child, my lover, my companion." She whispered. As she said that, a slight breeze started up that was warm but it felt so strange. With a gasp of air, I felt as if something reached inside of me and pulling. It wasn't painful, it was a wonderful carress, but it was so strange, so alien. The breeze calmed and the pulling ceased.
I still felt like me, but I was suddenly aware of things I hadn't been before. For one thing, I could hear everything, the softest rustle in the grass across the river and I knew it was a mouse for how delicately it tread. I could see Gabrielle better too, every detail of her beautiful wings was illuminated to my newfound senses. I felt better, stronger, still me, but infinately more aware of myself.
Then I felt my tail twitch.
I looked down and like I would move my hand, my tail went in the air, twitching like a cat's. I touched it, amazed. It was like thick like a lion's, ending with a thick tuft of black silky fur, but the entirety of it was tawny gold. My hands! My hands were like paw's now, still human but now I had retractable claws, black things that could tear flesh and break bone. I touched my face, feeling nothing different, until I felt my ears. Cat's ears on either side of my face, still human but now like a lion's. I touched my teeth, finding large, curved canines that were set comfortably in my mouth as if they'd been their my entire life. I was so startled by all of it, my wings opened, catching a gush of air and almost knocking me backwards. I closed them quickly, without thinking about it, amazed at the instantaneous reaction. I touched them, feeling feathers. Silky soft feathers, but they were my feathers, on my back. 
Gabrielle was watching me through all of this, still hiding behind her wing. Shyly untucking herself from it, like stepping out from behind a curtain or something, she folded her wing back, looking at me with a pleased look in her eye.
"What's going on? What am I?" I asked, unafraid, I felt so right, it all felt right. Strange but it felt perfectly alright. I was just so amazed.
Gabrielle shrugged, stepping closer to me. Carefully, as if wrapping her arms about me, she enclosed me in those wings of hers, our bodies close. "I don't know. I don't know what any of this is. You're my Earth Child though. I'm your Bat. I've felt you all of my life."
I felt Gabrielle's thumbs, not the ones on her hands, on the ends of her wings, playing with my hair nervously. I touched them, hooking one finger around hers, smiling and content.
Gabrielle leaned over and kissed me again. I kissed her back with vigor. Her tongue was neat and quick, the most intimate of things while mine was like a cat's, slow and carressing. I maneuvered my wings with little effort to enclose hers, so that we formed a circle of our bodies with us trapped inside. We held hands, kissing like that. It felt like a perfect eternity before Gabrielle stepped away from me again, and she was Gabrielle, not Bat. She blinked at me, smiling mysteriously. I looked down at my own body, I was me again as well, plain Astrid and not Earth child. I could feel everything though, my tail, teeth, wings, everything. I could still hear and see and smell everything around me, but I looked like Astrid.
I blinked and suddenly Gabrielle was Bat again. I watched her as the features that set her apart just kind of winked out of sight. One moment she'd be this almost alien thing of ferocious beauty, and then she'd be Gabrielle, and back again to Bat. I could always feel that otherness to her though.
I wondered if I could do the same. I concentrated on being different, being Earth Child. My secret features became substantial again, I was Earth Child. Gabrielle laughed and touched my forehead, tugging a bit. I reached up and touched two horns on either side of my forehead, small ones, but horns none the less. It was strange but it just felt correct. I flared my nostrils, taking in the pure pine scent of the woods, the rich purity of the water, I could smell the Earth, animals, vegetation, and more overpowering than all of that, I could smell Gabrielle. Something very feminine and alluring, but I could also smell Bat. Something powerful, ancient and very, very sexy.
I grabbed Gabrielle in both of my clawed hands by the hips, smelling her excitement, a chemical change in the air really. I pulled her close and she nuzzled my cheek very cat-like. Deep in my throat a rumbling started. I was surprised for a moment before I realized I was purring. Before either of us could react, I kissed her deeply.
We held each other tightly, and there was a small thought in the back of my mind...
I was Earth Child, and I had found my Bat with Butterfly Wings.

619907  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-07-10
Written: (7183 days ago)
Next in thread: 620013

Oh to be loved, and yet not. The circle turns, the circle turns. Going from feeling as if I have all the love I can handle, now feeling as if I have none of it. I have no one. One day, everyone will leave me, and I will be left with my sad memories.

Ceci now has kj. It'll happen. I know it will. I will be on the outside once again. Gay. Strange. 

Amanda once again ruins my life with intervening. It upsets me that she knows so much about me, she has so many pieces of me and she's squeezing them painfully all at once, making them bleed and crack. So I fall to my knees and agree to do anything she wants. Not anymore though, not anymore. I'm standing up to her, even though there's blood gushing from my eyes and I feel like I cannot stand up against her, I'll do it.

I'm taking back the pieces of my life, one by one. I have gotten them from Garrett finally. It's mine again. Which means I have the capacity to love again. I've gotten them mostly back from Emily, she still keeps a few on a string round her neck, but they will be mine again. I will look upon her with pity, not sadness. Mira, though it's far and difficult, I am getting them back.

So what do I do with these new pieces of me that I have recently attained? I give them away again.

Fuck Roxxy, what kind of idiot are you?

You knew, you told yourself, it would never happen, it won't happen, you know it'd never happen.

She's proved it to you too.

Spend the night awake, wondering if she'll look at the letters, the blog, and if she had, you'd know and feel good, but she didn't. Now you're humiliated, horribly so, because that piece of hope has died.

Instead she went to see what the boy wrote, as she should. I'm happy for it, but I'm still the friend.

Just a friend, like everyone I know.

I HAVE SO MANY FUCKING GODDAMN FRIENDS! I have so many. Most of whom see me as someone apart, different from the rest, special, but not a single one knows or understands what I wish I could have.

I just want my Bat. I want her to love me as I love her already.

Is there even a Bat out there? Will I spend my life suffering long, chasing after a bit of smoke?

I haven't seen even a glimpse of her yet. Not like I've seen anything except for my own backyard, but in all the people I've met, not a glimpse.

Except for the unknown, the alien, the people that venture beyond my backyard. That beautiful woman with the all the tattoos and the cute bathing suit with the skirt. What a paradox. Wearing an adorable little old-lady bathing suit, and yet wore a full sleeve of tattoos, and more on her back and lower back. She had two young gorgeous girls, such precious creatures. She was beautiful. I saw the Bat within her. Butterfly wings? Maybe. 

My winged horse, prancing in circles, going in and out of my vision, a mirage? My box, a great impenetrable thing, swirling dark with bits of red, the orchid, the ladder...

How strange it is that everything had changed in the past couple years but my friends. Nothing has changed about my friends. Nothing at all. It was still the same sturdy ladder that was perfect and it leaned against my box. It was the same old ladder, not decaying, looks almost freshly made, hand-made... 

I am going to drive myself fucking nuts if I think too hard about all of this bull shit. That's what it is too, it's bull shit. ALL OF IT.



I need her, I need her more than anything I've ever wanted.

I need my mice, and my dog.


Yet I am denied. I had momentary glimpses of my fucking happiness. I had The Lord, my most holy of treasured possessions, and within a day he escaped from me and died. I cried more about that damn fucking mouse than I had my friend's father dying, who had been like a dad to me.

Why? Because I don't trust people. No matter how much I loved him, I loved her, I love everyone, I don't trust people. Animals are easy to trust. An animal will not try to hurt you emotionally.

I had a fleeting glimpse of happiness. I had fucking Emily. Emily who was my world, my treasured possession, my love, my life! For an entire week, I was blissfully happy, I had nothing in the world that could have made me happier than Emily. One weekend we're apart and she works up the courage to tell me that her mother despises me and thinks I shouldn't hang out with her daughter, her perfect excuse to run into the arms of her darling Jesii. SHE FUCKING KISSED HIM WHILE MY HEART WAS BREAKING RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER. That girl has no guilt, no fucking shame over anything. I HATE HER. I HATE HER. 

Ever since then, I've had nothing.

I am empty.

People wondered why I had wanted a mouse so badly.

613028  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-01
Written: (7192 days ago)

My still happiest memory of my life when hanging out with a friend is out on that damn paddle boat, after being warm on beer and giddiness of success. Slipping into the water, successfully not catching my skull on the fish hook dangling above me, and swimming about, my breasts practically in my eyebrows.

But that's okay.

The only thing I regret is the fact that I drowned a worm. *Sniffs*. Poor wormy. I love you wormy.

I am so sad that that squirrel got hit. If I had been driving, I would have pulled over, run across the highway, and took the little thing to a vet's office to try and see if they could help it, or maybe just put it out of it's misery. No though, I don't even know whether it's alive. Oh heartfelt misery! 


Oh well.

Here's where I get my 'Bat'. It's the song of my heart, the song of my love. MM, I love it.

I awoke the dawn
Saw horses growing out the lawn
Ah ah .....

I glimpsed a bat with butterfly wings
Oh what marvelous things
Ah ah....

Dark night...hold tight, and sleep tight
My baby
Morning light...shall burst bright
And keep us here safely

I followed a rabbit
Through rows of mermaid entwined Shrubbery
Ah ah....
Oh what marvelous things but, they are, they are, they are
Giving me the creeps

Dark night...hold tight, and sleep tight
My baby
Morning light...shall burst bright
And keep us here safely

Oh...lying in the sun
Everday feeling all of the magic in life
You might find the wonder.....

Dark night...hold tight, and sleep tight
My baby
Morning light...shall burst bright
And keep us here safely
Morning light...shall burst bright
And keep us here safely
Ah ah.....

613026  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-01
Written: (7192 days ago)

Ah, I think, glorious thoughts. Secret, but glorious.


I love you Cecil B. you're my love nacho, goodness me.

Hello Amelia Salisbury, have you seen Margaret Chamberlain? I believe she's gone off the pot again.

Chipped I tell you, chipped.


593718  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-06-08
Written: (7215 days ago)

Damn, but do I like women.

Yes, I do.

Of course, I hate most of the population because of this or that (Probably because I just don't know them, those that I do, I don't like many), which includes women, and lesbians as well. Fuck, the worst thing anyone could call me is a fucking dyke, not even in anger. I can take some ass hole calling me a dyke for this reason or that, but a dyke in any other form is NOT ME.

I hate lesbian culture in that sense. Womyn, boi's, femme's (Attracted to femme's actually...), blah blah blah... IT MAKES ME ANGRY! I am a woMAN. A GIRL. I do not posess some other fucking trait that sets me apart from the rest of WOMANHOOD. Just because I don't like men generally, and not at all sexually, doesn't mean that I am all of a sudden boi-ish in any way. 

I am a romantic invididual, not much differen than your average lonely sixteen year old dreaming of the love of her life, it just so happens that I think the love of my life will be a woman, not a man.

So everything I do all of a sudden (By Aubrey...) is me being a fucking dyke. I spit on that.

Fuck that SHIT.

Ooh, Roxxy be mad something big.

Of course, this all has to do with that constantly changing mood thing I have.


592319  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-06-07
Written: (7217 days ago)

In the days after Philip's death, things are going rather well.

Suddenly I have the motivation to do everything. This is why school (Conventional school of any sort) is bad for me.

I love Phil so much, but I also know he's happier wherever he is, probably arguing with Buster Keaton, Harold Lloyd and Charlie Chaplain in his charming ways. *Sighs*.

I was thinking about being gay (As I often do). Questioning it because that is my nature, analyze it to death and then freak out about the results, but every road points to fag! So I am pretty sure I'm gay. Right now, as always, the thought of female flesh makes my senses spin, in a sensual way. 

If only...

Of course I can't voice that one thought.

Um, let me see, listening to Jay Gordon of Orgy sing Slept So Long, lovely song...

I was looking at all the people I've known over the past year and ninety percent of them are infantile bastards that I despise. Kind of sad.

I really hoped that they would look beyond my walls.

Fuck, the worst one yet, above all of them, is Garrett. Garrett whom I loved, who was the one block point between me and sanity really. He fucked up my life for three years. Now, I don't even know him, nor do I care. He's such a dick. It's difficult to look back on that part of my life and see how he manipulated and abused me the way he did. I let it happen, even after I came to a certain sense of self-actualization. I was in love with him, desperately so, and he fucked me over.

People wonder why I have such a hard time trusting anyone.

I think a certain part of it is fate though, being born under the sign of Virgo, shaping my personality through events seemingly random.

Of course, my Rising Sign is Leo, which I despise... I can't keep it under control, in my Virgo way, so more often than not my Leo side embarrasses me. *Sighs*.

How unfortunate.

I love gay girls.

 The logged in version 

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